Nuasin Next Generation Charter School


MetLCS October 2017 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday October 26, 2017 at 6:30 PM


180 W. 165th Street Bronx, NY

Trustees Present

A. Bothner, A. Bryant, A. Ferranti, A. Khatiwada, G. Goldsmith, J. Haber, T. Bryan

Trustees Absent

A. Laraway, J. Lee, J. Roland

Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

A. Bothner

Guests Present

Adonai John-Shiman, Alexandra Hinsberg, J. Finney, John Phan, M. Alston, M. Rousseau (remote), Ndidi Opuh, T. Brown, T. Williams, Tony Tempesta

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Haber called a meeting of the board of trustees of Nuasin Next Generation Charter School to order on Thursday Oct 26, 2017 at 6:40 PM.


Review the Agenda

J. Haber reviewed the agenda for the meeting.


Approve Minutes from September 20, 2017 Board Meeting

T. Bryan made a motion to approve minutes from the MetLCS September 2017 Board Meeting on 09-20-17 MetLCS September 2017 Board Meeting on 09-20-17.
J. Haber seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
A. Ferranti
J. Haber
T. Bryan
A. Khatiwada
A. Laraway
G. Goldsmith
J. Roland
J. Lee
A. Bothner
A. Bryant

II. Public Comments


Public Comments

There were no public comments. 

III. MetLCS Staff Presentations


Staff Presentations

Adonai John-Shiman (K-2 Coach), Alexandra Hinsberg (3-8 ELA) and Ndidi Opuh (3-8 Math) elaborated on their focuses and work thus far for the lower academy. As a team they identify opportunities for teachers to improve in their instruction, they support then follow up. 

Tyra Williams added that the coaches and the leadership team meet weekly to ensure that they all have the same focus for classroom walk throughs, including small group instruction. Ms. Williams also identified that there is a lot of collaboration between the leadership team, coaches and teachers. 

The board engaged in a discussion with the coaches. 

IV. MetLCS Facility Purchase


MetLCS Facility Purchase

John Phan updated the board on the option to purchase the building from Turner Agassi. The project is moving forward. The main outstanding items at this time are a legal opinion about LHA's status as a nonprofit and the audited financial statements. The closing date is now estimated for the week of December 4 or December 11, 2017. 

The board engaged in conversation about the current interest rates and market risk.
J. Haber made a motion to approve facilties (details).
T. Bryan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
J. Haber made a motion to approve the written consent of sole member ad the MetLCS Board Resolution.
A. Bryant seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

V. Executive Director Report


Monthly Update

Travis Brown presented the Executive Director Report. 

MetLCS is partnering with NYU's new teacher residency program. The partnership will place new teachers who are getting a degree at NYU at the school for three years.

MetLCS received a proposal from Marysol Rodriguez, a political consultant who could help the school become more engaged with the surrounding community. Travis will continue to update the board as discussions progress. 

Mr. Brown discussed the process for hiring a principal for the CPA. He will present a proposal for the salary to the Education Committee at its upcoming meeting. 

Mr. Brown provided an update on his work with Ms. Williams. Mr. Brown discussed that he and Tyra have done a walk through of the school. They focused on what the coaches are seeing in the classrooms. They worked on norms that they are seeing in classrooms. He stated his time is very focused and Tyra will be sharing those. He will be focusing on instructional goals. 

Travis Brown stated that he is committed to being here one a week but is flexible and can be here twice a week. However he does stay in consistent communication with Tyra Williams.

VI. 2016 - 2017 Audit


Audit Review

Tony Tempesta, auditor from Marks Paneth, presented the audited financial statements for the audit year ending June 30th. 2017. The audit provided found that there were no material weaknesses in the internal controls. 
A. Bothner arrived.
J. Haber made a motion to approve the draft financial statements from the auditor.
A. Bothner seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Financial Report

Marybeth Rousseau presented the October Financial Report. MetLCS remains financially healthy. Revenues are currently projected to be above budget due to higher than budgeted enrollment. Expenses are lowwer than projected in a number of areas, including salary (there are a number of open positions) and lower than expected rent, due to the delay in the bond. 

Spending will be reflected in a budget amendment in early 2018.

Adrain Bryant indicated that the Finance Committee discussed possible strategic uses for additional funds, including ensuring that students are college ready. The board requested that Travis and Tyra their ideas to the education committee and then bring it back to the full board for further discussion.

Mr. Bryant asked whether the building could accommodate the needs of a growing student population, particularly the needs of a high school. Ms. Williams indicated that the space is a challenge. A lengthy discussion ensued on this topic. The board requested that Travis and Tyra reevaluate the needs and space and confirm to the board by Wednesday, November 1st, 2017, whether the building is sufficient. Board members agreed to convene a special board meeting for further discussion should it be warranted. Mr. Brown agreed to take the leas on the request. 
A. Khatiwada made a motion to approve the financial report from September 2017.
A. Bryant seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

VII. Executive Session


Executive Session

Jessica Haber made a motion at 7:17pm to go into executive session to discuss purchase on sale of real estate. Tim Bryan second the motion. 

Executive session exited at 7:32pm.

VIII. Principal's Report


K - 9 Update

Tyra Williams presented the Principal's Report. Enrollment is 23 scholars over the projected numbers. Attendance rate for September 2017 is 97.7%. 

Tyra Williams shared that in September there weren't any suspensions. 

Tyra Williams stated that the 4th grade math teacher resigned effective Friday, October 20, 2017 due to personal reasons. The school is looking for a qualified candidate and has, in the meantime reallocated staff to provide support for the substitute and scholars.  

In response to board member's question about communication to parents, the school sent out communication to parents prior to the teacher's departure via backpack and mail. 

Adrain Bryant asked how the 4th graders did who were previously 3rd graders last year. Tyra Williams reported that Rafael Dejesus a new hire for 7th to 9th grade special education  resigned due to personal reasons. 

Tyra Williams reported on NWEA data comparative analysis by grade from last year. She stated that the information is trending upwards. She shared that the K-3 usually show more growth in the lower grades K-3 then in the upper grades.  

Tyra Williams shared the annual goals for MetLCS and MetCPA. There are 7 goals which include culture, data driven instruction and parent engagement. Ms. Williams will share the goals electronically.

The board asked that metrics on progress toward the goals be developed and the board be regularly updated on progress. 

IX. School Operations


Board on Track

Courtney Russell thanked the board for their participation in the Board on Track items and stated that she would be sending an email with a survey link for the board and 



Facilities Update

Mansoor Mustafa provided an update on the work to repair the columns in the multipurpose room. Jerry Ballard and Turner Agassi are negotiating the reimbursement for the work on the building. 

Mansoor reported that now that the construction is completed, we can move forward with the construction on the roof top. This will begin when school is out in June 2018. 

Mansoor Mustafa reported the project to install clocks throughout the building will be completed over the Christmas break.

The new sign for the CPA has been installed on the front of the building.

Mansoor Mustafa also reported on the current state of the Hvac system contract as it does not include the cleaning of the units. Therefore the school should expect to receive an invoice for the cost.

X. Education Committee


Update on Dashboard

Aryanne Ferranti stated that the data dashboard has been updated and can be reviewed regularly.  all attendees should be looking at the data dashboard for this report. NWEA data is updated. Enrollment numbers are updated. 

The board discussed the future presentations from teachers and recommitted to visiting the school at least annually. 

Adrain Bryant discussed his experience from his last visit briefly. 

XI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

J. Haber made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
T. Bryan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 10:16 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
J. Haber