Community Regional Charter School

Business Meeting of the Board

Date and Time

Monday June 10, 2024 at 5:30 PM EDT

Members of the public are welcome to attend and observe these meetings but must be aware that although the meeting is held in public it is not a public meeting and therefore observers are not permitted to speak during the meeting itself, except during public comment. 


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 5:30 PM
  A. Record Attendance   Ashlee Savage 1 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Nicki Reinholt 1 m
  C. Approve Agenda Vote Nicki Reinholt 1 m
II. Approve Business Meeting Minutes 5:33 PM

Approve Minutes from 4/22/2024 and 5/13/2024

  A. Approve minutes from 4/22/2024 Business Meeting Approve Minutes Nicki Reinholt 2 m
    Minutes for Business Meeting of the Board on April 22, 2024  
  B. Approve Minutes from 5/13/2024 meeting Approve Minutes Nicki Reinholt 2 m
    Minutes for Business Meeting of the Board on May 13, 2024  
III. Public Comment
IV. Board Chair Updates 5:37 PM
  A. Goals for Charter Commission Year End Report Vote Nicki Reinholt 20 m
  B. Graduation FYI Nicki Reinholt 5 m
  C. Board Member Resignation FYI Nicki Reinholt 5 m

Acknowledgement of Tonya Arnolds' Resignation

  D. Future meeting dates and times Discuss Nicki Reinholt 5 m
V. Executive Director Reports 6:12 PM
  A. Letters of Resignation (since last Board Meeting) FYI Travis Works 2 m

Beth Borden, Facilitator - Dimensions

Emma Frost, Facilitator - Dimensions 

  B. New Hires (since last Board Meeting) FYI Travis Works 2 m

Jen Lord, Facilitator - Dimensions

Esther Rosario, Facilitator - Dimensions 

Casie Frederick, Facilitator - Dimensions

Ben Luce, Facilitator - Overman

  C. Enrollment FYI Travis Works 5 m
  D. Distributive and Shared Leadership Model Reboot


Direction setting with Leadership Team this summer and balancing titles with ego and compensation. Steps we are taking with titles and avoiding issues around egos and compensation. 

VI. Academic Excellence Committee 6:21 PM
  A. Academic Excellence Presentation FYI Elizabeth Firnkes and Susan Muzzy 20 m

Peromance Measures pertaining to Academic Excellence

  B. Approve Academic Excellence Committee Minutes Approve Minutes Michael Buja 5 m
    Minutes for Academic Excellence Committee meeting on June 5, 2024  
VII. Finance & Facilities 6:46 PM
  A. Approve April 2024 performance and stability report Vote Jill Alves 2 m
  B. Approve and Enter 4/29/2024 Finance and Facility Minutes into Public Record Approve Minutes Stephanie Saltzman 2 m
    Minutes for Finance & Facilities Committee Meeting on June 3, 2024  
VIII. Special Board Meeting 6:50 PM

Select a date and time to meet as a full Board to approve the three year projection to the MCSC

Selecti a National Partner ofr a Feasability Partner for future growth

  A. Select a date and time to meet as a full Board to approve the three year projection to the MCSC Vote Jill Alves and Travis Works 10 m
  B. Select a National Partner for a Feasibility Partner for future growth Vote Travis Works 10 m

Documents will be shared as available 

IX. Governance Committee 7:10 PM
  A. Second read and vote to eliminate Vote 8 m

JICH-A Breathalyzer Testing 8/6/14 - ELIMINATE?

ID School Day 11/7/2012 

IDB Cancellation of After-School Activities due to Inclement Weather 11/7/2012

IE Organization of Instructional Program 11/7/2012 


JB Equal Educational Opportunities 8/6/14 - must follow the laws against discrimination anyway

JBA School Toileting Policy 8/6/14 

JHCB Released Time for Religious Instruction 9/26/12 - must follow the laws on excused absences anyway

JI Student Rights and Responsibilities 8/6/14 - typically a handbook and collaborative procedural document worked on with students when reviewed for updates

JICC Student Conduct on School Buses 8/6/14 - should be covered by student code of conduct already

JICC-R Student Conduct on Busses Rules - Does not appear to have been adopted

JICE Student Publications 8/6/14

JICF Hazing 8/6/14 - See Policy ACAD already updated in 2022

JICG Student Tobacco Use 8/6/14 - Policy ADC from 2023 with new requirements technically replaced this old policy

JII Student Complaints and Grievances 9/12/12 - Policy KEB-R from 2022 already covers students equally with parents etc

X. Other Business: 7:18 PM
  A. Approve the FY25 budget Vote Jill Alves, Stephanie Saltzman, Nicki Reinholt 20 m
XI. Closing Items 7:38 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote