Nuasin Next Generation Charter School
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday April 27, 2017 at 6:30 PM
180 W. 165th Street, Bronx, NY 10452
Trustees Present
A. Laraway, G. Goldsmith, J. Haber, J. Roland, T. Bryan
Trustees Absent
A. Ferranti, J. Lee
Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened
T. Bryan
Guests Present
A. Brown, Ana Gasin, Eugene Clark, J. Finney, John Pham, Kurt Davidson, M. Alston, Marcus Sanchez, Meniama Massaly, Santa Sanchez, Shakurat Durosinmi, T. Milsap
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
A. Laraway called a meeting of the board of trustees of Nuasin Next Generation Charter School to order on Thursday Apr 27, 2017 at 6:44 PM.
Review the Agenda
Approve Minutes
J. Roland made a motion to approve minutes from February and March.
A. Laraway seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
II. Public Comments
Public Comments
III. Prospective Board Member Interviews
Mr. Bryant, candidate for the Board of Trustees, provided an overview of his personal history and resume, including his qualifications to serve on the board of directors.
T. Bryan arrived.
IV. Principal's Reports
Lower Academy Update
Mr. Davidson presented the principal's report for the lower academy (see attachment). Interim assessments indicate that ELA growth is strong and supports a prediction of strong results for scholars. There is wide variation in scholar performance in Math interim assessments. There is much concern of the growth of 5th and 7th graders in Math; Mr. Davidson described interventions to improve scholar learning. Ms. Milsap discussed future interventions that are being explored, like bridge programming or tutors. The board requested Ms. Milsap and the school leadership team provide a plan for interventions and associated costs within the next month. Ms. Milsap explained that the proposed new school leadership structure should improve ability for coaching and support in the upcoming year.
Updated Attendance
Ms. Goldsmith provided an update on attendance and efforts, including Spirit Week, to encourage students to come to school. Attendance for the state tests was strong.
CPA Update
Mr. Brown provided an overview of the CPA implementation timeline, including an update on teacher and scholar recruitment. The focus of the history and science curricula will be project based learning. Mr. Brown is exploring vendors, partnerships and collaboration with Bronx CPA and the community board. The CPA will provide summer bridge programming for students and parents focused on technology, college readiness, and other skills.
V. Facilities
Building Purchase Update
Mr. Pham provided an update on the bond financing. Particular focus over the last month has been on gathering bond financing information, diligence on the ownership structure of the facility, and preparing an application to Build NYC. It is expected that the application to Build NYC will be submitted in late May and approval will be granted in late July. Next steps for the project include a determination about whether the school expects to pursue the rooftop project at this time and preparation for the credit presentation. Mr. Pham and Ms. Rosseau are continuing to evaluate how much debt the school can afford to take on within the current budget. The board will consider the ownership structure of the facility.
Monthly Update
Mr. Mustafa provided an update on the FF&E needs for the upcoming year. Mr. Mustafa presented a proposed custodial contract with CEBA, a company that is being used by the other Lighthouse schools in the Bronx.
Mr. Mustafa provided an update on the proposed rooftop construction (see attached), including feedback on the need for and proposed use of an enclosed rooftop space. Mr. Mustafa discussed the limitations and risks associated with the current space. Mr. Mustafa discussed the advantages and limitations of the two proposed structures - a dome or a steel structure. A dome structure would be a more constrained space because it requires access around the perimeter to install and maintain the space; at its mid-point a dome might be 20 feet, smaller on the edges. Both structures could provide for a varsity basketball court, although the dome structure would not be sufficient for certain matches. Dome has a smaller capacity. The board will need to approve any final decisions by May or June in order to include it in the financing and to have the structure ready for use in the 2018-19 academic year.
Mr. Pham and Ms. Rosseau will present a subcommittee of the board a set of financial projections and options regarding the additional financing costs. Mr. Brown and Ms. Milsap will outline for the board the additional academic needs for school. The board, school leadership and LHA will evaluate how or whether funding a rooftop structure might impact the ability to fund those additional academic needs.
Mr. Mustafa provided an update on the proposed rooftop construction (see attached), including feedback on the need for and proposed use of an enclosed rooftop space. Mr. Mustafa discussed the limitations and risks associated with the current space. Mr. Mustafa discussed the advantages and limitations of the two proposed structures - a dome or a steel structure. A dome structure would be a more constrained space because it requires access around the perimeter to install and maintain the space; at its mid-point a dome might be 20 feet, smaller on the edges. Both structures could provide for a varsity basketball court, although the dome structure would not be sufficient for certain matches. Dome has a smaller capacity. The board will need to approve any final decisions by May or June in order to include it in the financing and to have the structure ready for use in the 2018-19 academic year.
Mr. Pham and Ms. Rosseau will present a subcommittee of the board a set of financial projections and options regarding the additional financing costs. Mr. Brown and Ms. Milsap will outline for the board the additional academic needs for school. The board, school leadership and LHA will evaluate how or whether funding a rooftop structure might impact the ability to fund those additional academic needs.
A. Laraway made a motion to delegate an ad hoc subcommittee consisting of of Ms. Haber and Ms. Laraway to review the proposals and make a decision about whether to fund the rooftop project prior to the May 2017 meeting.
J. Roland seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
VI. RVP Report
Monthly Update
Charter Renewal Goals
Ms. Milsap provided an update on the charter renewal goals. The majority of goals are based upon the end of the year test. The school is on track to show improvement at most grade levels. There are 8 academic goals and 5 organizational goals, as well as an attendance goal. In the next academic year additional emphasis will be put on monitoring student progress more diligently and to have plans in place to meet any deficiencies. The renewal visit is expected to take place in Spring 2019.
VII. Finance
Financial Report
Ms. Rosseau provided the financial report. End of the month attendance is on target, ensuring maximum pupil revenue. Revenues will be higher than budgeted. Benefits are lower than budgeted, contributing to a projected surplus for the year. Supplementary programs are over budget; they will be covered by extra funding from NYS Senate special funding. Expenditures on substitutes are higher than projected due to teacher vacancies; this is balanced out by lapsed salaries.
Ms. Rosseau expects to present the budget at the May meeting. She is developing a schedule of expenses for the CPA to incorporate into the budget.
Ms. Rosseau expects to present the budget at the May meeting. She is developing a schedule of expenses for the CPA to incorporate into the budget.
A. Laraway made a motion to approve the financials for March.
T. Bryan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
VIII. Executive Session
Executive Session
The board entered into an executive session to discuss a personnel matter and a matter related to the proposed acquisition of real property.
J. Haber made a motion to approve the appointment of Mr. Bryant to the MetLCS Board of Trustees.
A. Laraway seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
IX. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 10:44 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
J. Haber
A. Laraway made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
T. Bryan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Mr. Sanchez asked whether the city provides funding for arts programming. Ms. Milsap explained that the school's budget is dependent upon per-pupil funding; the DOE does not fund this type of program independently.
Ms. Massaly expressed concerns about classroom conduct and impact on student learning, and requested updates on teacher retention. Ms. Massaly recommended that the school hire more veteran teachers. Ms. Goldsmith provided an update on some interventions that are currently underway. Ms. Milsap recommended a one-on-one conversation with Ms. Williams to follow-up on specific additional concerns. Ms. Milsap provided an update on some teacher retention strategies that are being explored, including a partnership with Harvard Business School that will provide advisement on teacher recruitment and retention. Mr. Sanchez expressed concerns about classroom management.
Mr. Sanchez requested information about plans for after school programming for the upcoming school year. Ms. Milsap indicated that the school will continue to have academic programming after school and the partnership with WoodyCrest. Additional programming will be dependent upon the budget.