Nuasin Next Generation Charter School


MetLCS February 2018 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday March 5, 2018 at 6:30 PM


180 W. 165th Street Bronx, NY

Trustees Present

A. Bothner, G. Goldsmith, J. Haber, J. Lee, T. Bryan

Trustees Absent

A. Khatiwada

Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

A. Bothner

Guests Present

Alexandra Benjamin, J. Finney, Kentia Coreus, Kurt Davidson, Leslie Williams, M. Alston, M. Rousseau (remote), T. Williams

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Haber called a meeting of the board of trustees of Nuasin Next Generation Charter School to order on Monday Mar 5, 2018 at 6:37 PM.


Review the Agenda

Jessica asked all in attendance to introduce themselves to the board member candidate. 

II. Principal's Report


K - 9 Update

A. Bothner arrived.
Tyra Williams presented principal's report. Tyra reported on the school's new murals in the building. Tyra reported on the school enrollment. Tyra reported on the attendance goal. Goal was met. Tyra reported on the staff updates and changes. Tyra reported on the academic data. Tyra reported that MET has been talking with Dr. P about why the two schools are not on the same testing schedules. Tyra reported that MET will be conducting curriculum mapping with staff. Aaron asks about the budget for the curriculum. Aaron wants to discuss the school calendar. Tyra reports that our school calendar is aligned with the DOE. Tyra reported about the school's celebrations at MET. Tyra reported that the ILT and SLT will be attending a conference in ATL.

III. Executive Director Report


Monthly Update

Courtney Russell presented the Executive Director report in Travis Brown's absence. Courtney reported that LHA is working hard on employee relations.  Courtney reported that LHA is still searching for a director of talent for recruiting and hiring. Courtney reported that there is limit to having uncertified teachers on staff. Courtney reported that LHA will be attending job fairs. Courtney that LHA is also looking to hire a director of data and information individual that would be shared by both schools. Courtney reported on  the LHA NYC Network Structure 2018-2019. Courtney reported that LHA has a copy of the charter renewal from Inwood Academy for Leadership Charter School. Tyra reported that Travis discussed with her about having a shared data person. Jessica would like to review the LHA contract. 

IV. Public Comments


Public Comments

There are no public comments. 

V. MetCPA Principal Presentations


Principal Presentations

Kentia arrived to board meeting. Kentia discussed her key school design elements. Kentia's first element is the AP Capstone Program. The program is divided in two parts AP Seminar and AP. The second design element is Integrated Curriculum. This shows students challenging each other and how to solve real world problems. The third school design is social emotional learning. This curriculum shows the how to track social development, restorative practices. The fourth element is Mastery Based Learning. This allows scholars to be able to articulate standards of learning.  Kentia presented a five-year implementation overview. Kentia stated that she believes in shared leadership. 

Alexandra arrived to the board meeting. She reviewed her agenda. Her goal is to be able to prepare scholars for college, exhibiting pride in their culture and school community and engaging families. Her school design has three key points: responsive instruction, positive culture and family engagement. She is seeking to receive feedback from families about learning and school community. She then went into her goals for the three items that make up school design. Her first goal is to have 90% of MetCPA scholars take at least one AP course throughout the 4 years of learning at MetCPA. Responsive instruction, in her opinion, involves high leverage practcies, culturally relevant curriculum, internal assessments and testing. Positive culture is very important to her. She wants to ensure that MetCPA scholars can answer the questions "Who are we? and "What is important to us?" Elaborating on her goal for family engagement is showing consistent growth in attendance for family events. Making a family engagement calendar early on to ensure that we are connecting to parents and meeting their needs. Alexandra would also like to conduct surveys to parents to learn how to best support parents and families. She then opened it up to parents. 

VI. Board Governance


Approve Minutes from January 25, 2018 Board Meeting

J. Haber made a motion to approve minutes from the MetLCS January 2018 Board Meeting on 01-25-18 MetLCS January 2018 Board Meeting on 01-25-18.
T. Bryan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Board Governance

Jessica reported on the bylaws and speaking with Susan Briggs. Jessica nominated Aaron to be the new chair of LOC. Janice 2nd the nomination. 

VII. School Operations


Financial Report

Marybeth reported the budget for the cash on hand. The school has 339 days of cash on hand. Marybeth reported that expenses are on par, nothing out of the ordinary. Marybeth reported on last mnths expenses. Mary Beth discuss on the investing possibilities. The details will be discussed at the next financial call. Marybeth reported about the 1M  in budget. Mary Beth reports that the 1M ensures flexibility for the school. Mary Beth reported that January budget amendments. Marybeth presented a detailed report on the proposed allocation. Tyra present budget amendment proposal. Tyra presented the proposed allocations in detailed for the proposed budget. Tyra reported on the highly costing items on the proposed budget. Jessica states the concern that the activities remain constant and longevity for the programs. Mary Beth states that this years per pupil revenue was lower this year. Mary Beth reports that there should be a increase in the coming year, meaning there will be a lower amount of money from the state, but a increase in the per pupil revenue. There should be an increase in the rent support. Kurt reports that teacher retention is a concern. Kurt feels that the money allotted is correct for the school culture. Jessica is concerned with the money allocation. Mary Beth states that by the  next meeting next year's budget should be presented. Aaron suggested the budget be passed next meeting. Janice asks Tyra to prioritize the items on the budget. Jessica approves classroom supplies. Jessica moves to make a motion. Janice 2nds.
J. Haber made a motion to Approve Curriculum Mapping: Teacher Stipends, Curriculum Mapping: Coaches Stipends, Curriculum Mapping: Admin Stipends; Curriculum Mapping Materials; Textbooks and Curriculum: CPA; Textbooks and Curriculum: LCS; Classroom Library; Classroom Supplies; Office Supplies and Printer costs for CPA; Uniforma; Repairs to Heating/Cooling.
J. Lee seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

VIII. Board Member Interviews



Aaron stated that Leslie was interviewed over the phone.

Leslie began by expressing his interest in joining and how he heard about the position. He began his career in the corporate world. Then went back to school as he realized that he wanted to do more to impact his community. He stated that the arts really helped to shape the boys in the school in which he taught. He spoke about the community impact. He then left education to start a nonprofit organization. He specifically worked with parent involvement and education and that in urban areas, a barrier is presented to families. He stated that accounting to a study there are 6 levels of parental engagement. He spoke about parental shared leadership strategies and the history in order to help address the preparation into college. He then spoke about the outcomes of the involvement, which is a more organic fit and presents as a buffer between the parents and the school. Then then moved on to Vassar college as there was little funding to continue his nonprofit work. His work during this time was to really engage and educate families to ensure that success at the higher education level was possible. He is interested in being on the board because he believes in supporting the school with the vision it wants to set forth. He has a lot of relationships and a lot to offer in regards to higher education. 

A. Bothner made a motion to approve Leslie Williams to be a board member.
T. Bryan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

IX. Executive Session


Executive Session

Jessica elected to go into executive session to discuss ; Janice 2nd. Executive session will be for personnel matter,board member candidate, CPA principal candidate, Janice 2nd.

X. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
J. Lee