Nuasin Next Generation Charter School


Metropolitan Lighthouse Charter School Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday February 27, 2020 at 6:30 PM


180 W, 165th Street Bronx, NY 10452 Call In # 813-967-8308 Passcode # 74216
We prepare our students for college through a rigorous arts-infused program.
All students will be taught by a highly effective teacher in a nurturing environment and will achieve at high levels. Each student will develop the knowledge, skills and values necessary for responsible citizenship and life-long learning. The impact of our collective efforts will fundamentally change public education.

Trustees Present

A. Bothner, A. Khatiwada, E. Chen, J. Boulet, J. McDonald, K. Brisseau, M. Dorrie (remote), S. Pressley (remote), T. Bryan

Trustees Absent


Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

J. McDonald

Guests Present

Aluta Khanyile, B. Elliott (remote), C. Russell, Dymah Paige, K. Davidson, K. McGuire, M. Alston, M. Rivera (remote), M. Rousseau (remote), Michael Guzman, T. Williams

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

A. Bothner called a meeting of the board of trustees of Nuasin Next Generation Charter School to order on Thursday Feb 27, 2020 at 6:39 PM.


Review the Agenda

Aaron reviewed the agenda.


MetLCS Mission/Vision Reflection and Grounding

Jessica shared her vision of what arts infusion means to her. 

II. Principal's Report


K - 8 Update

Kurt reported that enrollment and attendance remain consistent. 

Kurt shared that we are in a good place with staffing. An intent to return 82% of staff have reported that they are intending to return. 18% have shared that they are unsure; are and conversation with the 18% have been had. Teachers in the 18% have reported that they are unsure with themes of compensation and retirement funding as reasons why. 

Kurt shared that in IA data, the K-8 is trending upward in the data. He believes that the data driven instruction, culture focus and his team's execution are the reason for the upward trend. He shared that he and his team spend the winter break fine tuning cultural strategies. Kurt reported that the ELA grow looks very promising. In regards to math, there is no comparison apples to apples however Annika Brown has personally created the assessments. 

Kurt shared that he had a pep rally with the middle school in order to ensure that they understand their data and the importance of the upcoming state tests. 

Kurt lastly shared a Power Point in regards to the need for an additional space. He summarized the impacts of not having enough space in the building for all scholars and all programs needed. 

Jessica questioned Kurt about the data and asked for more details. Kurt shared details about the cohorts in order to understand the trends in the data. 

Aaron and Anuj also asked Kurt for further clarification on data and comparisons of data. 

Aaron acknowledged the Power Point of the additional space and the importance of the issue. 
J. McDonald arrived.


9 - 11 Update

Tyra reported on enrollment and attendance and reported favorable numbers. 

Tyra reported on the school improvement goals and data. As the mid year point has just past, there is a comparison point on data. 

Tyra shared the January Regents data and results. She shared that Regents can be taken 3 times a year, in January, in June and in August. She believes that January Regents are given to ensure that scholars have more opportunity to take the test. As a result of this, it is the most struggling learners who take the Regents in January. 

Tyra reminded the board that some scholars retook the test to get a college readiness score who had already passed the Regents with a passing score but not a college ready score. She shared that with these results, the charter goal will be met. 

Tyra then talked about the plan for those scholars who didn't make the mark for January and what the strategy will look like to get them to pass the June Regents. At this point, Tyra and her assistant principal are focused on working with teachers on this goal. 

Tyra noted that the Algebra II was the Regents that showed the least growth. She shared in detail that this is a necessity for an advanced Regents Diploma. It is however, not needed to graduate.

Tyra then reported when the board should expect the next data assessment update.

Tyra shared that scholars will be taking the LOTE in June and taking this advanced test will be taken for a select number of students. This is part of a requirement for an advanced diploma and if passed, fulfills the foreign language requirement credit for college. 

Tyra also shared that a select number of scholars are competing in a national competition for DECA. 

Kamaria asked Tyra to elaborate on her specific plans for ELA grow. Tyra shared in detail about reading strategies and how it helps grow scholars knowledge. 

Jessica asked for more detail on the ELL passage rate across the Regents scores. Tyra shared details in regards to the spectrum of the ELL designation and how that impacts the results. She also shared that there are ELL strategies. She reported that when she visits classrooms she is always looking to see if teachers are implementing the strategies in their lessons. 
A. Bothner made a motion to approve the hire of Peter Hufnagel for the CPA.
T. Bryan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Education Committee


Education Committee Report

Ellen shared that one of her main focuses is on Regents scores. She shared that she is requesting from Tyra and Karina, more data to ensure year over year and by cohort will clearly show where we are. She shared that this is important to do now, as next year will be the first year that we have a graduating cohort class. 

Ellen also shared that, in regards to teacher hires, Karin's focus is acquiring talent and retaining teachers. Ellen shared that we need a focus on creative recruiting strategies to ensure success.

Aaron acknowledged the priority in regards to recruitment and retention. 

Tyra also introduced Mr. Hufnagel, a new ELA teacher. 

IV. LHA Updates


Enrollment Update

Melissa reported on the 2020-2021 lottery application and the amount of applicants. She reported on the increase of applicants and the strategies she has employed to ensure an increase in applications. She also reported on ELL and SpEd data as a new note being tracked. 

V. Public Comments


Public Comments

No public comments.

VI. School Operations


Financial Report

Mary Beth reported on the financials. She reported that we are trending a surplus based on spending and total enrollment. She reported that spending has been in line with the budget. 

A. Bothner made a motion to the January financials.
T. Bryan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


MetLCS Audit RFP

Mary Beth reported that she would like to see a vote on which new auditor would be chosen. 

Aaron updated that Lighthouse recommended that as a best practice, we had the need to change auditors. 
A. Bothner made a motion to retaining MMB as new Met Auditor.
K. Brisseau seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


LHA Gift Card Policy

Aaron shared that this is being discussed and voted on to be proactive in regards to the purchasing of gift cards.

Brent stated that the gift card policy outlines the perimeters in regards to the purchasing of gift cards.
A. Bothner made a motion to approve the gift card policy.
A. Khatiwada seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Annual Investment Policy Review

Aaron gave an update on the investments; why we have one, how much is in it and the rules in regards to the policy.

Aaron shared that the investment policy is very conservative and the safest form you can get. About two weeks ago, the annual meeting was completed with JP Morgan. In this meeting it was determined that the school would keep the same investment. Likely we will reallocate some money into short term US Treasuries. There are no proposed changes to the investments. 

Jamal asked if transferring funds into US Treasury will make us more diversified.
A. Bothner made a motion to create an investment committee.
K. Brisseau seconded the motion.
Jamal joined the Investment Committee and include all members of the existing finance committee. 

Members of the committee include:
Shanta (Chair)
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
A. Bothner made a motion to approve the investment policy.
T. Bryan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.



Monica reported an update on the roof top gymnasium. She shared that during winter break there was a big push for deliveries and work as 

Monica shared that construction will be completed the first week of April and the certificate of occupancy inspection is scheduled for April 20, 2020. 

Monica will be in New York o April 11, 2020 to ensure all aspects of the project are moving along as scheduled. 

Monica also stated that the FDNY inspection is scheduled April 10, 2020.


MetLCS Rooftop Ribbon Cutting

Monica proposed that the ribbon cutting ceremony be on the same date as the May board meeting.

Monica also shared the ideas more specifically in regards to the type of ceremony wanted. 

Aaron asked the board if there were any high level thoughts. 

Anuj shared that this should be a big deal: local community members, news.

Monica suggested a board committee being created for this event. Aaron agreed. 

Aluta, Shanta, Aaron and Ellen expressed his interest in being part of the committee.

Aaron acknowledged that the May board meeting date for the event is ideal. May 28, 2020. 

Aaron suggested that the chairs of education and finance work with Aluta on this item. Principals requested that Melissa be the principal's liaison. 
A. Bothner made a motion to create a committee for the planning of the ribbon cutting ceremony.
T. Bryan seconded the motion.
Members of the Committee:
  • Ellen (member)
  • Aluta (member)
  • Aaron (chair of committee)
  • Shanta (member)
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Lottery Preferences

Courtney reported that the charter amendment in regards to the lottery was finally approved. 

Courtney also shared the numbers from the last charter renewal in regards to ELL and SpEd numbers. 

Courtney shared the process to ensure this is up and running before the lottery is complicated and her and the school is working on completing the pending necessary tasks. 


MetCPA Alternative Space

Aaron updated that the board has not yet seen a final lease for the school's attorney and he is hoping to see this in the coming weeks to ensure that the board has time to fully review before the March board meeting. 

Anuj asked what the space looked like when the school was just a K-8. Tyra responded. 

Anuj requested more information from Lighthouse in regards to the work they have done to ensure that he has all the information he needs to make this decision, informed. Anuj requested from Monica that Jerry provide an executive report with all work that was done up to where we are now. 

Dymah asked for clarification and update on this item. Dymah also volunteered to provide a financial forecast and potential revenue drivers with the new space.

Aaron asked for timely communication going forward to ensure that the timeline for voting for March is quickly approaching. Aaron requested that Courtney begin an open items list and share out. 

Courtney asked for a deadline for all requested information. Anuj stated two weeks, this would allow for two weeks time for review, questions and discussions. 

Aaron asked the following questions:  How much have we spent so far? Enrollment number wise, how does all of this fit into the strategy for projections? Has MaryBeth looked into the coverage numbers? Where do we stand with attorneys on the bond documents?

Kurt asked if this is not financially feasible, does the board have a preference as to how to proceed in one building. Anuj responded that a search for more space needs to be conducted. Kamaria discussed space priorities. Aaron asked the principals to think about a plan as well. Anuj asked that if this space isn't acquired, this should be included in the executive summary. 

VII. Board Governance


Approve Minutes from January 2020 Meeting

A. Bothner made a motion to approve the minutes from January's Board Meeting Metropolitan Lighthouse Charter School Board Meeting on 01-23-20.
A. Khatiwada seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Board Strategic Initiatives Review

Aaron shared the board review. He reported that the survey is the starting point to coming up with new strategies for the next year.

Jessica will send a link for access to the board review.

Aaron explained the survey and how that translate to the board review. 

Aaron requested that all board members review the results and subsequent suggestions that Board on Track provided based on the outcomes of the survey. He also reported that Jessica will send out a survey that will provide a starting point for action for strategic initiatives for the new school year. 
Board Executive Dashboard, created by Jessica, was presented to the board.

Jessica elaborated on the dashboard. The dashboard is a tracker of what she is working on. She volunteered to share the template if other committee chairs wanted to utilize the template. 


MetLCS Values

Aaron reported that as the strategic plans are being created, both Kurt and Tyra's values will be included in the values. 

VIII. Nominating Committee Update


Nominating Committee Update

Kamaria discussed that there has been a steady flow of applicants for the board member position. She shared that she believes that there should be a pause at this point to ensure that the new board members are really acquainted with the board and the board should also figure out how many board members are ideal for the board.  

IX. Board Member Interview


Board Member Interivew

Kamaria introduced Dymah as a board interviewee. 

Dymah was asked why she wanted to be on the board; she replied about the social disparities and

Dymah was asked what her strengths were; she replied that she has a lot of ideas to help. 

Dymah was asked how she would be a valuable asset to fundraising; she replied that her ideas about the roof top. 

Dymah was asked what her weaknesses were; she responded she is an introvert. She also acknowledged that she needs to stay on top of the changes to ensure sustainability. 

Dyman was asked how she sees herself fitting in socially with the board; she responded that she has no reservation because it is clear that all of the members are working towards the same common goal.

Not afraid to share her ideas, even opposing ones in a productive manner. Run off ideas with new information. Innovative. Real with real life experience. 

X. Executive Session


Executive Session

A. Bothner made a motion to go into Executive Session.
T. Bryan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
A. Bothner made a motion to exit Executive Session.
T. Bryan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
A. Bothner made a motion to invite candidate Ms. Dymah Paige to join the Finance sub-committee for three months; after that her candidacy would be reevaluated and she would possibly be asked to join the full Board at the June Annual meeting.
J. McDonald seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

XI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 10:43 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Alston