Community Regional Charter School

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday November 21, 2022 at 5:30 PM EST


Unless otherwise indicated, monthly meetings of the Board will be held at CCA (48 S Factory Street, Skowhegan) with a virtual option.

Members of the public are welcome to attend and observe these meetings but must be aware that although the meeting is held in public it is not a public meeting and therefore observers are not permitted to speak during the meeting itself, except during public comment. 


I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
    Approve minutes for Business Meeting of the CRCS Board on October 17, 2022
II. Public Comment
III. Executive Director Reports
  A. Resignations
  B. New Hires
  C. Community Events
  D. Strategic Design Meeting Follow up
  E. Enrollment
  F. Leadership Agenda Notes
  G. NWEA Presentation
IV. Other Communications
  A. Commission Updates

New interim Director of MCSC

V. Finance & Facilities
  A. Approve monthly financial performance measures
  B. Property Lease for Vehicle and Storage

Travis will present drafted lease for property to store vehicles and storage units. Where this will likely be the first time the Board sees the draft, we will not be making a vote.

  C. Vote to approve RHR Smith & Associates for FY 23, 25 & 25

RHR were the only ones to respond to our RFP and submit a proposal.

  D. FY 22 Audit

Will be voting on this at the next board meeting. We may have a draft for the meeting. 

VI. Governance Committee
  A. Governance Committee Minutes

Enter governance committee meeting minutes into public record

    Approve minutes for Governance Committee Meeting on November 2, 2022
  B. Review/confirm policies that require no change
  • EBCB Emergency Evacuation Drills (9/4/12)
  • ECB Pest Management in School Facilities (9/4/12)
  • EHB  Records Management (9/4/12)
  • FA Facilities Development Priority Objectives (9/4/12)
  • FB Facilities Planning (9/4/12)
  • FEA Educational Specifications (9/4/12)
  • FF Naming of Facilities (9/4/12)
  • EEBB-R Use of Private Vehicles for School Business: Parent Permission Form
  • EEBB Use of Private Vehicles on School Business: Driver Permission Form
  • EEBB CRCS Use of Private Vehicles on School Business
  C. Vote to approve edits of the following policies to comply with legal changes:
  • AC Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action (2017)
  • ACAA  Harassment and Sexual Harassment of Students (2017)
  • ACAA-R  Student Non Discrimination/Harassmen Complaint Procedure Employees (2017)
  • ACAB  Harassment and Sexual Harassment of Employees (2017)
  • ACAB-R Employee Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure
  • ACAB-b Transgender Student Guidelines
  • ACAD  Hazing
VII. Executive Committee
  A. Set date to complete ED Eval
VIII. Executive Session
  A. Vote to enter Executive Session pursuant to MRSA 405(6)(E) - For the purposes of consulting with legal counsel regarding the Board’s rights and duties with respect to pending or contemplated litigation.
  B. Discussion
  C. Vote to exit executive session
  D. Vote to enter executive session pursuant to MRSA 405(6)(A)1 - Evaluation of ED
  E. Review of ED Eval
  F. Vote to exit executive session
IX. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting