Community Regional Charter School

Business Meeting of the Board

Date and Time

Monday November 13, 2023 at 5:30 PM EST

Members of the public are welcome to attend and observe these meetings but must be aware that although the meeting is held in public it is not a public meeting and therefore observers are not permitted to speak during the meeting itself, except during public comment. 


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 5:30 PM
  A. Record Attendance   Ashlee Savage 1 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Nicki Reinholt 1 m
  C. Approve Agenda Vote Nicki Reinholt 1 m
  D. Approve October 16 Business Meeting Minutes Approve Minutes Ashlee Savage 1 m
II. CRCS Spotlight 5:34 PM
  A. Accolades for Overman Academy Support of a Local Community Small Business FYI Dan Ryder 5 m
III. Public Comment
IV. Executive Director Reports 5:39 PM
  A. Letters of Resignation (since last Board Meeting) Vote Travis Works 2 m

Victoria Alexander, Facilitator, Dimensions Academy

  B. New Hires (since last Board Meeting) Vote Travis Works 2 m

Alycia Paige, Ed-Tech III, Creative Children’s Academy

Erica Rowe, Ed-Tech II, Creative Children’s Academy


  C. Enrollment FYI Travis Works 5 m
  D. Recent Threat to CRCS (Update) FYI Travis Works 5 m
V. Academic Excellence Committee 5:53 PM
  A. Approve minutes from November 6 Committee Meeting Approve Minutes Mike Buja 2 m
  B. Academic Excellence Presentation by Susan FYI Susan Muzzy 10 m

PreK Expansion Highlights

VI. Finance & Facilities 6:05 PM
  A. Approve September performance and stability report Vote Jill Alves 2 m
  B. Enter October Finance and Facility Minutes into Public Record Approve Minutes Stephanie Saltzman 2 m
  C. Vote to Approve Spending $7618.00 for a New Door at Overman Academy Vote Stephanie Saltzman 8 m
  D. Review Insurance Recommendations FYI Stephanie Saltzman 10 m
VII. Governance Committee 6:27 PM
  A. Vote to approve November 8 Governance Meeting Minutes Approve Minutes Tonya Arnold 5 m
  B. Draft Board Manual FYI Tonya Arnold 12 m

Share a copy of the Governing Board's Manual

  C. Vote to adopt policy IJJ in one reading Vote 2 m

IJJ - Instructional and Library Materials Selection

  D. Vote to document that the board has reviewed policy ILD without changes. Vote 2 m

ILD - Student Submission to Surveys, Analysis, or Evaluations

  E. Vote to accept a first reading of policy BDB Vote 3 m

BDB - Board Officers

  F. Vote to accept a first reading for elimination of policies EA, EB,EBCD, ED, EE, and EEAEE Vote 5 m

EA - Support Services Goals

EB - Safety Program

EBCD - Weather-Related Emergencies

ED - Free School Supplies and Materials

EE - Transportation Services Management

EEAEE - School Transportation Accident Policy

VIII. Other Business
IX. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote