Nuasin Next Generation Charter School


MetLCS Board - Monthly Leadership Call

Date and Time

Tuesday March 23, 2021 at 8:00 AM


We prepare our students for college through a rigorous arts-infused program.
All students will be taught by a highly effective teacher in a nurturing environment and will achieve at high levels. Each student will develop the knowledge, skills and values necessary for responsible citizenship and life-long learning. The impact of our collective efforts will fundamentally change public education.

Committee Members Present

A. Bothner (remote), A. Khatiwada (remote), E. Chen (remote), S. Pressley (remote)

Committee Members Absent

A. Khanyile, C. Barnes-Watson, J. Boulet

Guests Present

K. Davidson (remote), K. Perez (remote), M. Alston (remote), M. Russell (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

A. Bothner called a meeting of the Governance Committee of Nuasin Next Generation Charter School to order on Tuesday Mar 23, 2021 at 8:05 AM.


Approve Minutes

A. Bothner made a motion to approve the minutes from MetLCS Board - Monthly Leadership Call on 02-23-21.
E. Chen seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Pressley
A. Bothner
A. Khanyile
E. Chen
J. Boulet
A. Khatiwada
C. Barnes-Watson

II. School Update


Executive Director Update

M. Russell will be discussing the
  • org chart that the school team has been working on. 
  • A rubric for meetings 
  • An alignment for the evaluation tools that were created for teachers and leadership. He will share a timeline when the work will be completed. 
  • 30, 60, 90 updates


K - 12 Head of School Update

K. Davidson will give K-12 updates. 


  • College acceptance rates-There continues to be a hold on many cuny schools so many students are still waiting to hear back. This month we are about 2/3 of college applications completed. 
  • Plans of financial aid assistance- K. Davidson and K. Webb are working with the scholars to find extra help for aid. 
E. Chen asked if we have a part of the budget for financial aid help? S. Pressley said that we have covered the SAT fees and maybe a first year scholarship for scholars. M. Russell would like to fundraise for next year. About 97% of scholars have filled out their financial aid, now we need to support them on other scholarships. 


Under 50% of out K-8 have opted in to Hybrid instruction. The school is offering 4 days in person for scholars who are struggling. Many scholars are taking up on that offer. The High school have a 30% rate on hybrid instruction.


K. Davidson shared that on Friday March 19th, he shared with the staff about test prepping. The week after spring break the school will have an ELA mock test and the goal is to have 100% of scholars come in and take the exam. The team has really developed a comprehensive plan to get the scholars in the building.  E. Chen asked "what happens to scholars that opt out of the exam?" 98-99% of the families will be taking the exam. K. Davidson and A. John-Shiman have been working on a safety plan to make sure all scholars are safe in the building. S. Pressley also asked "if the state gave a number on how many scholars have to take the exam?"Also, will the test results have to be presented especially since our renewal will be coming up." K. Davidson said that he spoke with D. Pasek and he shared that testing results can be used as an asset if we do well but that state said that it will not count. 


A. Bothner asked if there's any updates in the data dashboard? K. Davidson said that next month we will be able to see all the test data. This month only the attendance updates are up. 


Operations Health Dashboard

M. Alston will be sharing the staff retention data and the next steps as leaders to dive into that. The next thing is this month the operations data will be presented differently this month. M. Alston will pe presenting her data on as a dashboard. No big changes are going to be provided this month except for a compliance report that is due in the next few months. For academic updates working on smaller projects like library audit for the classrooms. 


The Nuasin name has been approved. The data migration will be coming soon, changing emails and new data transfers.


Talent Acquisition and Marketing updates:
  • Posted positions for the new school year 
  • Resume Updates


K. Perez will give the monthly enrollment numbers and facilities updates. There are no new updates from last months facilities update. 


A. Bothner asked how does M. Alston feel about the staff retention data and how does it compare to last years? M. Alston shared that Lighthouse was in charge of that last year. Overall, there were a couple of surprises but staff members are pretty honest and we want to ensure that everyone gets what they deserve. M. Alston also stated that they have plans already in place for some staff members that have said they are undecided. M. Russell also shared that he will also be adding certainty to the uncertain staff member as well as K. Davidson and M. Alston. 


E. Chen asked if compensation is a conversation to have soon to bring in new strong staff members. M. Alston shared that they have reassessed all staff members resumes looking at the experience piece to ensure that we are still competitive and also fair.  


A. Bothner would like a training for board members for the new data migration that's coming up soon. 


M. Russell also added that he is finalizing on the protocols for the hire of a new High School Principal and will share during the board meeting.

III. Education Committee Update


Education Committee Report

E. Chen did not have any updates to share due to K. Davidson sharing everything during his K-12 updates. 

IV. External Relations Committee Update


Fundraising Initiatives

There were no updates for the month. 

V. Finance Committee Update


General Updates

S. Pressley shared that 4th Sector Solutions will be giving the financial updates for the month. The board will vote on approving the February financials and discussing the finance committee's board Strategic Initiatives Update. Next month, she will share the budget amendment and then submitting in May. 


Our Metropolitan Lighthouse Charter School 990 Draft is our taxes for the year and if anyone is interested to take a look at it please reach out to S. Pressley. A. Bothner shared that they will be taking a look at the 990 draft with 4th Sector if anyone is interested. 

VI. Board Governance


Approve February 2021 Board Meeting Minutes

A. Bothner gave the updates this month.
  • The minutes will be approved during the board meeting. 
  • The Executive Director Evaluation tool, M. Russell will be giving the update during the board meeting and what the next couple of months look like to get the tool finalized. 
  • Mid Year Principal Evaluation- The board will go into executive session to discuss this further with K. Davidson and M. Russell. 
  • Board Strategic Initiatives-No new updates. 

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:53 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Bothner