Community Regional Charter School
Governance Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Creative Children's Academy
48 South Factory Street
Skowhegan, ME
Purpose | Presenter | Time | |||
I. | Opening Items | 1:00 PM | |||
A. | Record Attendance | 1 m | |||
B. | Call the Meeting to Order | Tonya Arnold | 1 m | ||
The governance committee is commissioned by and responsible to the Board of Directors to:
II. | New Policies | 1:02 PM | |||
A. | GCSB - Employee Use of Social Media | Discuss | Tonya Arnold | 10 m | |
Report results from March District Leadership Team review of policy and decide on next steps.
GCSB - Employee Use of Social Media - 2022
B. | GBIA - Staff Participation in Political Activities | Discuss | Tonya Arnold | 10 m | |
C. | ADF - School District Commitment to the Learning Results | 15 m | |||
ADF - School District Commitment to the Learning Results
This is a legally required policy for all public schools in Maine. The version in Google for CRCS does not appear to have ever been officially adopted.
In the link above is some suggested language to bring the draft in line with a sample policy and several other similar policies adopted by other districts in Maine are also included for comparison. |
III. | Governance Committee | 1:37 PM | |||
A. | Board Self Assessment & Goals - Update | Discuss | Danielle Denis | 25 m | |
Review status of goals and discuss any necessary next steps.
B. | Policy Audit - Update | Discuss | Tonya Arnold | 5 m | |
1. Review status of the vote to approve first reading at March Regular Board Meeting of the following policies: BEB - Board Member Use of Social Media BHC - Board Communication with Staff JLCD - Administration of Medication to Students JLCD-R - Administration of Medication on Field Trips 2. Review status of vote to approve first reading for consideration of ELIMINATION at March Regular Board Meeting of policy BE - Regular Board Meetings
3. Review status of the vote to approve adoption of legally required revisions in one reading to the following policies: JEA - Compulsory Student Attendance JHB - Truancy JK - Student Discipline JKA - Corporal Punishment JKAA - Use of Physical Restraint and Seclusion JKAA-R - Use of Physical Restraint and Seclusion - Procedures JKD - Suspension of Students JKE - Expulsion of Students
IV. | Existing Policies | 2:07 PM | |||
A. | Verify timing (proposed April Regular Board meeting) for Board review without change to the following | Discuss | Tonya Arnold | 5 m | |
IHBAA - Referral and Use of General Education Interventions. (only edit = change "Superintendent" to "Executive Director") IHBAA-R - Referral Procedures and General Education Interventions JKE-R Expulsion of Students Guidelines JKF-R - Disciplinary Removal of Students with Disabilities - Procedures
B. | Section I and J policies in need of legal updates | Discuss | Tonya Arnold | 30 m | |
Recommend that Governance Committee monitor the status of IHBAC monthly for awhile. IHBAC - Child Find - Recommend continuing to hold off on revision of this one because lawyers currently disagree with DOE opinion issued last year on changing the maximum age for enrollment. MUSER and ME State Statute both still state a maximum age of 21. There was a NJ court decision that ruled age 22, but lawyers do not believe it has any jurisdiction over the rest of the country at this time.
Review for recommendation to full Board for vote in APRIL to approve first reading of newly recommended revisions to the following policies: IGA. - Curriculum Development and Adoption IMDC - The Celebration of Holidays
Review for recommendation to full Board for vote in APRIL to approve adoption of legally required revisions in one reading to the following policies: IHBA - Individualized Education Programs JICIA - Weapons, Violence and School Safety JICK - Bullying and Cyberbullying Prevention in Schools JLCB- Immunization of Students JLCC - Communicable/Infectious Diseases
V. | Other Business | ||||
Review Tracking Document to check if current with adoptions/reviews that have happened to date and decide on next policies to review/revise.
Any other item added to the agenda at the beginning of this meeting |
VI. | Closing Items | 2:42 PM | |||
A. | Agenda Items for Next Month | Discuss | Tonya Arnold | 5 m | |
B. | Approve minutes from today's meeting | Vote | 3 m | ||
C. | Adjourn Meeting | Vote | 1 m |