Green Dot Public Schools California


Green Dot Public Schools California Board Meeting

Date and Time

Friday April 26, 2024 at 3:00 PM

Green Dot Public Schools California Board meetings are open to the public. This meeting will be held at the California Home Office, 1149 S. Hill Street, Suite 600, Los Angeles, CA, 90015 April 26, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. Teleconference locations accessible to the public include Green Dot Public Schools in California and 2314 24th street, Santa Monica, CA 90405,1423 Beacon Street San Pedro, CA 90731, and 333 Marble Falls St, Las Vegas, NV 89138.


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Webinar ID: 829 0713 7468

If you need special assistance, disability-related modifications or accommodations, including auxiliary aids or services, in order to participate in the public meetings of Green Dot’s governing board, please contact Jessica Rios.  Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable Green Dot to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accommodation and accessibility to this meeting.  Upon request, Green Dot shall also make available this agenda and all other public records associated with this meeting in appropriate alternative formats for persons with a disability.


Public comment can either be submitted to by 3:00 p.m. on April 26, 2024, or can be submitted after the start of the meeting by raising your hand via zoom during the public comment section. Members of the public can submit statements in English or Spanish. Statements received by 3:00 p.m. will be read out loud during the Board meeting in the order they were received and will be limited to 3 minutes per submission. The Board has allocated a total of 30 minutes for public comment. Anything exceeding the 30 minutes allocated for public comment will not be read during the Board meeting and will be shared with Green Dot California Board members via email.


To sign up for public comment, please enter your name on this form. 

Directors Present

Dr. Robert Cherry, Ivette Peña, Jon Goodman, Kevin Reed, Louis Gomez, Peter Scranton, Ricardo Barragan, Rita Ravindra (remote)

Directors Absent

Claudio Chavez, Jason Feuerstein, LaTonia Lopez

Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

Dr. Robert Cherry, Louis Gomez

Guests Present

Annabelle Moskowitz, Annette Gonzalez (remote), Calvin Chan, Cristina de Jesus, Damon Hands, David Feess, Gordon Gibbings, Janneth Johnson, Jessica Rios, Ken Tyrrell, Leilani Abulon (remote), Mike Lopez, Neal Brandenburg, Samantha Matamoros

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

Kevin Reed called a meeting of the board of directors of Green Dot Public Schools California to order on Friday Apr 26, 2024 at 3:08 PM.

II. Consent Agenda


Approve the Minutes from the 02-02-2024 Green Dot Public Schools California Board Meeting

Ivette Peña made a motion to approve the minutes from Green Dot Public Schools California Board Meeting on 02-02-24.
Kevin Reed seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Kevin Reed
Rita Ravindra
Jon Goodman
Dr. Robert Cherry
Peter Scranton
Jason Feuerstein
Louis Gomez
Ricardo Barragan
Ivette Peña
Claudio Chavez
LaTonia Lopez

III. CEO Update


CEO Update

Dr. Cristina de Jesus provided an update on the ten Green Dot schools recognized as the 2024 best high schools in the country per the US News & World Report. In addition, she briefed the board on the feedback gathered from students during listening sessions held at ten schools.  

Dr. Robert Cherry arrived at 3:13 PM.
Louis Gomez arrived at 3:20 PM.

IV. Development Update


Development Update

Calvin Chan, Senior Development Officer, provided an update on fundraising in the 2024 fiscal year.


V. Academic Update


Update on Green Dot's College Persistence Efforts

Janneth Johnson, Senior Director of Counseling & College Persistence, provided an update on College Persistence Data.


School Culture Update

Damon Hands, Vice President of Education, provided an update on School Culture during the third quarter of the school year.

VI. Brown Act Training


Brown Act Training

Neal Brandenburg, General Counsel, and David Feess, Associate Counsel, provided the Board with training on the Brown Act.

VII. Closed Session


Conference with legal counsel – Anticipated Litigation

The Board entered closed session at approximately 5:14 p.m. to discuss anticipated litigation.


Conference with Legal - Existing Litigation

The Board remained in closed session to discuss existing litigation.


Update on Conference with Labor Negotiators

The Board remained in closed session to discuss labor negotiations.

VIII. Report of Actions Taken During Closed Session


Report of Actions Taken During Closed Session

The Board returned to open session at approximately 6:16 p.m. and reported that it took no action during closed session.

IX. Mission Moment


Mission Moment

The Board recognized Dr. Peggy Gutierrez, principal of Alain LeRoy Locke College Prep Academy, for her years of service to Locke and Green Dot Public Schools.

X. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:24 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Jon Goodman