Nuasin Next Generation Charter School
Nominating Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Monday June 12, 2023 at 5:30 PM
ID: 93228660666
Passcode: 612975
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Committee Members Present
A. Bothner (remote), C. Barnes-Watson (remote), E. Chen (remote), K. Brisseau (remote)
Committee Members Absent
Guests Present
G. Borja, M. Alston (remote), M. Russell (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
II. Board Norms
III. Board Roles
CB discusses aligning slates and evening them out. proposes moving AB into slate B and not A so that slates can be balanced.
IV. Board Matrix
Review and Feedback
CB discusses the board matrix and proposes to approve and roll out to the entire board to collect information.
V. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
AB asks for feedback from the committee, there are none.
AB notes that there are no turnovers for the board members this year.
MR joins the meeting and agrees with the notes taken and changes made. Brings up commitment to different commitments by each member.
AB responds that we have 15 members and each committee requires 5 Board members. there is no minimum number of committees. But there are different types of committees that are required and we meet those requirements.
All members review accountability piece in the education and accountability committee.
CB asks whether a board member is required to be part of a committee and AB notes that it is not written but it is in the pledge. They will work to amend this in the by-laws. They should be in at least one and at most two.
MR also asks about requirements on how many times they should meet in a year. there is not. AB notes that the facilities were created to ensure there would be a committee for any need but not to use. In reading by-laws notes that one more person should be part of the executive committee.
EC expressed wanting to remove herself from the External relations committee and would like to be part of the executive committee. AB notes that this is for only emergencies only and not used on a regular basis. MR notes that this member needs to be appointed. The committee agrees that they will nominate EC to the executive committee. Since they only meet during an emergency, EC notes that she is able to remain on the external relations committee. MR to work on the proposal for nominating committee and give people a notice on what the board matrix goal is.
voting to propose the slate
CB proposes the same board slate, all committee members are interested in remaining. No interest in changing committees. AB notes the only change will be adding John Scott to External Relationships.
EC also notes that Anuj needs to be removed.
KB expresses interest in joining the education committee but is unable to commit to time schedule.
The committee discusses changes that will be reflected in the Board Committee Slate '24 document.