Nuasin Next Generation Charter School


Monthly Nuasin Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday January 25, 2024 at 6:30 PM


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At Nuasin Next Generation, we believe in the unlimited talent and intellectual potential of our scholars and our community. We cultivate this talent and intellectual potential through a progressive education that focuses on deep exploration, thoughtful questioning, relentless curiosity and critical thinking. Nuasin Next Generation Charter School implements a progressive K-12 educational program and an unyielding commitment to cultivating our scholars’ innate intellectual talents to empower our graduates to achieve excellence in their postsecondary paths and make positive impacts on the broader community. Every single one of our scholars have the potential to be great and change the world, at Nuasin Next Generation we prepare our scholars for that opportunity.

3 Pillars
The Mission of Nuasin Next Generation stands firmly on the foundation of our three pillars: Rigor, Self-Advocacy, and Community. These three pillars are the guiding principles for our school and culture. Please find a deeper explanation of our  pillars below.

We use the word “rigor” not in the stringent or inflexible sense, but in the sense of an unyielding need to challenge and push our scholars because we understand and believe in the potential, talent, and ability of our scholars and community. We challenge our scholars to build their confidence and help them realize what they can achieve. 

Our scholars are empowered to advocate for themselves, their families, and their communities. As our scholars come to understand that their voices are valued and needed, they learn to advocate for themselves. Our scholars are seen and valued; they understand that not only do they have the right to express their opinions, views, and perspectives, but it is their obligation to do so. 

Our scholars will embrace community and understand that as a member of a community you have certain
inalienable rights, the right to be seen, the right to be heard, the right to be protected and the right to be loved and
cherished. Our scholars will also learn of their obligations. As a member of a community you have the obligation to
respect, listen, support and only want and assume the best in all others. Every member of our community must understand that they are active participants in the Nuasin community and the community goes as we go.

Trustees Present

A. Bothner, A. Khanyile (remote), E. Chen, J. Boulet, J. Scott (remote), K. Brisseau, K. Shabazz, S. Pressley

Trustees Absent

M. Dorrie, S. Huda, T. Bryan

Guests Present

A. Brown, C. Polanco, G. Borja, J. Keeney, K. Davidson, S. Meding

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

K. Shabazz called a meeting of the board of trustees of Nuasin Next Generation Charter School to order on Thursday Jan 25, 2024 at 6:42 PM.


Review the Agenda

KS review the Agenda


Board Meeting Updates

no updates at this time. 


Committee Priorities Update

SP reports the next update will be to review vendors. 

EC reports no change in update

JB reports only update is the ED evaluation. 

JS- proceeding with expansion efforts in a mindful manner.

KB reports she is making progress on potential candidate. 

II. Mission and Pillars Board Reflection



KD reviews the community and connects it to the state of schooling, the priorities we keep as a school. 

III. School Update


Executive Director Update

MR discusses the different priority areas: Differentiation, Writing in all components and family engagement.  MR reports staff attendance is progressing in positive direction. KS asks about theories around attendance and MR discusses different dates such as Monday or Friday being more difficult.  MR discusses additional priority areas: intellectual excellence, strong culture of data, and growing the whole child.  MR reviews the pathway to success relating it to expansion. MR reviews the different expansion possibilities, which include expansion of high school, partnering with charter school with additional space and application for SUNY application. EC asks about which concept MR feels is the most optimal. MR responds with the positives for each scenario and selects the Zombie charter as the most promising opportunity. EC asks about what type of plan we have to meet the needs of both schools? MR responds that we are looking to looking to incorporate part of the Montessori model into our academic model. KS asks if we would run a full Montessori school and MR responds we are not interested in it. KB asks for a brief description of the Montessori model and and MR explains the concept with examples. Board members ask how the opportunity came to us and MR explains that Dan Pasek is involved with creating the partnership. EC asks about grades and what the merger would mean for combining educational results. MR responds we would remain separate charters and they would use some of our successful concepts. KS discusses that he supports the Montessori concept as a successful model of the school. KD also discusses the meeting with their school, and his endorsement of the concept. SP asks about performance, and MR responds we do not have that data but they are performing in par with district. AB discusses the potential of the possibility. AB is concerned about branding and wants to be mindful about this point. MR discusses the constructs of our school but mentions he is firm on the pillars, mission and values remaining the same. JB asks if this is part of our priorities and how it impacts our current focus? MR explains that we need multiple focuses in order to move forward with expansion. EC asks about different concepts within the merger. AB asks if we have seen their financials and MR responds we have not. MR discusses sustainability plans and the timeline.  SM discusses timeline of development. SP interested in building our salesforce for a software for NNG. SM discusses the different types of certifications we can have. EC asks about the plan and types of data and SM responds that we are looking into data that will drive our mission. 


K-8 Update

KD begins with the different priority areas and highlights the different school events. Reports scholars that are in the city wide spelling bee. KD discusses ELA updates, IAs were conducted in November and again in January. Focuses on building scholar confidence. KD reports that we are participating in simulated online state testing. KD reports math updates, in the curriculum plans, and the confidence building for scholars. 


9-12 Update

AB discusses the different focuses for High school. AB discusses the scholar Christine Olagunju, who passed away very recently. AB presents the different ways scholars coped with loss of classmates. AB relates scholar Christine as a exemplary scholar who was one of the top students. AB reviews the event career day, where professionals came into the building to discuss their different career paths. All of the professionals recognized our scholars as curious, polite and respectful. 


Operations Update

MA reports operation updates. MA reviews enrollment and waitlist. MA reports on initiatives for staffing. MR asks KS about staffing in the state of schooling and KS replies that not many schools are completely staffed. AB asks about what we could be doing. KS asks about the different applicants that we have. KS suggests using our staffing successes to attract more talent. EC asks about partnerships. MA reviews the relationship building process and the cadence we have for outreach. JB discusses her experience growing up who were teaching HS but qualified to teach at college level. MA reports on the monthly reporting. GB reports OML audit findings. 

IV. Finance Committee Updates


General Updates

SP reports no updates


December Financials

JK reviews financials. JK reports projected forecast of 2.0 million deficit. Actuals to date is 200K deficit. JK advises we do not need to revise the budget, we are revising personnel expenses. JK reports a strong balance sheet. JK reviews the different allocation of budgets. 

S. Pressley made a motion to Accept December Financials.
E. Chen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Quarterly Investment Update

JK discusses the quarterly investments. JK reviews the treasury maturities that are taking place in the short term. AB asks about budget change, and JK states there will be very little change. 

V. External Relations Committee Update


External Relations Update

AK reports no update.

VI. Governance Committee Update


Trustee Goal Setting Reflection

AB discusses how we grow to success and the time we spend together. Ab wants to ensure that all time spent is high impact. 


Approve November Board Minutes

J. Boulet made a motion to approve the minutes from Monthly Nuasin Board Meeting on 11-16-23.
A. Bothner seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Approve December Board Minutes

J. Boulet made a motion to approve the minutes from Monthly Nuasin Board Meeting on 12-21-23.
A. Bothner seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Administration of Self-Assessment

JB asks MR to have this included into February board retreat. MR agrees this would work. 

VII. Nominating Committee Update


Nominating Committee Update

KB has a potential candidate that can potentially join the board. KB will work with nominating committee meeting to see if this is a good fit. 

VIII. Public Comments


Public Comments

no comments from the public

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Bothner