Nuasin Next Generation Charter School


MetLCS Board - Monthly Leadership Call

Date and Time

Tuesday January 14, 2020 at 8:00 AM


813.967.8308 passcode 74216
We prepare our students for college through a rigorous arts-infused program.
All students will be taught by a highly effective teacher in a nurturing environment and will achieve at high levels. Each student will develop the knowledge, skills and values necessary for responsible citizenship and life-long learning. The impact of our collective efforts will fundamentally change public education.

Committee Members Present

A. Bothner (remote), A. Khatiwada (remote), E. Chen (remote), J. Boulet (remote), S. Pressley (remote)

Committee Members Absent


Guests Present

C. Russell (remote), K. Davidson (remote), K. McGuire (remote), T. Williams (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order


Approve Minutes

II. Principal Updates


Principal Update - MetLCS K - 8

Kurt presented the NYC School Quality Review for the K – 8.  He provided a bit of background on this report from the NYC DOE.  Parents overall ranked the school very highly.  Next, scholars overall had positive feedback on the school in key areas such as trust.  An area of growth from their perspective is rigorous instruction.  Teachers were the “lowest” of the sub-categories and areas of growth include one such as School Leadership.  Kurt discussed the timing/challenges of the survey (such as the month it is administered near state testing) and his overall reflections.  Aaron requested Kurt to think about how this impacts his next month.

Kurt will have updated data from K - 2 at next Thursday's meeting.  His Assistant Principal Ms. Shiman will attend and talk through the work the school is doing and the MOY mClass data.  NWEA test results will be furnished in February due to testing still taking place. 

Vanessa Herrera (talent) will be in town next week and is attending a local Professional Development to further enhance her knowledge/skills and ultimately the school's recruiting/retention efforts.

Interim Assessments will take place later this month.  In March a mock state test will be administered for scholars in grades 3 - 8.


Principal Update - MetLCS 9 - 11

Tyra shared some additional perspective/background on the NYC School Quality Report.  Effective leadership is a growth area for the school.  This is challenging as Principals are rating officers for the school.  Other key areas are also important to review such as Rigorous Instruction, Collaboration, and more.  There are several areas where the school is meeting the standard.  For areas where there is growth (such as Effective Leadership) additional efforts are put in place such as follow up surveys and work by individuals such as Vanessa Herrera.  Tyra provides support to her teachers such as Professional Development, articles, and the school has formed a school culture committee which is still in development.

The school is in the range of a high impact/high performance school in terms of scholar performance.  The city provides the school with a comparison group (scholar demographics, etc.).  The school is also compared to the city and the borough. 

January is Regents month.  Scholars will engage in these assessments and assessment retakes (English Regents).   Tyra shared NWEA data/goals is limited at the high school level and talked about intervention supports for scholars such as Read 180.

III. Governance



Courtney discussed the naming of the gym and made a recommendation to the Board.  Aaron provided some additional context and his experience with the person discussed.

Aaron discussed upcoming decisions regarding the MetCPA space and the team discussed next steps and preparation that will be needed by all parties.

IV. Other Business


Other Business

Karin McGuire discussed mid-year evaluations.  The Principals are completing a self-assessment.  Karin will work with Principals and LHA to complete the evaluation in the coming month; final results will be shared with the Board prior to the February meeting.

Karin shared that she and the Principals have been talking about performance bonuses for staff. 

Courtney Russell shared that she reached out to the NYC DOE Charter Schools Office regarding the lottery amendment.  There is still no update but she will continue to reach out.


V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:52 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
C. Russell