Nuasin Next Generation Charter School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday October 24, 2024 at 6:30 PM


At Nuasin Next Generation, we believe in the unlimited talent and intellectual potential of our scholars and our community. We cultivate this talent and intellectual potential through a progressive education that focuses on deep exploration, thoughtful questioning, relentless curiosity and critical thinking. Nuasin Next Generation Charter School implements a progressive K-12 educational program and an unyielding commitment to cultivating our scholars’ innate intellectual talents to empower our graduates to achieve excellence in their postsecondary paths and make positive impacts on the broader community. Every single one of our scholars have the potential to be great and change the world, at Nuasin Next Generation we prepare our scholars for that opportunity.

3 Pillars
The Mission of Nuasin Next Generation stands firmly on the foundation of our three pillars: Rigor, Self-Advocacy, and Community. These three pillars are the guiding principles for our school and culture. Please find a deeper explanation of our  pillars below.

We use the word “rigor” not in the stringent or inflexible sense, but in the sense of an unyielding need to challenge and push our scholars because we understand and believe in the potential, talent, and ability of our scholars and community. We challenge our scholars to build their confidence and help them realize what they can achieve. 

Our scholars are empowered to advocate for themselves, their families, and their communities. As our scholars come to understand that their voices are valued and needed, they learn to advocate for themselves. Our scholars are seen and valued; they understand that not only do they have the right to express their opinions, views, and perspectives, but it is their obligation to do so. 

Our scholars will embrace community and understand that as a member of a community you have certain
inalienable rights, the right to be seen, the right to be heard, the right to be protected and the right to be loved and
cherished. Our scholars will also learn of their obligations. As a member of a community you have the obligation to
respect, listen, support and only want and assume the best in all others. Every member of our community must understand that they are active participants in the Nuasin community and the community goes as we go.

Trustees Present

A. Bothner (remote), A. Khanyile (remote), E. Chen (remote), J. Boulet (remote), J. Scott (remote), K. Shabazz (remote), S. Huda (remote), T. Bryan (remote)

Trustees Absent

K. Brisseau, M. Dorrie, S. Pressley

Guests Present

A. Brown (remote), K. Davidson, M. Alston (remote), M. Russell (remote), P. Paulino (remote), R. Johnson (remote), S. Kochar (remote), S. Rasheed (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

A. Bothner called a meeting of the board of trustees of Nuasin Next Generation Charter School to order on Thursday Oct 24, 2024 at 6:41 PM.


Review the Agenda

AB, reviewed the previous agenda. The board voted to approve the agenda.


Board Meeting Updates

II. Mission and Pillars Board Reflection



RJ, read the mission and the alignment of what is needed to continue to drive this mission at Nuasin. 


MR, reflected on the 3 pillars and  the focus this evening was RIGOR. 

III. School Updates


Update from the Executive DIrector

MR, spoke about independent thinkers. Creating a space where students can be independent thinking and thought. How 


We are all readers. You can do things differently.


Family and community partnership. Black and Brown communities don't show up and that not a true statement. 


Staff attendance getting better. Different issues related to HS and moving the metric to 95%

Scholar attendance


MA, reviewed the state of Operations at Nuasin. 

  • Enrollment is currently at 798
  • School goal if 814
  • We kicked off applications for next year. We had 47 application for opening week. 
  • There are 3 open vacancies at the high school
    • HS AP role
    • Data Manager
  • Community event for October : Fall for Fall
    • Great turnout for families and the community. Looking at ways to increase our family partnership and relationship
  • Highlight. Vice Chair KS visit to K-8 was a great success.

AR, want to establish dates for the board of trustee's to visit Nuasin. Will follow-up with MA and MR.


  • 2024 Annual Conference
    • Nuasin attended this year. This school visit consisted of Dream charter, Lion and Great Oaks charter school. 

KS, asked if we can share the participants and the thought process of how Nuasin selected what sessions to attend. 


  • Marketing: Nuasin has posted a spread in El Especialitio  to promote our charter and our new venture. 
  • October and November calendar. Compliance has been submitted for Nov 1 submission. 

AB, asked for the next two board meetings dates. MA, shared the next two dates 11/21 and 12/19. 



Update from the K-8 Principal

MR, presented on behalf of KD. Three core priorities  for K-8

  • Independent Thinkers
  • Everyone's a readers
  • Family and Community partnership

MR, spoke to the importance of increasing scholar voice. While we have a greater execution of inquiry driven learning. While having a deeper culture of literacy throughout the entire school year. 


MR better explained the Fantastic 4 for members of the board




Update from the 9-12 Principal

AB, shared that they are happy that they officially moved into 1366 Cromwell.

Students are sharing the following. 

  • Feels like college
  • Nice and neat
  • Bathrooms are nice

Staff are sharing the following.

  • Calming
  • Relieved
  • Feels like a small college

Families are happy we are back in person and just THANKFUL!


AB also shared the following

  • College Bound
    • Early Action and Early Decision Schools
      • Northeastern
      • Boston College
      • Stony Brook
      • Villanova
      • NYU

Offer substantial financial support in alignment with our debt-free approach

  • Family Engagement
    • 95% Attendance 
    • 100% of families receive daily and/or weekly communication'
    • Ongoing Intervention
    • Daily outreach is required for scholars who are absent each day, as well as for those with chronic absences.
    • Weekly advisor outreach to families



IV. Finance Committee Updates


General Updates

A. Bothner made a motion to approve the financials.
J. Scott seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Dorrie
E. Chen
S. Pressley
A. Khanyile
A. Bothner
T. Bryan
K. Shabazz
S. Huda
K. Brisseau
J. Scott
J. Boulet
A. Bothner made a motion to approve September financials Board Meeting on 09-26-24.
J. Scott seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
E. Chen
M. Dorrie
A. Khanyile
A. Bothner
K. Brisseau
S. Pressley
J. Boulet
S. Huda
T. Bryan
K. Shabazz
J. Scott

SR discussed the September financials. SR stated that we are showing a positive revenue in the per pupil.


Quarterly Update

V. Nominating Committee Update


Nominating Committee Update

AB, shared we are anticipating 1 or 2 interviews in November for the committee needs. More information to share in the coming days. 


Committee Annual Plan

VI. Education Committee Update


Education Committee Update

EC, shared their are no updates on the educational committee. 

VII. Governance Committee Update


Annual Review of Academics

JB, shared we are reassessing the committee work. JB will have more to share with the collective in the coming weeks. 


Trustee Goal Setting Reflection


September Board Meeting Minutes


Board Succession Plan


Annual Bylaw Review

VIII. Public Comments


Public Comments

AB, shared their were no public comment for this month meeting. 

IX. Executive Session


Executive Session proposed for the purposes of the proposed acquisition, sale, or lease of real property or proposed acquisition of securities or sale or exchange of securities, held by such a public body, but only when publicity would substantially affect the value thereof.

AB, moved to executive session at 7:51pm


Executive Session Proposed for the discussion of the medical, financial, credit or employment history of a particular person or corporation, or matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person or corporation;

X. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:12 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Bothner