Nuasin Next Generation Charter School


Monthly Nuasin Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday May 25, 2023 at 6:30 PM


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At Nuasin Next Generation, we believe in the unlimited talent and intellectual potential of our scholars and our community. We cultivate this talent and intellectual potential through a progressive education that focuses on deep exploration, thoughtful questioning, relentless curiosity and critical thinking. Nuasin Next Generation Charter School implements a progressive K-12 educational program and an unyielding commitment to cultivating our scholars’ innate intellectual talents to empower our graduates to achieve excellence in their postsecondary paths and make positive impacts on the broader community. Every single one of our scholars have the potential to be great and change the world, at Nuasin Next Generation we prepare our scholars for that opportunity.

3 Pillars
The Mission of Nuasin Next Generation stands firmly on the foundation of our three pillars: Rigor, Self-Advocacy, and Community. These three pillars are the guiding principles for our school and culture. Please find a deeper explanation of our  pillars below.

We use the word “rigor” not in the stringent or inflexible sense, but in the sense of an unyielding need to challenge and push our scholars because we understand and believe in the potential, talent, and ability of our scholars and community. We challenge our scholars to build their confidence and help them realize what they can achieve. 

Our scholars are empowered to advocate for themselves, their families, and their communities. As our scholars come to understand that their voices are valued and needed, they learn to advocate for themselves. Our scholars are seen and valued; they understand that not only do they have the right to express their opinions, views, and perspectives, but it is their obligation to do so. 

Our scholars will embrace community and understand that as a member of a community you have certain
inalienable rights, the right to be seen, the right to be heard, the right to be protected and the right to be loved and
cherished. Our scholars will also learn of their obligations. As a member of a community you have the obligation to
respect, listen, support and only want and assume the best in all others. Every member of our community must understand that they are active participants in the Nuasin community and the community goes as we go.

Trustees Present

A. Bothner (remote), A. Khanyile (remote), C. Barnes-Watson (remote), J. Boulet (remote), K. Brisseau (remote), K. Shabazz (remote), M. Dorrie (remote), S. Pressley (remote), T. Bryan (remote)

Trustees Absent

E. Chen, J. Scott, S. Huda

Ex Officio Members Present

M. Russell (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

M. Russell (remote)

Guests Present

A. Brown (remote), C. Polanco (remote), G. Borja (remote), J. Keeney (remote), K. Davidson (remote), M. Alston (remote), S. Kochar (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

A. Bothner called a meeting of the board of trustees of Nuasin Next Generation Charter School to order on Thursday May 25, 2023 at 6:42 PM.


Review the Agenda

AB reports Agenda is in customary order. Committee chairs are giving their update. 

II. Mission and Pillars Board Reflection


Self- Advocacy Reflection

TB reports having an agency, his family. Finding greatness in others. Father, leader all tie together in self-advocacy reflection. 

III. Finance Committee Updates


General Updates

SP will report on updates in strategic goal. 


April Financials

Jk reports assets are 11.3M. 10.7M cash on have. There will be a surplus113K. There is a positive variance in general enrollment. 2.5 revenue received in April. 

S. Pressley made a motion to Accept April Financials.
T. Bryan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


2023-2024 Budget Approval

Landscape, looking at new enrollment, inflation, and challenges post-pandemic. Challenges with labor for competitive salaries and people who wanted to work from home. we responded by creating a plan for expansion in our high school. JK responds that per pupil increased by 4%, 18K. increase. Full enrollment projection. continued rent assistance for grades 6-12. Expense assumptions, support teacher growth with NYU instructional pipeline. 4% increase in salaries. the biggest increase for FY24 will be salaried. FY24 will include 211K deficit, which includes 2 million in fundraising efforts. Decrease in federal revenue. salaries and benefits increase bby1 M. Decrease in revenue and increase in salaries which is why fundraising is needed to offset the cost. 5-year projection. JK asks if we should vote on FY24 financials. MR reminds the board that this is what we have always projected, and we are seeing what we have been discussing that will come with the growth process. SP notes that this model does not include expansion and that the drivers of loss are a loss in federal funding and an increase in salaries. She is encouraging members to look at the model and provide questions and comments. KS wants to know if there are any specifics, SP responds we should be looking at the deficit. MD asks what is in the bank and Jk responds that 9 M is on hand. SP reinforces what MR has stated. MR reminds that expanding our school is serving our scholars, and expansion is necessary. Full enrollment will allow us to overcome our deficit. Although we are encouraging this deficit, we are also aware that fundraising and grant writing is necessary. JB responds that the definition is appreciated and asks about fundraising goals. Asks who we would inquire with and where we are with applications. MR responds that we have done an initial application with Robinhood, and explains he has initiated a conversation with Bloomberg. Explains the overall model calls for the organization to raise 16 M and that it requires all hands on board. SP reports, that we are not going to vote on this budget until we can close the gap and provide more clarity. SP brings up consequences with DOE for not completing with 6/1. MR reports that we are exploring different options and models during expansion. MR is confident in expansion and supports the finance team in their decision. He is not aware of consequences, he believes in leading with transparency. SP requests a weekly update until it is approved by Finance Committee. This will enable the members to vote and approve next month. AB also weighs in that this is a good decision and feels this is the best decision at the moment. This allows us to mitigate against any errors. MR also feels that expansion pushback when we can open also adds to the deficit. KS although we knew it was coming and we didn't have a plan or has this been factored in, ask for clarity. MR responds that we knew this was coming, more factors are making this evident, and time for expansion has added the most stress to this model. KS asks about the temporary revenue and questions why it was used in a permanent model. MR, explains it was used to scale up but since the timeline for expansion has been pushed out. SP responds that this was due to an oversight on their behalf and since the expansion has not taken place we are in the current model. AB also wanted to add that budget that was shown reflects hiring a whole staff for scholars that are not currently enrolled. KS asked about how long we have to continue fundraising 2 M a year. MR responds that we will need to. that although we will have to do this for a few years the model will currently come into a positive. IT will end in FY29. KS asks when we are up for reauthorization and SP responds that it will be in FY28. He asks if financial health will come into question at that time, MR responds that this is what a model looks like when you are expanding. JB asks how certain we are about the timeline and location. MR responds that we are working with an active developer who is moving quickly and pushing for us to work out a deal. We are father in negotiations now in 6 months than we have in the past. AB wants everyone to know what the implications are of not voting on this now. We must vote in June if we do not today. KB asks about when will we vote, and MR responds that the intention is to vote on this before the next board meeting. KB wants to know what DOE preference is, MR responds that we are working to ensure board members are comfortable responding and voting regardless of their policy. KB wants to know what DOE's preference is since they are our funders. JB responds that we should have an emergency meeting should this be important not to delay the DOE. KB reports that there is a culture change in DOE and with a teacher shortage and student shortage they are quick to end business. She works with them often and wants us to find out what their consequences are. SP reports that it may trigger a site visit or causes a delay in funding. AB mentions that the state is cracking down on prudent fiscal management. KS would like to understand why things went wrong and learn from our mistakes and be more informed as we move forward. AB would like leadership and the 4th sector to do an analysis and report on a diagnostic on what happened and how this will not occur again. AB to recap, and put together a budget for the next meeting, leadership, 4th sector and FC will meet weekly in June meeting will have a plan on how to mitigate this from occurring again. MR wants to make sure that the forensic report is done properly, he is pushing the evaluation and deep dive into the following month. AB and SP do not feel that pushing that back is acceptable and push to have both reports by June. SP requests input on the budget from everyone. AB wants to know about everyone else and what their position is. Every board member agrees with the decision. SP accepts the 


Quarterly Committee Strategic Goal Report

SP reports that MA and GB are working on development courses to learn more about fundraising. SP reminds everyone that we need to use our networks so that we can have them for these events. MR will establish a matrix for success. The focus for this year will be fundraising to ensure expansion. MD wanted to know more about fundraising and who will be making those connections. SP reports that more will be answered during the July Board retreat. 

IV. School Update


Executive Director Update

MR reports about intellectual excellence, a strong culture of data, and growing the child as a whole. Data is information is the key to understanding all of the information as a whole. education is about being proactive, not reactive. We continue to hold our scholars to a high standard. Strong focus on having an end-of-the-year showcase and sharing those moments with families and their outer networks. Knowing their outer networks is essential to know the child, always focusing on data as a core value. Being intentional with K-2, empowering teachers to review their data. Focusing on instruction in high school. being critical about data and exit tickets. Avg absence is 3.4%. Scholar attendance needs improvement in high school. Expansion update, we are still focused on 1342 Inwood Ave. 


K-8 Update

KD wanted to showcase a fashion show from the 8th grade. One big priority is to bring in families and these events can leverage those touchpoints. VIP dance for the 1-3rd grade. 8th-grade dance, which was a successful event. We also had a talent show, for k-8. K-2 have an academic goal to be on grade level every year that they move up. K-2 has a strong math focus. He is projecting significant growth, the highest-ever performance. Mastery allows the curriculum to focus on our weak areas, and we have begun to see improvement. Last year's performance was not successful and we are working to hit the 90% goal for regents, and looking to at least double in percentage. AB invites everyone to join in on our events. Also reports TFA partnership, We will receive a Bloomberg grant for summer boost and will be serving 160-200 scholars. KS asks about IA's, and when the last round is. KD mentions it will be in a couple of weeks and will have data available in June. KS also requests predictions for that meeting. Asks what the end of the year work looks like and summer reading. KD responds that school is not over and the curriculum is still going strong. We have purchased books for each grade level for the summer. Ks asks about phonics in day-to-day instruction. KD responds that it is the first part of our day and part of our foundation. 


9-12 Update

AB reports that we are working to support scholars in regents and AP exams. Working in intellectual excellence. AB is presenting scholar work and looking at how we can improve. Strong culture data and growing the child with extracurricular activities, several Broadway shows, and museum trips. reports on the different goals of all scholars. In the fall average was 808, in the spring it was 831. We are not where we want to be but we are improving. Continuously working on skill gap. They have visited Broadway plays and museums. 95% of scholars are accepted into a 4-year college. There are many upcoming events including graduation. KS asks about predictors with p/f rates in AP exams. AB responds that he predicts high-performing scholars will score a 3 possibly 4. Part comes from scholar work and since this is new to teachers we do foresee some scholars scoring a 4 or 5. KS asked how many scholars took AP exams. AB responds 15 scholars for LIT and predicts 80% will get 3 and 4, predicts the same amount for AP literature and AP world history. JB mentions the importance of prediction and how this could help with hindsight and looking back at what is working and what isn't. KS believes this is important to help inform everyone how to continue moving forward, and to consider adding those data points. MR reports that this is important. SP requests a side-by-side of last year and this year to have a comparison. AB mentions that since it becomes available in June this is possible.  JB also requests a map to show where we are pushing scholars to apply. SP asks about SAT prep and how they are doing. AB reports that they have improved. MR wants the schools to move towards using an internal curriculum and internal teachers. JB wants to follow up with scholars that have graduated. MR responds that we are unable to collect data points but we are working on alumni relationships. 


K-12 Operations Update

V. Education Committee Updates


Education Update

EC reports updates on goals.


Quarterly Committee Strategic Goal Report

EC reports on having two goals, being more focused on integration with mastery and critical thinking and test-taking. She would like to attend SAT prep and AP classes and planning sessions for teachers. She would like to see more pre-college programs. Ks asks about her observation goals. EC explains she is interested in how mastery integrates into the curriculum. Critical thinking is more than just a particular subject, she is looking to see whether they will further apply and draw out those concepts. EC comments she just wants to observe in action. KS wants to be included in those visits to facilitate that observation and experience. AB agrees with EC's strategy. 

VI. External Relations Committee Update


External Relations Update

KA reports updates in strategic goals.


Quarterly Committee Strategic Goal Report

AK has been meeting with EC meeting with on a weekly basis. SP reports that we are planning to postpone the golf fundraiser since we are not prepared. Building donor relationships is a conversation that continues. 

VII. Nominating Committee Update


Nominating Committee Update

CB reports update in board renewal preview.


Board Renewal Preview

CB reports renewals for half of the members are upcoming and at the retreat, more will be shared. 


Quarterly Committee Strategic Goal Report

CB reports no update. 

VIII. Governance Committee Update


Approve April 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

J. Boulet made a motion to approve the minutes from Monthly Nuasin Board Meeting on 04-27-23.
A. Khanyile seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Initial Policy Review

JB reports no update at this time.


Trustee Goal Setting Reflection

KB works on development. Her leadership coach has enabled her to focus on her advocacy leadership style. Centering blackness also includes recognizing traumas in childhood and growing up black. This is important to consider when building diversity and inclusion.


2023-2024 Board Meeting Calendar

J. Boulet made a motion to Approve Board Meeting Calendar 23-24.
A. Bothner seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Quarterly Committee Strategic Goal Report

JB is looking through the big picture. looking at our goals internally and personally. Looking at the best role in governance. This sets the stage for next year, bringing individual processes into a whole. holistically they will work together. reminds everyone that we should work on how to get a parent on the board. Send interest into CB. 


Board Slate Review

AB reports that this was reviewed Nominating committee. 

IX. Public Comments


Public Comments

There are no public comments. 

X. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:31 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Bothner