Community Regional Charter School
Governance Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday August 2, 2023 at 1:00 PM
Committee Members Present
N. Reinholt (remote), T. Arnold (remote)
Committee Members Absent
Guests Present
A. Savage (remote), T. Works (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
II. New Policies
Status check on previous policies sent to full Board
III. Governance Committee
Board Self Assessment & Goals - Update
Goal - doing orientation with Mike Buja and Stephanie Saltzman and getting them logged into BoT and Epicenter (ideally they meet with board chair and executive director to get everything setup and going including logged into BoT, Epicenter, share the bylaws, specific policies, etc)
Nicki is going to be meeting with our Governance Coach from Board OnTrack in September and will discuss what trainings need to be completed annually.
Discussed and reviewed the Board manual - made a few adjustments to the document and will communicate board member expectations and review at an upcoming full board meeting.
Full board orientation and training will be done during the October board meeting.
IV. Existing Policies
Review status of Section I policies to remove (July1st read/Aug 2nd read)
Vote for 1st read will take place at the August 14th board meeting with a follow up 2nd read and vote for elimination at September 11th meeting.
Review status of First Reading for revision of IGA and IMDC
Vote for 1st read of revision will take place at the August 14th board meeting with a follow up 2nd read and vote for adopt revisions at September 11th board meeting
Review suggested edits (from legal/recommended changes) to the following policies & plan full Board reviews
Tonya shared each policy and committee reviewed legal/recommended changes to each policy.
Vote for 1st reading and adoption to comply with legal changes that are already in effect at the August 14th board meeting.
Review the following Section I policies for revision or review w/o changes
Vote at the August 14th board meeting to review without change Section I policies.
V. Other Business
Tracking Document
Tonya will reorganize the tracking document and will update at next month's meeting.
VI. Closing Items
Agenda Items for Next Month
- Board Manual
- Look at the tracking document
- Review Charter and Bylaws document
Approve minutes from today's meeting
Minutes from today's meeting were unanimously approved.
Tonya completed this task and it is done.