Nuasin Next Generation Charter School


MetLCS January 2017 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday January 26, 2017 at 6:30 PM


180 W. 165th St. Bronx, NY

Trustees Present

A. Ferranti, A. Laraway, J. Haber, J. Roland, T. Bryan

Trustees Absent

G. Goldsmith, J. Lee

Guests Present

Ana Gabin, Bill Wildman, Bruce Sorensen, J. Finney, John Pellicci, John Pham, John Snider, Kevin Quinn, Matt Lewin, Monica Capella, Paul Clancy, Steven Rabinowitz, Steven Riley, T. Milsap, T. Williams

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

A. Laraway called a meeting of the board of trustees of Nuasin Next Generation Charter School to order on Thursday Jan 26, 2017 at 6:52 PM.


Approve Minutes

A. Laraway made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 12-19-16 Board Meeting on 12-19-16.
J. Haber seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
J. Haber made a motion to remove Cathy Corrigan from the Board Board Meeting on 12-19-16.
A. Laraway seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Public Comments


New item

Ms. Capella requested that the Board provide additional information about the departure of her child's math teacher.  The parent indicated  she does not believe the substitute teacher is qualified for math.  Ms. Williams discussed the qualifications of the substitute teacher who has a degree in math. The school is actively searching for a qualified full-time teacher.  Ms. Milsap and Ms. Williams indicated that they will go into the classroom to observe the teacher and Ms. Williams will follow-up with the parent.

Ms. Gabin requested additional information about the fourth grade teacher who resigned mid-year. The parent expressed  concern about turnover and students adjusting to new teachers in the middle of the year. Ms. Williams will follow-up with the teacher about concerns about cell phone use in the classroom.

III. Board Chair Update


Board Chair Update

Ms. Laraway reviewed a board assessment instrument being delivered through Board on Track that should be completed before the February 2017 meeting.  The board discussed the recruitment of new trustees.

IV. Facilities



Mr. Pham provided an overview of the project to purchase the facility at 180 W. 165th Street. Mr. Pham will be providing a financial analysis comparing the options to rent or own the facility. The Board will interview candidates to serve as counsel for any transaction. Mr. Pham provided an overview of the process of hiring counsel and the role of those parties.  The Board received 8 proposals for underwriter; it will interview two candidates.  The Board received 4 proposals for legal counsel; it will interview three candidates.
The board interviewed teams from RBC Capital Markets and Piper Jaffrey who had submitted a proposal to represent MetLCS as underwriters in a bond issuance.  The firms presented their experience with municipal bond transactions, charter schools, and working with the other various parties that would be involved in such a transaction.  The board asked questions about their experience.
J. Roland made a motion to have a subgroup of the board, including Ms. Haber and Ms. Farrenti, interview a third candidate for borrower's counsel, Orrick, and make a decision to hire an attorney on behalf of MetLCS.
A. Laraway seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
A. Laraway made a motion to hire Piper Jaffrey as underwriter.
A. Ferranti seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Ms. Russell discussed that a student/faculty group from Mercy College will to do a pro bono consulting project around the rooftop. Mr. Pham discussed that in order to include any costs for outfitting the rooftop in the bond issuance MetLCS would need to get variances and other permissions for such work in advance of the bond offering.  Mansoor Mustafa, a former member of the LHA finance team, will take on a new a role in facilities for LHA to support the schools.

V. Executive Session


Executive Session

The Board met with candidates for borrower's counsel and discussed matters including the proposed acquisition of real property.

VI. Principal's Report


Principal's Report

Ms. Williams presented the Principal's report.  Staffing continues to be a significant concern; many vacancies have been filled but there additional teacher vacancies remain.  Ms. Milsap and Ms. Williams are trying to find creative staffing solutions to ensure that students are supported.  Ms. Williams also discussed issues around attendance at the school.

The scholars took their second set of assessments this week; NWEA testing begins on Monday.  Results will be reviewed at the February board meeting.  NWEA is expected to be an indicator of proficiency on the NYS exams.

The Lighthouse Tiered Support Visit will take place on January 26 to give MetLCS leadership support around data-driven coaching and support for scholars.

Saturday school began last Saturday for 6-8 scholars who are considered "pushable".

VII. RVP Report


RVP Report

Ms. Milsap presented the RVP report and discussed data from Interim Assessments, which look at what students learn from the curriculum, and the NWEA, which predicts how well the students will do on the state test.  At the February meeting Ms. Milsap will provide a presentation about NWEA and how to interpret the data and steps the school is taking to support scholars.

Ms. Milsap discussed the plans for the expansion to a high school (the CPA).  There are several principal candidates in the pipeline and LHA's human resources team is working to cultivate additional candidates. Ms. Milsap is continuing to prepare logistics to open the school, including ordering materials and safety plans. A budget and hiring plan will be developed and curriculum will be discussed at a February RVP meeting.  Of the 52 current eighth grade scholars, 20 have said they intend to return for ninth grade.

VIII. Education Committee


Education Committee

At the next meeting the Education Committee will provide an update on the School Improvement Plan.

IX. Finance


Financial Report

Mr. Bryan presented the finance report.  The balance sheet looks healthy, owing largely to savings in health care.  No other material updates.
A. Laraway made a motion to approve fianncal statements.
A. Ferranti seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

X. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

A. Laraway made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:25.
T. Bryan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
J. Haber