Community Regional Charter School
Governance Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday February 1, 2023 at 1:00 PM
Creative Children's Academy
48 South Factory Street
Skowhegan, ME
Committee Members Present
D. Denis (remote), N. Reinholt, T. Arnold (remote)
Committee Members Absent
Guests Present
A. Savage, T. Works
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
II. New Policies
Narcan Policy
III. Governance Committee
Board Self Assessment & Goals - Update
Travis and Danielle met and updated some pieces of the Board Handbook that is being created.
Discussed the Epicenter Board Trainings
Policy Audit - Update
Board adopted GCOC, BEDH, and ADC policies at the January board meeting. Ashlee will now upload these policies to Board OnTrack.
Board did first read of policies BEB and DN. BEB and DN will move forward for 2nd read and adoption at February board meeting.
Board did first read of policies BE, BBB, BDE, BEC-E, BEC, BEDA, BEDC, BEDG, BGF, CM, and DD for elimination. These policies will move forward for 2nd read and vote for elimination at the February board meeting.
IV. Existing Policies
Required policy BHC - Board Communication with Staff
Tonya shared her edits to policy BHC including legal changes put into place in 2021.
Governance Committee is recommending that this policy go to the board for first reading and adoption at the March board meeting.
Review relevance of BIC-E Certificate of Completion of FOA Training
Governance Committee is going to keep policy BIC-E and reference it in other policies.
V. Closing Items
Agenda Items for Next Month
GBGB - we have this policy coded under ACAF and was adopted by the board. Tonya is going to cross reference the coding make sure it is update to date and accurate
Tonya is going to look at any legal changes that need to be made to policies:
IHBAC - Child Find
JEA - Compulsory Student Attendance
JHB - Truancy
JK - Student Discipline
JKA - Corporal Punishment
JKAA - Use of Physical Restraint and Seclusion
JKAA-R - Use of Physical Restraint and Seclusion - Procedures
JKD - Suspension of Students
JKF - Disciplinary Removal of Students with Disabilities
JKF-R - Disciplinary Removal of Students with Disabilities - Procedures JLCB- Immunization of Students
JLCC - Communicable/Infectious Diseases
Tonya is going to send Travis and Ashlee some draft options for these policies to take a look at and will look at as a Governance Committee in March. Discussion on these policies around whether they are board policies or just items to be added to our Employee Handbook.
GBCC - Employee Use of Cell Phones
GBIA - Staff Participation in Political Activities
Travis shared out the feedback from our CRCS Leadership Meeting regarding adding Narcan to our policy JLCD but it was all positive feedback.
As a Governance Committee, we discussed some of the different optional portions of the policy JLCD on whether or not to keep those or omit them.
Tonya kept any changes and added parts in bold for Board to review at the February meeting.
Committee also reviewed policy JLCD-R which pertains to school field trips.
Governance Committee has made a recommendation for JLCD and JLCD-R to move forward to the Board for a first reading at the next board meeting.