Nuasin Next Generation Charter School


MetLCS November 2017 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday November 21, 2017 at 6:30 PM


180 W. 165th Street Bronx, NY

Trustees Present

A. Bothner, A. Bryant, G. Goldsmith, J. Haber, J. Lee, T. Bryan

Trustees Absent

A. Ferranti, A. Khatiwada, A. Laraway

Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

T. Bryan

Guests Present

Adriyah Ellis, J. Finney, John Phan, Kurt Davidson, M. Alston, M. Rousseau (remote), Matthew Vidmar, T. Brown, T. Williams (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Haber called a meeting of the board of trustees of Nuasin Next Generation Charter School to order on Tuesday Nov 21, 2017 at 6:41 PM.


Review the Agenda

Jessica Haber reviewed the agenda and requested to move our guests to the top of the agenda. 

Jessica Haber requested that everyone introduce themselves.
T. Bryan arrived.


Approve Minutes from October 26, 2017 Board Meeting

Board agreed to approve October 2017 board minutes in the December 2017 board meeting.

II. Public Comments


Public Comments

There were no public comments.

III. MetLCS Facility Purchase


MetLCS Facility Purchase

Jessica Haber summarized where we were with the purchasing the building from the October 2017 board meeting.

John Phan called in. He notified the board that the marketing document was printed this morning. This means the underwriter is in the process of sending the document, review the credit with investors and have calls with investors the next two weeks. There is a conference call that will be recorded on Tuesday, November 29, 2017. This will be played for other potential investors if needed. There will be another pre-pricing call for soliciting bids on Tuesday, December 5, 2017. On the same day the deposit will be sent to the escrow agent. About two weeks later on December 22, 2017 is the closing; which can be arranged to be electronic. 

John Phan stated that 7% interest or lower was the range in which for this deal to make sense for the school. John Phan anticipates a 4.5% to 5% rate.

Jessica Haber asked about the "as is" clause. John Phan stated that there was push back from Turner Agassi however he is working on the issue. 

John Phan stated that he will be ready to report final items at the December 2017 board meeting. 


IV. Executive Director Report


Monthly Update

Travis Brown spoke of the NYU partnership that he introduced during the October board meeting. NYU is very dynamic and innovative in their structure. Their implementation of a residency year, they and Brown believes, will be the difference in retention. In said program, the lock in time period is 3 years. There is a cost for the program, it is $48,000 per person. The school must pay $10,000 per person for one year which brings down the cost of the participants. Participants are also eligible to apply for a scholarship of up to $15,000 dollars. The program is very flexible and we will be able to hire as few or as many residents as we want. 

Janice Lee asked if those that apply to this program, if they have education backgrounds or other backgrounds. Travis Brown stated that most of them do not have an education background. He also said that NYU does all the recruiting. Travis Brown then elaborated on the benefits of the program. Travis Brown stated that they would have to figure out the monetary piece, however, the program only requires that the residents are paid minimum wage. 

Adrain Bryant asked if a specialty for special eds teachers. Travis replied that this was accounted for as NYU is aware that this is hard to staff area. 

Travis Brown stated that the next step would be to present a number to the board for the next board meeting. 

Janice Lee asked about the current TFA contract and that of the NYU program. 

Travis Brown engaged with Reactor. Reactor said that our target is 20 year olds. Reactor determined that the school website is not current and the school does not have a presence in areas where the targeted market frequents.Travis Brown then elaborated on marketing and our reach for hiring prospective applicants. He also reported that this partnership is an overall Lighthouse strategy. 

Jessica Haber asked about the marketing position, as this program would take manpower to execute. 

Jessica Haber asked about where we are with the cpa principal hiring process. Travis Brown stated that we would post on the regular job sites. Jessica Haber asked for the high level time line. Travis Brown reported that the process is a three week turnaround and it will begin in December 2017. Jessica Haber asked the board about the number of candidates that would be appropriate. The board agreed that there needs to be more structure and they will interview any that make it to the last round. 

Tim Bryan contributed  that he would like to see the the steps in which all candidates participated. Travis Brown stated that they would receive a rubric which would allow them to see how the candidate scored on every step of the interview process. Travis Brown stated that the board needs to figure out what are the qualities that they would like to see, so they can check off these points once the candidates are presented to the board. Travis Brown also stated that the strengths and weaknesses can also be presented to assist the board in making a decision. 

The board discussed the process being quick and intentional for the candidates. Travis Brown added that the candidates can meet the board where the board is so its convenient for all. 

Adrain Bryant asked if we knew anyone internally. He also requested that only those candidates that the school will be happy with, be brought to the board not those that get to the final step. 

V. School Operations


Financial Report

Mary Beth presented the financial report. Mary Beth reported that the school's enrollment is on target. She reported net income is strong. Mary Beth reported on the net covenance. Mary Beth reported that the school is in a very strong financial position. 

Mary Beth reported that she would work with the school to utilize some of the monies to impact the school and scholars directly. 

One change on the budget is the renting of the parking lot. Previously the staff was charged half of the lot's rent. Going forward the school will absorb the full cost. 

Adrain Bryant elaborated on the parking lot and the impact to teachers. 
J. Haber made a motion to Approve the October Financials.
A. Bothner seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Facilities Update

Courtney Russell reported that Mansoor Mustafa would not be available via phone for the board meeting. Courtney Russell reported on the clock project would be completed during the Christmas break, the AC units will need to be cleaned at an extra charge outside of the cost of the existing contract, roof leaks will be followed up on by Mansoor with the roofing company and security system issues and upgrades needed. 

Adrain Bryant requested that the leaks be resolved before the building is purchased. 

VI. Principal's Report


K - 9 Update

Kurt Davidson introduced Matthew Vidmar and Adriyah Ellis in regards to our Arts program, both 3rd to 8th and 9th grades respectively. 

Adriyah Ellis reported that scholars needed to learn the basics first as they had no previous background. She bought samples of scholar work and passed it around. She spoke about three types of artwork and techniques. She then went through specific artwork and explain the scholars inspiration. She spoke specifically about the evolution of one of her scholars, Nathan.

Matthew Vidmar requested the board go to his classroom.  The board engaged in a discussion in Mr. Vidmar's classroom.

Kurt Davidson presented the principal's report. Kurt Davidson reported on enrollment right at goal but we will enroll 6 more scholars, scholar attendance on target, no out of school suspensions for the month of October, Emily Cassello was hired to support ela/math in 3rd/4th grade for a co-teaching environment, IA graph was gone over and Metropolitan has out performed the network, spoke on changing the testing to align with NYS tests, launching of constructive response initiative, similar math word problem initiative rolled out during the next professional development for teachers, grade norming across the school will help scholars to anticipate scores, coaches are rolling out a 100 book challenge for scholars, off sight team building exercise, celebrated with a pizza party for scholars that scored 3s and 4s on the NYS tests and Thanksgiving Feast tomorrow.

VII. Education Committee


Update on Dashboard

Aryanne Ferranti reported that she was requesting more access to the dashboard. 

VIII. Executive Session


Executive Session

The board went into Executive Session to speak about an update on the principal.

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

J. Haber made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
J. Lee seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:31 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
J. Haber