Nuasin Next Generation Charter School


Monthly Nuasin Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday January 26, 2023 at 6:30 PM


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At Nuasin Next Generation, we believe in the unlimited talent and intellectual potential of our scholars and our community. We cultivate this talent and intellectual potential through a progressive education that focuses on deep exploration, thoughtful questioning, relentless curiosity and critical thinking. Nuasin Next Generation Charter School implements a progressive K-12 educational program and an unyielding commitment to cultivating our scholars’ innate intellectual talents to empower our graduates to achieve excellence in their postsecondary paths and make positive impacts on the broader community. Every single one of our scholars have the potential to be great and change the world, at Nuasin Next Generation we prepare our scholars for that opportunity.

3 Pillars
The Mission of Nuasin Next Generation stands firmly on the foundation of our three pillars: Rigor, Self-Advocacy, and Community. These three pillars are the guiding principles for our school and culture. Please find a deeper explanation of our  pillars below.

We use the word “rigor” not in the stringent or inflexible sense, but in the sense of an unyielding need to challenge and push our scholars because we understand and believe in the potential, talent, and ability of our scholars and community. We challenge our scholars to build their confidence and help them realize what they can achieve. 

Our scholars are empowered to advocate for themselves, their families, and their communities. As our scholars come to understand that their voices are valued and needed, they learn to advocate for themselves. Our scholars are seen and valued; they understand that not only do they have the right to express their opinions, views, and perspectives, but it is their obligation to do so. 

Our scholars will embrace community and understand that as a member of a community you have certain
inalienable rights, the right to be seen, the right to be heard, the right to be protected and the right to be loved and
cherished. Our scholars will also learn of their obligations. As a member of a community you have the obligation to
respect, listen, support and only want and assume the best in all others. Every member of our community must understand that they are active participants in the Nuasin community and the community goes as we go.

Trustees Present

A. Bothner (remote), C. Barnes-Watson (remote), E. Chen (remote), J. Boulet (remote), J. Scott (remote), K. Brisseau (remote), K. Shabazz (remote), M. Dorrie (remote), S. Huda (remote), S. Pressley (remote), T. Bryan (remote)

Trustees Absent

A. Khanyile

Ex Officio Members Present

M. Russell (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

M. Russell (remote)

Guests Present

A. Brown (remote), C. Polanco (remote), G. Borja (remote), J. Keeney (remote), K. Davidson (remote), M. Alston (remote), S. Kochar (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

A. Bothner called a meeting of the board of trustees of Nuasin Next Generation Charter School to order on Thursday Jan 26, 2023 at 6:36 PM.


Review the Agenda

AB reviewing the agenda:

Standard financial updates

votes from the 11.2022 board meetings that will be redone

standard committee updates

board governance 

executive session, will be longer than usual today. 

No additions or revisions.

II. Mission and Pillars Board Reflection


Pillar of Self-Advocacy

MR reviewed the Self-advocacy core pillar. SH discusses how important it is to impart this value to students, as a student she experienced discrimination on behalf of former teachers and administrators. If children are taught this value this enables them to recognize this all throughout society.



III. School Update


Executive Director Update


reviews priority areas: intellectual excellence, teaching children to not only regurgitate material but connect and understand the material. Self-advocacy- teaching children to be accountable for their education. Community - ever-evolving and ever-changing, continuously putting efforts to increase self-esteem in students. 


qualitative goals- avg 70% proficiency in ELA/Math, 90% regents pass rate, 90% scholars that read independently.


Operations- on brand, remove all obstacles staff culture, experience is the only option. Moving forward with intellectual excellence, strong culture of data, and growing the whole child. 

Attendance- focused on staff attendance. Post pandemic world impacts attendance issues that linger. 

Scholar attendance is impacted by the same issues. The school is proactive in engaging with students and parents on ways to increase attendance. 

Expansion updates- 1980 Jerome Ave- delayed in receiving lease for negotiation

1342 inwood ave- closer to school, one design is approved, on 3rd test fit round.


K-8 Update

KD mentions this is a heavy month for data. Multicultural holiday showcase in December. Academic goals- Results from ELA IA2: change rate is positive for every grade, except 5th grade. 5th-grade experiencing areas of challenges, and a lot of cultural issues. A cultured leader will be assigned to this grade specifically to help support their needs. iReady data confirms that middle grades are moving with differentiation. professional development built around encouraging scaffolding. 

MR- mentions it makes sense to do this, K-2 and 3-4 less historical things to push but hard-earned concepts. More to push in higher levels. 

KD reviews Math- more variation, building internal assistance. At the beginning of the year, KD wanted to push 4, 6, and 8 and they have improved but this should not mean others' grades should drop off. Consultant Vignettes, and mentioned that there will be trial and error. Growth in storytelling problems. Indication of success in the initiatives implemented this year. Scholar performance was positively impacted by all of the time spent working with these teachers. 

MR wanted to add iReady looking at individually, not as test per test, we are seeing a change in iReady data, scholars are getting better at math, and assessments need improvements.

KS- Have you been able to assess guided readers, what does intervention look like for math? iReady on computer and assessments on paper?

KD answers yes iready is on the computer, and assessments are still on paper. Math interventions and support, in-class differentiation, every class co-taught. Each person has a background in intervention. providing in-class scaffolds, parallel teaching, and middle grades having math labs. ELA and guided reading have been a big focus, and the results are mixed. Focusing on all of the children not meeting requirements. focus on K and 1st grade due to test results. 

MR wants to add- we have a guided reading program but we are working to improve it, hard to view results across all grades, which is what we are focusing on improving. differentiation and interventions will be increased during mastery season. 

KS- do you have kids in 7 and 8th that have not Z'ed out?

MR says no

KS- How are you thinking about that

MR- mastery season is a great season to bring it up. it moved readers more than guided spaces. it allows teachers to see how scholars read. The big difference is that differentiated reading is more than guided reading. 

KS- Math side number stories or problem stories.

MR- multiple concepts. 

KD- invested more time in math instruction and open up time. 

mastery season begins next week. Mastery- time to accelerate and focus on thinking, creating a toolbox of transferable skills for scholars to use in the future, strategies that are applicable in multiple settings. 

MR- mentions we believe in more than just the right answer, skills are gained in a focused way.


9-12 Update

K. Brown- reviews the three pillars of excellence, consistency is the major theme. Rigor- consistent feedback is essential for students and teachers to grow. developing skills for life situations, not just classes or a test. Self-advocacy implements common structures that are transferable into every application of their life. Fundamental skills that go beyond the regents but also into real-life situations. A two-day workshop to help build a stronger culture within the high school. restorative practice, setting boundaries, and healthy relationships. gaining applications, the next day was practicing the skills learned. Consistently celebrate and motivate consistently. Acknowledging growth so that they are motivated to continue. 


IA data- not where we want to be, in terms of how many are passing, but we are achieving goals. 

MR what type of change in the numbers?

K. Brown- change in average scores and how they increase over time. 

iReady Math data, shows many students are still below grade level. allows us to determine how to service scholars. There is an improvement but more can still be done. These iReady scores will enable us to determine how effective the PSAT and SAT classes are with scholars. There is improvement in some areas, but we have a long way to go to where we want to be. Consistently giving scholars the support to get them to where they need to be. 


Next steps

- college readiness courses 9-11, 

mandatory senior courses- public speaking and research, data science. These classes will enable them to succeed in college. 

Regents/ AP focus Differentiation: Intentional grouping, 

Afterschool for children underperforming


S.P- is after school in play?

K Brown- yes it is in play, not for every day but it will be more targeting and intensive.

SP- With numbers as they are, what is the number of kids attending?

K Brown- initially was not mandatory, but it will be mandatory for the upcoming semester. Letters will go out to parents so that they are aware. 

MR- we need to change the culture around high school. We need to change the culture so that every student knows and feels they need to be great.


K-12 Operations Update

MA - discusses scholar enrollment- 675 enrolled, we are authorized 676. We are auditing to make sure that all students applied for the right year. 

MR- we do not backfill 11th and 12th grade. 

MA- We have more applications this year than we did last year at this time. Discussed hiring needs, current open position, and welcomed GB, SPM. 

Compliance updates- Heavy in October and January. Up to date

Covid updates- 4 staff and 3 students.

Operations- Investor call tomorrow- 

OML Audit- No quorum for November, will be fixed today. 

MR- thanked John for noting the quorum issue in November. 

Reminders- Share the pdf of hiring to the network of board members. RSVP for Board Retreat. Also asking members to complete the board assessment. 

JB- Today we will do an assessment on a pledge, document to be reviewed. 

Reminder for the board retreat meeting.

IV. Finance Committee Updates


General Updates

SP- Investments are doing well, and the budget timeline will be reviewed. 


 SP mentioned school had its first fundraiser, EC used her wedding as a fundraising event and raised $11K. 




December Financials

JK reported the total cash increased $10.4 million. favorable cash events. Net assts $11.6 million. Budgeted enrollment, YTD revenue ahead of where we should be. forecasting to end $323K.

Total margin, in positive position, debt to asset ratio in the positive. 

Total net is still favorable. total revenue is $440k higher than usual. Total expenses $7.9 million. balance sheets increase in cash because of prepayment from the state. strong balance sheet. 


MA- Budget timeline- analyze current budget and budget amendments have been moved up front. The board should approve the organizational chart in march so they can prep offer letters. 


Quarterly Investment Report

Investment value increased and improved in December. YTD is slightly negative as treasuries mature they will be reinvested into higher yielding instruments. funds rolled into CD, money markets, and treasuries. will improve the balance by the end of the year.


October Financials Approval

SP moved to be accepted, JB seconded and everyone else approved. 

V. Education Committee Updates


Education Committee Report

EC- expect challenges when changing teaching methods. Mentioned SAT prep class. 


VI. External Relations Committee Update


External Relations Committee Report

no update available. 

VII. Nominating Committee Update


Nominating Committee Report

CB- pending candidate for the board. we have 12 members, and room for up to 15 members. still focused on finding folks with fundraising backgrounds. Looking at the lifecycle of board members. Roadmap for board members, expectations, etc. Formalizing recruitment, planning for recruitment, and what growth and succession look like. 

MR- mentioned that the same expectation we have for staff should also be anticipated for board members. 

SP- can we engage a parent to be part of the board? 

CB- we would want to consider- would like to chat with MK and leadership staff. Believes it can be intimidating. 


Board Slate Update

no update at this time.

VIII. Board Governance


Approve December 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

JB- move to approve minutes from the previous meeting, SB seconds and everyone approves. 



AB- revote due to change in quorem status- he moves to approve, JB seconds and everyone in the meeting approves.


J. Boulet made a motion to approve the minutes from Monthly Nuasin Board Meeting on 12-15-22.
S. Pressley seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Trustee Goal Setting Reflection

JB- last item for governance individual reflection.

SP- last year's goal was to understand the role of treasurer and meeting role needs. This year is to challenge effectiveness, she is mindful of engagement and would like to engage with school every month, suggested- breakfast with the board. As a way to show parents we are providing them with support. 


Board Self Assessment Update

JB- Board self assessment is covered.


Board Pledge Approval

JB- board pledge approval: holding board members self-accountable. voting tonight to approve the document and have everyone sign at the board retreat 2.2023. The first page is an overview and the second page goes into how board members view each other and the last part is about individual performance expectations. JB moves to approve and AB seconds to approve and everyone else approves. 


Board Attendance Guidelines Approval

JB- next vote is the attendance guideline: meant to positively describe what every member does and guidelines when onboarding. 

JB moves to approve- Tim seconds, and everyone else approves. 


Board Succession Plan

JB no update at this time


Approve October 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

JB moves to approve October 2022 minutes, TB seconds the approval and everyone else approves.

IX. Public Comments


Public Comments

no update

X. Executive Session


Executive Session proposed to discuss the medical, financial, credit, or employment history of a particular person or corporation, or matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person or corporation.

motion to move to executive session AB, seconded by michael and everyone else agreed. - MR invited to executive session.

XI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Bothner