Community Regional Charter School

Governance Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday November 2, 2022 at 1:00 PM EDT


Creative Children's Academy

48 South Factory Street

Skowhegan, ME


I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order



The governance committee is commissioned by and responsible to the Board of Directors to:

  • assume the primary responsibility for matters pertaining to Board of Directors recruitment, nominations, orientation, training, and evaluation in accordance with the bylaws of the organization, and;
  • establish policies and practices to recommend for approval by the Board of Directors.


II. New Policies
  A. Narcan Policy

Guest speaker, Betsy Richard from Somerset Public Health will present a sample Narcan policy and answer any questions the committee may have.

III. Governance Committee
  A. Board Self Assessment & Goals - Update

Review status of goals and discuss any necessary next steps.


  1. Board development - quarterly trainings, goal setting
  2. Develop a Board Calendar for the year
  3. Board manual - communicate Board Member expectations
  B. Policy Audit - Update

Review progress and discuss steps planned for the upcoming month. 


Tracking Document.


  C. Board Member Orientation & Training - Update

Review status on the following required trainings for members of the Board:


Freedom of Access Training - due within 120 days of taking office

Gender Equity Training - recommended annually by legal

Confidentiality of Student Information Training (under FERPA) - recommended annually by legal

IV. Existing Policies
  A. Slate of policies that require no change to bring to full Board for Review

Review/confirm next slate of 15-20 policies that have not been reviewed in the last 5 years and require no change to be moved forward to Monthly Board Meeting for review/reapproval.

  • EBCB Emergency Evacuation Drills (9/4/12)
  • ECB Pest Management in School Facilities (9/4/12)
  • EHB  Records Management (9/4/12)
  • FA Facilities Development Priority Objectives (9/4/12)
  • FB Facilities Planning (9/4/12)
  • FEA Educational Specifications (9/4/12)
  • FF Naming of Facilities (9/4/12)

Consider keeping/reapproving the following for liability reasons, unless we instead adopt a policy prohibiting private transport instead:

  • EEBB-R Use of Private Vehicles for School Business: Parent Permission Form
  • EEBB Use of Private Vehicles on School Business: Driver Permission Form
  • EEBB CRCS Use of Private Vehicles on School Business

Consider holding off on these for now and consider the potential elimination of these policies in future as they are not required:



  B. Editing Policies to comply with legal changes

The following policies (previously updated 9/24/18) need to be updated asap and suggested edits have been recommended by legal counsel in other districts based on legislative changes over the recent 4 years:

  • AC Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action (2017)
  • ACAA  Harassment and Sexual Harassment of Students (2017)
  • ACAA-R  Student Non Discrimination/Harassmen Complaint Procedure Employees (2017)
  • ACAB  Harassment and Sexual Harassment of Employees (2017)
  • ACAB-R Employee Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure
  • ACAB-b Transgender Student Guidelines
  • ACAD  Hazing

Recommend putting these forward to the full Board for first reading in October 2022.

V. Other Business
  A. Review Edits suggested by Jessica Carter on Tobacco Policy draft below

ADC Tobacco Use and Possession (last updated on 9/24/18 - suggestions show an updated draft based on law changes in 2021)

ADC-R Tobacco Use and Possession Administrative Procedures (Likely NOT NEEDED WITH NEW VERSION of ADC)




VI. Closing Items
  A. Agenda Items for Next Month

1. Confirm list to move forward for second reading of full Board from Section A (see list above) as well as slate of anti-harassment related policies for November regular board meeting.

2. Other?

  B. Adjourn Meeting
  C. Approve minutes from today's meeting