Nuasin Next Generation Charter School


Metropolitan Lighthouse Charter School Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday October 24, 2019 at 6:30 PM


180 W, 165th Street Bronx, NY 10452 Call In # 813-967-8308 Passcode # 74216
We prepare our students for college through a rigorous arts-infused program.
All students will be taught by a highly effective teacher in a nurturing environment and will achieve at high levels. Each student will develop the knowledge, skills and values necessary for responsible citizenship and life-long learning. The impact of our collective efforts will fundamentally change public education.

Trustees Present

A. Bothner, A. Khatiwada, E. Chen, K. Brisseau, S. Nesterova, S. Pressley

Trustees Absent

T. Bryan

Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

S. Nesterova, S. Pressley

Guests Present

B. Elliot (remote), C. Russell, J. Boulet, Jamal McDonald, K. Davidson, Keely Webb, Leigh Fisher-Troche, Liz Hillin, M. Alston, M. Rivera (remote), M. Rousseau (remote), Michael Dorrie, T. Williams

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

A. Bothner called a meeting of the board of trustees of Nuasin Next Generation Charter School to order on Thursday Oct 24, 2019 at 6:44 PM.


Review the Agenda

Aaron Bothner reviewed the agenda for the October 24, 2019 MetLCS Board of Trustees meeting.

II. Staff Presentation


Staff Presentation

Keely Webb, MetCPA Counselor, introduced herself.  She is in her first year at MetCPA but has an extensive background in education. Thus far, she has focused on college fairs and tours.  Her goal is to get students comfortable with questions that will be asked and the language that is used.  With the 9th and the 10th graders, the school is focusing on teaching tolerance.

Liz Hillin, K - 8 Director of School Culture, introduced herself.  She is in her fifth year at MetLCS and this is her first year in the role.  Leigh Fisher-Troche, K - 8 Social Worker, introduced herself.  She is in her third year at MetLCS.  The team presented the "Met Behavior Intervention and House System 2.0" PowerPoint, which included the school's two culture initiatives for the year.  Ramapo for Children's 3R's (Respond, Reflect, Reintegrate) was share along with other key components of the school's efforts around approaches to scholar culture (house system, Met bucks, etc.).  

Board members and guests asked questions about the K - 8 presentation (parent buy-in, tracking of referrals and systems, key performance indicators, etc.)  

III. Principal's Report


K - 8 Update

K - 8 Principal Kurt Davidson briefly discussed the parent complaint received.  Lighthouse Academies is in the process of investigating the complaint. 

He discussed the school's enrollment (489) which is 21 above the budgeted enrollment.  For the month of September 94.73% is the attendance average.  The Family Coordinator, Michael Guzman, is working to put various interventions in place around attendance.  Two holidays in September and one holiday in October that were not shared with the DOE impacted attendance.  There have been some staffing changes since the beginning of the year which Principal Davidson discussed.  They are actively looking to fill these positions.  In the meantime the Principal is working closely with the Special Education team and the Director, Regional Operations to meet compliance standards. 

The academic goals of MetLCS are included in the handout.  Baseline data is now available in relation to grade level reading expectations for K - 2.  The Kindergarten scholars are coming in stronger than they have in the past.  The K - 2 team is very strong. They will possibly come to the next board meeting. NWEA is a nationally normed test. We use this test as a growth metric. Some data is confirming and some data we are diving into more as a team. Anuj Khatiwada asked about the cohort of scholars taking the test from one year to the next.  Principal Davidson explained it's not an apples to apples comparison because of the fall out of scholars year over year. Yesterday was the first District Collaborative meeting. We are continuing to build relationships with the DOE. Davidson also attended an NYU event today to partner with NYU for future teacher talent. Davidson feels very confident about the partnership potential for the 2020-2021 school year. More to come with details around the partnership. Jessica Boulet, (pending) board member asked about the Kindergarten results. Davidson talked about the proficiency/access to the testing format. They are better with touch screens/ipads/phones at this age and need to learn how to utilize chrome book. While there is a learning curve, the team is aware of this and that is why the ensure a lot of support for those scholars when the tests are taken.
J. Boulet arrived.


9 - 11 Update

Principal Tyra Williams shared that MetCPA is still under-enrolled in the high school (five scholars short).  The school is making a concerted effort to communicate with parents and get them to come to the school.  Chronic tardiness has been a challenge for the school.  The school has created an incentive in order to track this metric.  The children love to dress down and they are utilizing that (sneakers) to dress down and motivate scholars for strong attendance (4/4 days on time and present, pass to dress down on Friday).  We have three staff vacancies.  Two positions are in the process of being filled, one vacancy remains and there is a candidate coming in for a demo lesson.  The school expects to be fully staffed in the near future.  

NWEA data - below 40% is the low average and what we norm against.  Each student is given the RIT score and normed by grade in Reading and Math.  The school is trending higher with students who are above average and average.  However, there are some scholars below 40% which causes Principal Williams and the school concern.  Inventions are in place for Reading and Math (Reading 180 and Math 180) wherein all scholars who scored below proficiency have an intervention period.  This takes place via an elective where they earn zero credits but can work to increase their proficiency in these key areas.

The NYC DOE is requiring 75% of scholars to earn a 75 or higher on the English Regents and at least one Math Regents which are college readiness scores.  Principal Williams and her team have a plan in place for scholars to receive support and retest.  There are two students who are considering graduating as juniors.  Parents are being engaged in the decision and process.  Scholars at the MetCPA take more credits than are required by the city.  

Board Member Ellen Chen inquired about the school's charter goals.  Principal Williams discussed NWEA and its alignment (or lack thereof) to charter goals.  She clarified that the city looks closely to Regents passing rates.  

(Pending) Board Member Jessica Boulet inquired about missing information on the Principal's report as related to English Language Learners and Students with Disabilities.  Principal Williams shared this was missing from the report and she will bring it to the November meeting.

IV. Education Committee


Education Committee Report

The Dashboard is in progress.  Anuj Khatiwada reached out to Jillian who worked on this previously.  If Jillian is unable to provide support around unlocking the Dashboard, MetLCS staff member Megan Whitehead will be able to support.  Principals Davidson and Williams will continue as is with the Principal's report and the Education Committee will ensure all Board members have access to the Dashboard.  The Principals should reach out to the Board with any major updates made to the Dashboard's data.

V. LHA Updates


Enrollment Update

Current MetLCS (K - 8) enrollment is 489.  Current MetLCPA (9 - 11) enrollment is 151. 


School Leadership Succession Plan

Anuj Khatiwada, Ellen Chen, and Courtney Russell met via phone to discussion the Succession Plan overview.  Ellen and Courtney met with Principal Davidson and Principal Williams to discuss the plan and next steps.  The team will meet with Karin McGuire (Lighthouse Academies) next week to discuss the process and begin a draft.  The Board/school expects to have this done in advance of the January 31, 2020 NYC DOE deadline.  
S. Pressley arrived.
S. Nesterova arrived.

VI. Public Comments


Public Comments

There were no public comments.

VII. School Operations


Financial Report

Mary Beth Rousseau (LHA Finance) shared that the school is in a strong financial position.  There was $6.8 million in cash.  $70,000 is restricted in the dissolution fund (Charter requirement).  The market value of investment accounts was just shy of $5.1 million.  The school is getting a good return on investments.

The debt service projected ratio for the year based on current spending and revenue that is visible will be 1.35.

The financial report now includes the % of the budget spent to date which was a recommendation from Jessica Haber.  

There was a bit of a dip in the per pupil revenue for July, August, and September.  That has to do with the timing of the funds, it will go down based on the District Billing cycle.  

Interest income is very high, higher than budgeted at $50,000.

Expenses are running a bit high in some areas such as Dues and Subscriptions. There are some coding errors, there will be additional support and training provided regarding this matter.  The rooftop project is also running above the budget.  The projection includes using reserves for the project.  A budget amendment was completed.  The school is also heavy around supplies and equipment which is mostly typical beginning of the year spend such as textbooks, technology, etc.

The FY19 Budget vs. Actual report was reviewed.  These are the preliminary figures for the audit.  The net income is $483,000 for the year in the BvA.  Board Member Aaron Bothner inquired as to where that money is.  Mary Beth Rousseau shared the $168,000 in other income (Turner settlement) will be devoted to the rooftop project funding.  The other monies will go into the operating reserves.  

Brent Elliot (LHA Finance) presented the investment update.  We identified the school was not in compliance with the investment policy.  Brent is working closely with JP Morgan to reallocate these investments to be in line with the policy in Treasury Bonds and Notes.  Brent will update the Board by early next week around the current portfolio standings. 

Aaron Bothner shared that the November review of the investment policy would better align in February (quarterly update, annual update, etc.).  He proposed to amend the investment policy to include the first update in February of 2020 and on a calendar basis moving forward. 
A. Bothner made a motion to move the investment plan review from November to February annually..
A. Khatiwada seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
A. Bothner made a motion to approve the September financials.
A. Khatiwada seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.



MetLCS Audit

Aaron Bothner discussed due to the timing of the audit and due dates to the city and state the Board would like to approve the finance sub-committee to review and approve the annual audit.

A. Bothner made a motion to delegate authority to the MetLCS finance committee to review/approve the annual audit
E. Chen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.



Monica Rivera provided an update regarding the rooftop gym.  The project is on schedule.  When you go up to the roof the work that has taken place is very impressive.  We are looking to have the roof installed around the Thanksgiving break/early December.  Once the roof is up, the interior will be focused on (HVAC, etc.).  

There have been significant leaks on the 5th floor.  The team has been working hard to address all of the issues that have arisen.  Improvements have been seen but water is still trickling in.  Monica walked the space earlier today.  They will be monitoring the incoming rain this weekend.  

On Monday some of the scaffolding will begin to come down.  This should help with the leaks in the building.  Once the roof is relaid that is the permanent solution to the leaks.  

Monica provided an update regarding the bathrooms on the 5th floor.  These were not included in the original design so that the requirements of a regulation gym could be met.  Therefore, bathrooms were not (and will not) be included on the 5th floor.  

Monica is still working with Kone to get the locking mechanisms installed in the elevators.  This is due in January of 2020 and is a city requirement. 


Lottery Preferences

The school submitted the non-material amendment to the NYC DOE and is awaiting an update/approval.


LHA Board PD

Courtney Russell provided an update regarding the LHA/MetLCS Board retreat.  The available dates are January 11 or January 25.  The Board requested that Board on Track facilitate and that they have input over the agenda in advance.  Courtney will send out a Doodle, along with a sample agenda (from the LHA NWI schools).  

VIII. Board Governance


Approve Minutes from September 2019 Meetings

A. Bothner made a motion to approve minutes from the Metropolitan Lighthouse Charter School Board Meeting on 09-26-19 Metropolitan Lighthouse Charter School Board Meeting on 09-26-19.
A. Khatiwada seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


LHA Service Agreement

MetLCS' Service Agreement with Lighthouse Academies was signed yesterday by both Aaron Bothner and Khori Whittaker (LHA CEO).  The team will now transition to using that agreement.  Aaron will circulate this through email to Board members.

The Service Agreement is tied to the charter renewal (three years).  The agreement contains academic and operational components. The document is lengthy and fully outlines who is responsible for what. With the new service agreement, in November, we will be conducting a budget amendment. The Principals and LHA will go through the current budget and communicate out to the board what is needed to successfully complete the rest of the school year with the budget. 



MetLCS Board Bylaws

Aaron Bothner shared that an annual review of the bylaws took place.  During the September meeting it was decided the Board should take some additional time to review the revisions.  

(Pending) Board member Jessica Boulet flagged Section 9 and provided feedback around emeritus trustee members.  Aaron shared that the school's lawyer advised the language as is.  The Board discussed nominating Jessica Haber to the Trustee Emeritus position. Additionally she shared around the Governance Committee and description of the officers (pages 9 and 10) there are committees that these positions should be associated with except for the secretary.  Jessica shared she thought that the Secretary could lead the Governance Committee.  The Board agreed that this revision should be made in the future.  

Aaron shared that Svitlana will be stepping down from the Secretary role of the Board. Anuj shared that he will be stepping down as the leader of the Education Committee.  

Committees are as follows:

Education - Ellen (chair), Anuj (member), Jessica Boulet (pending member)
Governance - Aaron (chair), Anuj (member), Shanta, Ellen, Jessica Boulet (pending member)
Nominating - Aaron (member), Shanta (member), Kamaria (member), Ellen (member) - Chair TBD
Finance - Tim (chair). Aaron (member), Svitlana (member), Kamaria (member), Shanta (member)

A. Bothner made a motion to approve the amended bylaws that will include the change Jessica Boulet proposed to make the Secretary the leader of the Governance Committee as well as flexibility (at the Board's discretion) as it pertains to the Treasurer serving as the head of the Finance Committee and the President as the head of the Executive Committee.
A. Khatiwada seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
A. Khatiwada made a motion to Approve the following committee members: Education - Ellen (chair), Anuj (member), Jessica Boulet Governance - Aaron (chair), Anuj (member), Shanta, Ellen, Jessica Boulet Nominating - Aaron (member), Shanta (member), Kamaria (member), Ellen (member) - Chair TBD Finance - Aaron (member), Svitlana (member), Tim (Chair), Kamaria (member), Shanta (member) and to approve the bylaws as stated. and to approve the emeritus position for a two-year term. and to elect Jessica Haber to the Emeritus Trustee position.
A. Bothner seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Review of Complaint to the Board

DLA Piper conducted an independent investigation into the complaint received regarding the Board.  

Aaron Bothner shared that DLA's findings were that there was no merit to the claims that were made.  The Board can do a better job maintaining minutes. Specific feedback was provided around the member class approval.  The grievance committee has no further recommendations.

The Board needs to now vote on their recommendation to adopt the recommendation.  The review will be communicated back to the party that filed the complaint as well as with the NYC DOE.
A. Bothner made a motion to adopt the grievance policy's recommendation that no further action needs to be taken beyond what was in DLA Piper's report.
A. Khatiwada seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


IX. Executive Session


Executive Session

Tyra Williams, Kurt Davidson, Melissa Alston, and Courtney Russell were invited to stay for the Executive Session to discuss the two candidates.

X. Board Member Interviews


Board Member Interview

A. Bothner made a motion to approve candidate Michael Dorrie to join the MetLCS Board.
A. Khatiwada seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Board Member Interview

A. Bothner made a motion to approve candidate Jamal McDonald to join the MetLCS Board.
A. Khatiwada seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

XI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Board member school visit sign-up - Board members should plan to visit one time or more during the school year.

Board members should review meeting minutes prior to the upcoming meeting and come with any comments/feedback.  

Upcoming Board meeting is Wednesday, November 20.  
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 10:23 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
C. Russell