Community Regional Charter School
Governance Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday April 5, 2023 at 1:00 PM
Creative Children's Academy
48 South Factory Street
Skowhegan, ME
Committee Members Present
N. Reinholt (remote), T. Arnold (remote)
Committee Members Absent
D. Denis
Guests Present
A. Savage (remote), T. Works (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
II. New Policies
GCSB - Employee Use of Social Media
GBIA - Staff Participation in Political Activities
Had a discussion around how this policy might effect staff working with Maine Alliance of Charter Schools or speaking on behalf of certain potential legislative bills that might effect Charter Schools.
Committee will move this policy forward to the voted on at the May board meeting for first read.
ADF - School District Commitment to the Learning Results
Added a statement in the policy stating that the Maine Learning Results include Common Core standards.
Committee recommends this policy ADF be moved forward to the May board meeting for first read.
III. Governance Committee
Board Self Assessment & Goals - Update
Tabled until next meeting in May.
Policy Audit - Update
Committee is recommending policies BEB, BHC, JLCD, and JLCD-R move forward for 1st read at the April board meeting and 2nd read in May.
Committee is recommending policy BE move forward for 2nd read and elimination at the April board meeting.
Committee is recommending policies JEA, JHB, JK, JKA, JKAA, JKAA-R, JKD, and JKE move forward for adoption of legally required revisions in one reading at the April board meeting.
IV. Existing Policies
Verify timing (proposed April Regular Board meeting) for Board review without change to the following
Recommendation to move forward the following policies to be reviewed by the board without change at the April board meeting: IHBAA, IHBAA-R, JKE-R, JKF, and JKF-R.
Section I and J policies in need of legal updates
Policy IHBAC needs no further action at this time.
Recommendation that the policies IGA and IMDC move forward to the April board meeting for first reading with newly recommended revisions.
Recommendation that the following policies be moved forward to the April board meeting for adoption of legally required revisions in one reading: IHBA, JICIA, JICK, JLCB, and JLCC.
V. Closing Items
Agenda Items for Next Month
For next meeting this committee will take a look at Section I policies that are optional to determine if we want to put them through to the board for first read and elimination or keep and revise them.
Postponed until the April CRCS Leadership Team meeting. Once that group meets the results will be brought back to this committee during the May meeting.