Green Dot Public Schools California


Full Board Meeting

Date and Time

Friday November 1, 2019 at 2:00 PM


1149 S Hill Street, Suite 600, Los Angeles, CA
Green Dot Public Schools California Board meetings are open to the public. This meeting will be held at the California Home Office, 1149 S. Hill Street, Suite 600, Los Angeles, CA, 90015, on Friday November 1, 2019 at 2:00 pm.
Teleconference locations accessible to the public include Green Dot Public Schools in California.
If you need special assistance, disability-related modifications or accommodations, including auxiliary aids or services, in order to participate in the public meetings of Green Dot’s governing board, please contact Khloe Graczyk 323-565-1600.  Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable Green Dot to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accommodation and accessibility to this meeting.  Upon request, Green Dot shall also make available this agenda and all other public records associated with this meeting in appropriate alternative formats for persons with a disability.

Directors Present

Claudio Chavez (remote), Ivette Peña, Jason Feuerstein (remote), Jon Goodman, Kevin Reed, Peter Scranton

Directors Absent

Dr. Robert Cherry, Louis Gomez, Ricardo Barragan

Guests Present

Abigail Snider, Annabelle Moskowitz, Annette Gonzalez, Cristina de Jesus, Jodie Semp Blaskey, Julia Fisher, Keith Yanov, Khloe Graczyk, LaTonia Lopez, Mike Lopez, Nicole Lasorda, Sabrina Ayala, Samantha Matamoros (remote), Tae Kim, Tayla Stagg, Tom Beach, Zainab Ali

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Kevin Reed called a meeting of the board of directors of Green Dot Public Schools California to order on Friday Nov 1, 2019 at 2:00 PM.

II. Public Comment


Public Comment

No members of the public provided comment to the Board.

III. Closed Session


Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release


Conference with legal counsel – Anticipated litigation

The Board entered into closed session at approximately 2:01 p.m. to discuss significant exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3) of Gov. Code, § 54956.9(d).  The Board returned to open session at approximately 2:56 p.m. and reported that the Board took no formal action during closed session.

IV. Mission Moment


Charter School Myth Busting

Ms. de Jesus reviewed two articles with the Board regarding charter schools.

V. Approve Consent Agenda


Approve Minutes from August 30, 2019 Board Meeting

Peter Scranton made a motion to approve the minutes from the August 30, 2019 GDPSC Board of Directors meeting.
Ivette Peña seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Jon Goodman
Jason Feuerstein
Dr. Robert Cherry
Louis Gomez
Ricardo Barragan
Ivette Peña
Kevin Reed
Peter Scranton
Claudio Chavez

VI. CEO Update


Invitation to Upcoming Events & Exciting Updates

Ms. de Jesus updated the Board on upcoming events to which Board members are invited, including the sixth annual United Parents and Students Assembly and the Ánimo Mae Jemison Charter Middle School school tour.


19-20 Renewal Updates

Ms. de Jesus reviewed the charter school renewal statuses for Ánimo Inglewood Charter High School, Ánimo Jefferson Charter Middle School, Ánimo Westside Charter Middle School, and Ánimo City of Champions Charter High School.


Review Strategic Plan

Ms. de Jesus reviewed and solicited feedback regarding the GDPSC strategic plan.

VII. Academic Updates


SBAC Growth and Comparisons

Ms. Gonzalez updated the Board regarding the Board’s Education Committee’s October 16, 2019 meeting, which included a review of GDPSC’s students’ results from the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress, a review of GDPSC’s student growth percentile data, school culture updates and highlights from the first quarter of school.


Student Growth Percentile Analysis


School Culture Update


Highlights from the First 90 Days of School


Discuss Local Indicators

Ms. Gonzalez then presented to the board the 2019 California School Dashboard Local Indicators

VIII. Finance Update


Enrollment Update

Mr. Lopez provided a recruitment update regarding the 2020-21 lottery for GDPSC schools.


Review and Discuss Contingency Budgets

Mr. Lopez then presented a review of GDPSC’s finances and its proposed Contingency Budget. 


Resolution to Approve Contigency Budgets

Jon Goodman made a motion to approve a resolution to approve the Contingency Budget as presented to the Board.
Ivette Peña seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Louis Gomez
Kevin Reed
Claudio Chavez
Dr. Robert Cherry
Peter Scranton
Ivette Peña
Jason Feuerstein
Ricardo Barragan
Jon Goodman

IX. Development Update


Discuss Development Strategic Plan

Mses. Snider and Stagg updated the Board on GDPSC’s:
  • fundraising results during the 2018-2019 fiscal year;
  • fundraising goals and progress-to-date during the 2019-2020 fiscal year;
  • development strategy for the 2019-2020 fiscal year; and
  • annual end-of-year giving campaign.

X. Human Capital Update


Hiring Update

Ms. Matamoros provided a hiring update for the 2019-2020 school year that included teacher and school leader new hire demographics.

XI. LAUSD Compliance Monitoring


LAUSD Compliance Monitoring

Ms. Graczyk informed the Board of the requirements set forth by Los Angeles Unified School District (“LAUSD”) regarding annual compliance review for LAUSD-authorized schools operated by GDPSC.

XII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:15 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Jon Goodman