Nuasin Next Generation Charter School


MetLCS December 2017 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday December 19, 2017 at 6:30 PM


180 W. 165th Street Bronx, NY

Trustees Present

A. Bothner, A. Bryant, G. Goldsmith, J. Haber, J. Lee (remote), T. Bryan

Trustees Absent

A. Ferranti, A. Khatiwada, A. Laraway

Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

T. Bryan

Trustees who left before the meeting adjourned

J. Lee

Guests Present

J. Finney, John Phan, M. Alston, M. Mustafa (remote), M. Rousseau (remote), T. Brown, T. Williams

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Haber called a meeting of the board of trustees of Nuasin Next Generation Charter School to order on Tuesday Dec 19, 2017 at 6:42 PM.


Review the Agenda

J. Haber reviewed the agenda.


Approve Minutes from October 26, 2017 and November 21, 2017 Board Meeting

J. Haber made a motion to approve minutes from the MetLCS October 2017 Board Meeting on 10-26-2017 only. November minute approval is deferred to the January 2018 meeting. MetLCS November 2017 Board Meeting on 11-21-17.
A. Bryant seconded the motion.
The motion did not carry.

II. Public Comments


Public Comments

There were no public comments. 

III. MetLCS Facility Purchase


MetLCS Facility Purchase

John Phan joined the meeting by phone. Auction for bonds was very successful and we received a 4.47% rate for 35 years. There was a lot of interest in the bond. Orders were submitted and because of high demand in bonds we received annual debt service of 1.61 million dollars for 35 years. We are set to close on Friday, December 22nd, 2017. All items are going smoothly and there is a pre-closing meeting tomorrow Wednesday, December 20th, 2017. He didn't have an update on the column work with Turner Agassi. He stated that there would probably be negociation outside of the purchase of the building. 

Courtney stated that she would follow up. 

Jessica inquired about ensuring that Tyra is up to date on the responsibilities the school will now have as we will own the building. John Phan stated that he would be in touch with her.
T. Bryan arrived.
J. Lee left.

IV. School Operations


Financial Report

Marybeth Roussau reported on the financial report via phone. She reported that on the debt service coverage ratio and we are in a strong position of over 90 days. She reported that this means we are in a strong position. She reported that there are funds that we are able to spend in this fiscal year. As soon as the bond is completed and all figures are figured out she will report to Tyra and the finance committee the amount that the school is able to utilize. Part of the variance is that MBR conservatively budgeted for rent and the total amount allocated was not needed. 

Budgeted enrollment goal number is 520 and we are currently at 518. 

MBR presented the paper version of the financial report in a different way which allows for more visibility on the cost to run the building. 

If the school continues to spend conservatively the school will end the fiscal year with a surplus of one million dollars. 

SpEd teacher positions are still a challenge for the school to staff and thus why we are trending a little low on staff salaries.

MBR reported that a budget amendment will be presented to the board in the January 2018 board meeting. 

J. Haber cautioned to be mindful of the dollars being one time dollars and trying not to spend these funds on items that would need to be sustained for years to come. 

J. Haber made a motion to approve the financials.
T. Bryan seconded the motion.
The motion did not carry.


Facilities Update

Mansoor Mustafa reported on the facilities update. He reported on the roof top gymnasium update. He went over the proposal for 2.15 million dollars with 243k for reinforcing columns in the basement at a grand total of 2.395 million for the entire project. This quote was the cheapest of three inquires obtained. Mansoor Mustafa reported that their is only about a 5% margin of error. 

Aaron inquired about the process after the quote and Mansoor answered with next steps. 

Adrain inquired about visibility on the schedule of values that were listed as general items. Mansoor responded with the itemized breakdown of items. Mansoor stated that when it is time to vote on this, there will be a itemized list of close to 100 pages of documentation.

Mansoor reported that Turner and Jerry Ballard were in communications regarding the Turner negocation. He stated that an email will follow tomorrow. 

Mansoor reported that a vendor came, who worked on Bronx Lighthouse's roof, and the quote to fix the issues were quoted at 24k.  Jessica stated that Mansoor should come to the board with a recommendation. 


V. Executive Session


Executive Session

Jessica Haber motioned to go into an Executive Session, Tim Bryan seconded the motion to discuss items that could lead to future litigation. 

VI. Principal's Report


K - 9 Update

Tyra Williams reported on enrollment and the plan to enroll more scholars to meet and exceed the 520 full school goal. 

Tyra Williams reported that the school is consistently at or above 95% percent. 

Travis Brown recognized the school for the attendance rate as anything lower than that, the school can risk having a third of the scholar population cronically absent; which is 20 or more absences per scholar per school year. 

Tyra Williams reported that their were 2 scholars who received out of school suspension. She reported that the school took all the steps possible to support the scholars. 

Tyra Williams reported in depth on a refresh of restorative practices for all teachers during professional development. She reported that this may be an item she wanted to spend more money on. 

Tyra Williams then reported on instructional results in comparison with Lighthouse. She reported that in ELA the school out performed Lighthouse in every grade except 6th grade. 

Tyra Williams stated that there still is a concern around the current IA testing that we do. She went on to report that we will need to design an assessment that more mirrors the actually NYS testing that the scholars take. This will be a collaboration with Bronx Lighthouse and Lighthouse Academies. 

Tyra Williams reported that on the day of the next board meeting we will have the National Junior Honors Society induction. 

Tyra Williams reported on the proposal for murals around the school. Tyra Williams stated that purchasing this will not take away from any items needed instructionally. 

VII. Executive Director Report


Monthly Update

Travis Brown reported on the Executive Report. Travis Brown reported on the IA data with comparisons however as they are not aligned to NYS tests, it is not very predictive of scholar results. He reported that Khori is in full support of Bronx and Metropolitan moving away from the Lighthouse based assessments. This will allow comparisons between schools by August 2018. 

Travis stated that the Bronx and Metropolitan calendars will match next year. This mirroring will allow for more collaboration between schools, teachers, etc. 

Jessica Haber inquired about what support was needed to make assessments for Metropolitan. Tyra reported that she has the staff but may need to pay her team to work extra time to complete what is needed. 

Jessica Haber asked, as money is available, is there anything else needed to get struggling scholars up to speed. 

Travis Brown updated on the NYU partnership. The update for cost per intern is 35k per person. Lighthouse is looking to put 2 interns into Metropolitan for a total cost of 70k for the 2018-2019 school year. Bronx is using funds from this year to put reserves for this planned cost next year. 

In terms of the director of talent, a consultant company has been hired. Until someone is hired Courtney Russell and Alyse Lewis are heading talent. 

As far as an update for the CPA principal , there are currently four candidates that are moving to the second round of interviewing. 

Travis Brown reported more in depth on the rational in regards to why the current IAs are not useful. 

Travis Brown and Tyra Williams have done CPA walk throughs. He reported that the school is well managed but the rigor needs to increase. 

Khori will be visiting to support and oversee the design process of the CPA. 

Courtney Russell reported on charter renewal. She went to a presentation at the Charter Center in which they stressed the following items: equality in consistency of academics, paying attention to recruitment and retention strategies and performance.

Travis Brown reported that board knowledge and involvement is crucial in regards to charter renewal. 


VIII. Education Committee


Education Committee Report

Aryanne reported on the Education Committee report.

Aryanne spoke about gaining full access to the dashboard.

Aryanne spoke on creating a calendar for board meeting staff member visits.

Aryanne reported that Anuj created a survey with a link to allow for board members to visit the school. 

Courtney reported that there was a meeting in Tampa to set some ambitious but attainable goals. Some items are around strategic planning, minimizing board meeting times, board recruitment/on boarding and collaboration with other boards. There is a competition with a 500 dollar prize for the board who completes their goals and other items first. Travis Brown reported that the goal would be to collaborate on this training with the Bronx Lighthouse board. The board agreed that this should happen and Jessica asked Courtney to send out a doodle for availability.  


Executive Session

Jessica Haber motioned to go into a second executive session to speak about two personnel items. 

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:48 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
J. Haber