Community Regional Charter School


Governance Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday November 2, 2022 at 1:00 PM


Creative Children's Academy

48 South Factory Street

Skowhegan, ME

Committee Members Present

D. Denis, N. Reinholt, T. Arnold (remote)

Committee Members Absent


Guests Present

Betsy Richard, T. Works

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

T. Arnold called a meeting of the Governance Committee Committee of Community Regional Charter School to order on Wednesday Nov 2, 2022 at 1:04 PM.

II. New Policies


Narcan Policy

Betsy Richard from Somerset Public Health - works to promote harm reduction strategies. Worked with other districts to draft and implement a Narcan Policy. 


Somerset County had 26 OD deaths in 2021, up from 13 in 2020. Age group with highest is 40 - 59 year olds. 


Standing order for Narcan would need to be obtained by our district's medical dr, similar to standing order for EpiPens. 


Travis would figure out who should be trained and communicate to our Telehealth nurse through the state. Per DOE training needs to be provided by a medical provider. 


Narcan can be provided by Somerset Public Health. The easiest way would be to connect with MaineGeneral Harm Reduction Center to access state supply of Narcan at no cost. Shelf-life generally 2-3 years. 


The policy does not require that trained staff would have to be on site if the buildings are being utilized by general public. 


What is the school's liability if it gets taken? There isn't any. 


Storage - out of direct light and at room temperature. 


No adverse reactions if it's not an overdose. Covered under Good Samaritan law covers lay person administration. 


Reporting if administered - there is a state reporting system for tracking purposes to see how many kits are in the community. 


MSAD #54 policy - all staff trained

MSAD #19 - some staff including janitors and bus drivers

MSAD #12 - a handful of key personnel trained



  • Making sure that there is a way to do this so that its not another add-on and not scary for teachers and staff.
  • The sample policy by Drummond Woodsum isn't a separate Narcan Policy, it adds Narcan embedded in medication administration. 
  • Data for how frequently Narcan has been administered on school grounds. 
  • Safety of the person administering. Narcan can send an individual into immediate withdrawal and they could be aggressive.


III. Governance Committee


Board Self Assessment & Goals - Update


  1. Board development - quarterly trainings, goal setting
  2. Develop a Board Calendar for the year
  3. Board manual - communicate Board Member expectations

Will take a break from policies next month to do a working meeting to work collectively on these docs.


Policy Audit - Update

Tracking Document - add to working meeting next month.


Board Member Orientation & Training - Update

  • Gender Equity Training - recommended annually by legal. Only known way to complete this at this time is to read the pages and confirm that they have read.
  • Confidentiality of Student Information Training (under FERPA) - recommended annually by legal. This is available in Drummond Woodsum and could be assigned to board members through there if we get insurance through MSMA. 

IV. Existing Policies


Slate of policies that require no change to bring to full Board for Review

It is the recommendation of the committee to move these following policies to the full board. They have not been reviewed in the last 5 years and require no change for review/reapproval.

  • EBCB Emergency Evacuation Drills (9/4/12)
  • ECB Pest Management in School Facilities (9/4/12)
  • EHB  Records Management (9/4/12)
  • FA Facilities Development Priority Objectives (9/4/12)
  • FB Facilities Planning (9/4/12)
  • FEA Educational Specifications (9/4/12)
  • FF Naming of Facilities (9/4/12)
  • EEBB-R Use of Private Vehicles for School Business: Parent Permission Form
  • EEBB Use of Private Vehicles on School Business: Driver Permission Form
  • EEBB CRCS Use of Private Vehicles on School Business


Editing Policies to comply with legal changes

Recommend to move to full board and adoption with recommended changes. 

  • AC Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action (2017)
  • ACAA  Harassment and Sexual Harassment of Students (2017)
  • ACAA-R  Student Non Discrimination/Harassmen Complaint Procedure Employees (2017)
  • ACAB  Harassment and Sexual Harassment of Employees (2017)
  • ACAB-R Employee Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure
  • ACAB-b Transgender Student Guidelines
  • ACAD  Hazing


V. Other Business


Review Edits suggested by Jessica Carter on Tobacco Policy draft below

Will pick up next month

VI. Closing Items


Agenda Items for Next Month


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 2:18 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Denis


Approve minutes from today's meeting

D. Denis made a motion to accept minutes from todays meeting.
N. Reinholt seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.