Nuasin Next Generation Charter School


MetLCS May 2018 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday May 22, 2018 at 6:30 PM


180 W. 165th Street Bronx, NY

Trustees Present

A. Bothner, A. Khatiwada, J. Haber, J. Lee, S. Nesterova

Trustees Absent

T. Bryan

Guests Present

Joel Livingston, L. Williams, M. Alston, M. Rousseau (remote), M. Saulo (remote), T. Brown, T. Williams

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Haber called a meeting of the board of trustees of Nuasin Next Generation Charter School to order on Tuesday May 22, 2018 at 6:30 PM.


Review the Agenda

Jessica Haber reviewed the agenda for the board. 

II. Principal's Report


K - 9 Update

Tyra Williams reported on the principals report. Tyra presented on her principal performance goals in review from the 2017-2018 school year. Tyra then in detail explained the goals. The goal points here student learning goal, professional practice goal, school culture goal, family engagement goal, leadership goal and data driven goal. 

She spoke in depth about the action items taken for each goal point, what she put in place to move each goal, who was involved, how she followed up and the progress of these goals now. 

Jessica Haber asked how these goals are measured and tracked. Tyra reported that the progress is tracked in coaching notes and with formal observations both announced and unannounced.  

Anuj asked about how subjective this method is. Tyra stated that a Charlotte Danielson rubric is utilized to ensure that there is a formal structure. 

Janice provided feedback in regards to the the student learning goal is subjective and should be more specifically laid out with goals that are measurable.  

Tyra stated that she and Travis decided intentionally that the items are not always quantifiable. 

Travis Brown then added that the goals push towards student achievement. 

Jessica Haber then added that there should be more measurable goals so that it helps Tyra understand where shes moving the mark. 

Aaron added that he likes the structure of the goals and would like to see Tyra revisit the goals monthly. He stated that he understands the need to think creatively to measure some of these goals. He also added that this should be high level and highlights. 

Jessica Haber asked Tyra what she needs to continue to move some of these goals forward. Tyra stated that with establishing design elements for the high school, it will become more clear what they will need. 

Tyra then also discussed that there will be surveys to check in on some of the goals. 

Jessica Haber then stated that Tyra and Kurt should think about the plan for 2018-2019 and will it be together or will there be two separate plans. 

Aaron then asked about the intent to stay for scholars for the high school. Melissa and Tyra reported on specific numbers thus far. 

III. Executive Director Report


Monthly Update

Travis Brown reported on the executive director report. Travis reported on Metropolitan Lighthouse School Redesign for the college preparatory school. He stated that he and Tyra worked together to create 7 key design elements based on the Stanford University Study for school design for small schools. The design elements that were identified are as follows: advisory, technology rich environment, project based learning, scholars as leaders, authentic assessments, school organization and college and career readiness. He stated that they took the identified elements and compared them to the Stanford  University study to ensure that they measured up to the proven research model. He stated that essentially this is how the school will be created, as they work through in detail each goal. 

Tyra stated that she contacted a school in lower Manhattan that she will be visiting in September 2018 to see what project based learning looks like. She also reported that she has been in contact with a company called Workbench that provides teachers with professional development to assist teachers with project base learning. 

Travis Brown stated that 90% of the budget will have to fit into these design elements or it won't be done immediately. He also said that some of these items will be immediately implemented and some items will be a year or two out. 

Jessica Haber asked how this translates to the lower school when families are choosing us. Travis responded that that is an excellent point and something for Tyra and Kurt to figure out. 

Leslie asked if this conversation and process if this has been done with Kurt as well to ensure it aligns. Travis stated that Kurt has design elements. Leslie requested documentation for the K-8. Kurt stated that he requested feedback from teachers and that a final version should be completed soon. 

Janice added that the timing for this is good because Tyra needs to hire people and can hire people to help implement the design elements. She also stated that the education committee can look at this before the next board meeting. Travis stated that this is the goal to ensure that the board can provide feedback. 

Aaron requested to look through the next 3 months with the executive committee call to ensure we have a productive summer. 

Jessica recognized Travis and Tyra for the status of the high school thus far, as she reflected from the beginning of the 2017-2018 school year and where we were. 

L. Williams arrived.


LHA Model of High School

Travis Brown reported on the LHA high school model. He stated that there are three main pillars of the model- rigorous academics,  social and emotional and college and career readiness. He stated that this works through the DCCA- director of college and career readiness that sees the scholars through high school and through to college. He went on to say that this position usually begins during 11th grade but we have a unique opportunity to begin this role in the 2018-2019 school year. With early implementation, we give the DCCA an opportunity to get to know the scholars and begin the work and relationships early. 

IV. Public Comments


Public Comments

Joel Livingston introduced himself to the board and the board introduced themselves as well. 

V. Board Governance


Approve Minutes from April 26, 2018 Board Meeting

J. Lee made a motion to approve minutes from the MetLCS April 2018 Board Meeting on 04-26-18 MetLCS April 2018 Board Meeting on 04-26-18.
J. Haber seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Board Governance

Jessica Haber discussed the bylaws briefly as they were discussed in depth last meeting. Jessica asked if there were any questions about the amended and restated bylaws. 

For next meeting, Jessica outlined that 
J. Haber made a motion to approve the amended bylaws and will go into effect on Tuesday, June 26th, 2018 on the date of the next meeting.
A. Khatiwada seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
J. Haber made a motion to nominate to approve Svitlana for board secretary.
A. Bothner seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Anuj reported what the code of ethnics outlines. He went through each article in the document and outlined key points.

Anuj then reported on the conflicts of interests. He went through the each article in the document and outlined key points. 
J. Haber made a motion to to adopt the code of ethnics and conflict of interest.
J. Lee seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


2018 - 2019 Board Meeting Calendar

Jessica made a motion to approve the board meeting calendar with the updates. 


Board Calendar

Jessica Haber requested that Tyra and Kurt look at the calendar document with place holders for discussing important information in a timely fashion. 

VI. School Operations


Financial Report

Mary Beth Rousseau reported on the financial report. Mary Beth reported on cash on hand and net income. Mary Beth then stated that she added a new column on the most recent April budget to show the financial position in a more clear way. 

Mary Beth reported the reconciliation happens in July and there shouldn't be any surprises.

Mary Beth stated that all expenses were as expected. 

One item she noted was high was staff development and she reported that these expenses are reimbursable from Title II funds from the state. 



FY19 Budget

Aaron reported that as a board, they went through the FY19 budget. Aaron stated that the board is looking for a 3% surplus to the budget. Aaron reported that the budget should be ready to approve the FY19 budget during the June meeting for review and approval. 
Aaron stated that the finance committee is also working on the investment policy.

Jessica added that there will also be a companion document to accompany the policy. 



Courtney Russell reported on the facilities report. Courtney shared on the process on the rooftop gymnasium construction, Turner Capital negotiation and the new CCTV company contract. 


VII. Education Committee


Update on Dashboard

Janice reported on the education committee report. She spoke specifically about Tyra's needs and how the committee plans to support. 


VIII. LHA Annual Review


Discuss Annual Review

Jessica Haber stated that the board members should have received an annual survey for Travis Brown. 

Aaron, Janice and Jessica are on the sub committee to discuss the survey. Jessica asked that all board members fill out there survey as soon as possible. 

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:53 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
J. Haber

X. Executive Session


Executive Session

Jessica Haber motioned to go into executive session.