Community Regional Charter School

Governance Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday August 2, 2023 at 1:00 PM EDT


Creative Children's Academy

48 South Factory Street


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 1:00 PM
  A. Record Attendance   1 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Tonya Arnold 1 m



The governance committee is commissioned by and responsible to the Board of Directors to:

  • assume the primary responsibility for matters pertaining to Board of Directors recruitment, nominations, orientation, training, and evaluation in accordance with the bylaws of the organization, and;
  • establish policies and practices to recommend for approval by the Board of Directors.


II. New Policies 1:02 PM
  A. Status check on previous policies sent to full Board Discuss Tonya Arnold 5 m

Recommended to full Board for 1st read May and 2nd read/adopt June:


ADF - School District Commitment to the Learning Results


GBIA - Staff Participation in Political Activities


GCSB - Employee Use of Social Media


III. Governance Committee 1:07 PM
  A. Board Self Assessment & Goals - Update Discuss Danielle Denis 25 m

Review status of goals and discuss any necessary next steps.


  1. Board development - quarterly trainings, goal setting updates
  2. Review Board Calendar for the year - decide when/how to share with full Board for reference
  3. Board manual - communicate Board Member expectations - review draft and plan when/how to share with full Board
IV. Existing Policies 1:32 PM
  A. Review status of Section I policies to remove (July1st read/Aug 2nd read) Discuss Tonya Arnold 10 m

IHB Special Education Policy and Purposes 

IHBAA-E Maine Special Education Regulations (Chap. 101)

IHBAB Free Appropriate Public Education

IHBAG Programming in the Least Restrictive Environment Policy

IHBAI Independent Educational Evaluations Policy

IHBAJProvision of Supportive Services to Students with Disabilities

IHBAK Life Sustaining Emergency Care Policy

IHBAM Third Party Funding for Services to Students with Disabilities

IHBAQ Transition Services for Students with Disabilities Leaving School

IHBF Homebound Instruction

IIB Class Size

IJNDC School System Website/Web Pages

IJNDC-E Agreement to Publish Student Information on the CRCS Website

IJOA Field Trips and Excursions

IJOAA Overnight Class Trips

IJOC School Volunteers

IKA Grading System

IKB Homework

IMBD Flag Displays


  B. Review status of First Reading for revision of IGA and IMDC 3 m

Review status of policy changes recommended to full Board for 1st read July and 2nd read/adopt August:


    IGA - Curriculum Development and Adoption 

    IMDC - The Celebration of Holidays



  C. Review suggested edits (from legal/recommended changes) to the following policies & plan full Board reviews 30 m

BBAA - Board Member Authority

BCB - Conflict of Interest

BCC - Nepotism

EBAA - Chemical Hazards

EBCF - Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Policy

GBEBB - Staff Conduct with Students

GBN - Family and Medical Leave

GBO - Family Care Leave

GCFB - Recruiting and Hiring of Administrative Staff

GCFB-R - Recruiting and Hiring of Administrative Staff: Administrative Procedures

JICIA - Weapons, Violence and School Safety

JICK - Bullying and Cyberbullying

  D. Review the following Section I policies for revision or review w/o changes 35 m

IHBAL Grievance Procedure for Persons with Disabilities (Required for Fed Grants)

IHBEA LAU Plan (Language Assessment Committee)  (Required for Fed Grants)

IK Reporting of Student Academic Achievement

IMBB Exemption from Required Instruction

IMG Animals in School

IMGA Service Animals in Schools

V. Other Business

Review Tracking Document to check if current with adoptions/reviews that have happened to date and decide on next policies to review/revise.


Any other item added to the agenda at the beginning of this meeting

VI. Closing Items 2:50 PM
  A. Agenda Items for Next Month Discuss Tonya Arnold 3 m
  B. Approve minutes from today's meeting Vote 3 m
  C. Adjourn Meeting Vote 1 m