Nuasin Next Generation Charter School


Education Committee Monthly Call

Date and Time

Wednesday July 15, 2020 at 3:00 PM


1-866-259-5440 PIN: 732 873 9859
We prepare our students for college through a rigorous arts-infused program.
All students will be taught by a highly effective teacher in a nurturing environment and will achieve at high levels. Each student will develop the knowledge, skills and values necessary for responsible citizenship and life-long learning. The impact of our collective efforts will fundamentally change public education.

Committee Members Present

A. Khatiwada (remote), E. Chen (remote), J. Boulet (remote)

Committee Members Absent

M. Dorrie

Guests Present

K. Davidson (remote), T. Williams (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

E. Chen called a meeting of the Education Committee of Nuasin Next Generation Charter School to order on Wednesday Jul 15, 2020 at 3:00 PM.


Approve Minutes

E. Chen made a motion to approve the minutes from MetLCS Board - Monthly Leadership Call on 07-14-20.
J. Boulet seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Education Updates


K - 12 Principal Updates

    1. Megan Whitehead on data dashboard - shared that it was difficult to find the districtwide data for the CPA comparisons, but that she will obtain and add this data in the coming days
      • Hard to track regents via cohort – not tracking
      • CR = college readiness: not all are available
      • State reports do not break down to 75%: should suffice to show improvement/ progress
      • IAs: tracking those 75%
    2. Subgroup information: video – RFP for consultant - evolution on the board of regent thinking for the subgroups – propose to keep the goals steady for goal setting – Kurt to add data for the special population
    3. K-8 dashboard
      • Kurt reviewed the different views of the dashboard data and shared that one of the challenges for K-8 data tracking is that NWEAs are not directly correlated to official standardized testing; while this is one drawback, they still feel that NWEAs help them track key progress points.
      • J Boulet asked the principals how they feel about the usefulness and clarity of the dashboard with respect to the charter renewal goals.
      • Kurt shared that he felt that the interim data, while not connected directly to charter renewal goals, helps track progress in a meaningful way.
  1. Both principals highlighted that the charter goals are connected to one-time snapshots, and also very granular in nature, so the dashboard functions best as a high-level tracking of progress and trends. They feel this is the best way for the Board to understand the school’s performance in a way that is meaningful for accountability, and that this data gives a true, big-picture sense of whether the school is on track.
    1. Tyra noted that a lot of CPA data is not available because we have never had a graduating class in the past; she also highlighted that the charter renewal goals look specifically at the performance of students who have been with MetLCS for all 4 years of high school. She also has seen that students who enter into the CPA as 9th graders have a learning gap compared to students that have been with MetLCS since kindergarten or 1st grade.
    2. Tyra will send around the list of charter goals again for the Ed Committee’s reference. J Boulet shared that she will review the goals and synthesize them down to key priorities to keep in mind when reviewing the dashboard. If it would be helpful for other Trustees she will share this priority list.
    3. The principals also shared an update on planning for reopening with the Committee members.
    4. MetLCS has a dedicated team working on reopening policy; this week they attended an NYC webinar and received a huge quantity of updated guidance that the team is currently sifting through. They are specifically considering what will be best for each age group, as it may vary by cohort. More will be shared with the full board next week.
    5. The principals continue to prepare for both fully remote and hybrid reopening plans; currently it is difficult to predict what will happen. Eight of the ten largest school districts nationally have decided to go fully remote, but many of these are in high-COVID areas in the South and West. MetLCA will be track and adhere to official public health guidelines.
    6. The principals will be working with the Governance Committee more in-depth on relevant documentation that needs to be shared with the state by July 31 and will share relevant updates in the full board meeting.

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 4:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
E. Chen