Frayser Community Schools
June 2023 Frayser Community Schools Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday June 20, 2023 at 5:30 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 851 3581 2397
Passcode: N74qcy
Directors Present
A. Cathey (remote), A. Jacobo (remote), C. Jackson (remote), C. Reddick (remote), C. Tolbert (remote), K. Adams (remote), K. Armstrong (remote), S. Gibson (remote)
Directors Absent
R. Robinson Jr
Ex Officio Members Present
B. White (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
B. White (remote)
Guests Present
B. Lawson (remote), Bria Sawyer (remote), C. Perry (remote), F. Bearden (remote), F. Thomas (remote), G. Thompson (remote), L. Clark (remote), L. Warren (remote), T. Hervey (remote), T. Pearson (remote), Tarryel Cooper (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
II. CEO Updates
Remember the Vision
III. Finance
Finance Committee Updates
Mr. Greg Thompson:
Financial Update 6-20-2023
- FY2023 Cash Flow Projections
Cash Balance: At 4-30-2023: ~$2,417,331 (~ 53.6 days of cash)
Cash at 6-20-2023: ~ $2,276,253 (~ 50.5 days of cash)
- ASD has released ESSER 2.0 and 3.0 workbooks and FCS has been making submissions.
Cash forecast takes into account a significant amount of Title I, IDEA, ESSER 2.0, ESSER 3.0 reimbursements coming in after the end of the fiscal year.
- BEP funding
• Currently calculated at $10,536 (less 2.5% fee from ASD). This is slightly lower than what was projected in the budget ($10,587).
• True-up calculations happen throughout the year (based on actual enrollment).
• FCS received an additional $297K in true-up funds in April from FY22
• Enrollment is approximately 37 students below Board Budget.
School MLK Westside Humes Total
Enrollment under 550 335 205 1,090
Board Approved Budget
*Enrollment on which 523.6 336.8 192.4 1,052.8
FCS is currently being funded and number that is being used for projections
IV. Academic Excellence
Academic Excellence Committee Updates
Mr. Brett Lawson:
- We are starting to get our data back from the state. We've received the flat-out achievement numbers back. But I would like to wait until August to present those and our TVAAS data. That gives the board the most comprehensive view of what we're doing; we know that a large part of our battle is the growth side of the work. So we want to make sure our kids get growth even if they are not able to come up to that achievement level that the state puts out there. And as we all know from watching the papers around the third-grade promotion, the entire state struggles with achievement. So we again have struggled with that. But again, I want to present all that information or data together. Hopefully, all that will be back in August. I will give Dr. Clark a second to discuss the new curriculums we are rolling out for next year and any other changes to her program around supervising the MCL and working with curriculum and instruction. We do have a lot in the works, so this is a good time for her to summarize some of the high points, and then Dr. Harvey has been working with the summer programs and getting them up and rolling, and she can give us an update on how those are going. Before getting to that, I will say you know we did make a good run at the ASD about presenting a different kind of program for middle schools. It was too revolutionary. They said it sounded really good, and you should do it, but you can't do it in the ASD because nobody's ever done it before. So there's no data on it. We would never approve of you doing it, but it sounds like a great idea. So anyway, we're going to keep trying to figure out ways to think about the job of the teacher differently so that we can attract stellar teachers to come into our organization and stay and change the work that they are doing day to day so that the things that drive great teachers away from the profession are not an issue. Our current goal is to figure out that gordian knot and how to untie it, so let me stop and let Dr. Clark jump in and talk about the curriculum.
Dr. Lawanda Clark:
- We have new instructional resources for math, science, and social studies at high and middle school levels. So I'm very excited about the rollout of those materials. The MCLs, a few teachers, and I have worked very hard to select the instructional materials. We've had a demo account set up where we can go through maneuver and work with them. We've contracted PDs for the teachers, and we would like the principals to take the lead on scheduling the building. We've aligned the curriculum for both middle schools. So they will have the same curriculum, making it very impactful when planning and supporting teachers. Last week and this week, the MCLs and I worked very hard to improve our instructional practices. We're doing scenarios, we're doing questions, and we are researching. We are practicing for progress and not perfection. And we're being very reflective and recognizing that the teacher stands before the students, but the MCLs also have an essential role. We're going to do a co-teaching model with the teachers this year.
- We will get in the trenches with the teachers to help improve teacher practices and student achievement. We will continue this mode of operation operating for the entire year. We're collecting a lot of data and artifacts on it. This is a game changer for the eight of us, teachers and students. Tomorrow, the team I will visit Junior Achievement to look at that partnership to Support Instructional Practices and resources at all three schools. So I'm excited to get the MCLs to view themselves beyond just coaches, but as partners, with the teachers, as partners with the schools, and with its partners on his leadership team to make sure that we're putting forth the best efforts to make sure we have the best instructional program for FCS and that's it.
Dr. Tony Hervey:
- So our Summer Bridge/boost program is happening at all three schools for rising sixth through ninth graders and we began our program on June 12. The last day is July 14. We were out on June 19 for the Juneteenth holiday. Last week, we had over 95% attendance, which is excellent, and today we also had approximately 90 to 95% attendance. And so, as I visited schools today, I noticed that students were excited to be there. They were paying attention to the classes. The teachers have been seriously teaching them those major four to five standards in ELA and mathematics to prepare them for the upcoming grade levels. And so, we are finishing up the pre-assessment for our program. So all is well so far. They went on their first field trip on a fun Friday. We took them all to the Main Event, and they had a great time. Fun Fridays are for perfect attendance. So for this upcoming Friday, they'll be going to Bass Pro Bowl, and they're going to go to the zoo, they're going to go to magic springs, they'll have a summer full of memories in addition to some serious learning that's taking place Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
- I want to thank Mrs. Connelly for doing a great job. There was
30-page application process. And so, while we collaborated, she did the bulk of the application preparation. And then also Mrs. Pearson did a lot of that in Mrs. Connelly's absence. In addition to giving everybody their supplies, they have the books and supplies they need, and learning is going forward. So we have 120 students enrolled across the schools.
V. Governance
Governance Committee Updates
Mr. Brett Lawson:
- We are waiting for the board to give us the final date for the board meeting for the board to vote on our charter app[lications. And at that point, we'll be able to look at the minutes and see what the office is recommending, and we strongly suspect that they'll recommend denying our application as they did for Westside. And that will end up sometime in July. We are letting you know that that's the general timeline. I can't anticipate them doing something any faster than that this year. So that's where we stand on that once that occurs.
Dr. Bobby White:
- Mrs. Cathey and I spoke earlier. I see a vote at the end of July, maybe the beginning of August. But I did not know Mr. Lawson when the 60 days ended. Is that 60 days from when we submitted it to when they would have to do the final vote? I do not remember exactly when that first day started. So I didn't know what it was going to keep. It could carry beyond the end of July. And so, you all know it. I don't have to go back down this road of telling you guys the relationship we built with the board members, the ongoing, consistent communication, like a regular cadence of being, making them familiar.
Mrs. Arlinda Cathey:
- In terms of recruitment, we've got a few leads there, and so we are moving through that process, connecting with those leads and reviewing applications. We will let you all know once we get to a place to invite you to meet with any potential candidates for a conversation with the board. We do this process with all board candidates where, generally, after they meet with Dr. White and myself, the candidate meets with a select group of board members for an interview.
- So, next month generally, the board does not meet in July. We won't have a board meeting or any committee meetings. So, it's an opportunity for everyone to enjoy their summer. But once we return in August, we will receive information about our board retreat, which will take place in August. So there'll be some board training and strategic planning for the year as well as an opportunity to move forward with the vote on our executive committee positions.
- As some of you know, this will be exciting for me in terms of stepping down as board chair. It is exciting but also bittersweet, but I'm not going anywhere. So it's not as if you all will no longer be seeing me. But it is an excellent opportunity for other board members interested in potentially stepping into a leadership role for the upcoming academic year. And it's time for me to step back. So that way, there's an opportunity for others to lead. But please know that I will be here for support along the way. So we'll talk to some folks about these positions in the next few weeks. Because we've got a talented group, and we're excited to see you are getting engaged. We will be having those elections in August during our board retreat.
VI. Development
Development Committee Updates
Ms. Candice Reddick:
- Thank you so much. Mr. Cathey and Dr. White. I had the privilege and the opportunity to co-facilitate their vision retreat a couple of weeks ago with Miss Erica Williams. And so, in my portion of the retreat, I facilitated a framework that we call long-term goals and critical questions in this particular framework. This allowed the group to think and work backward. So be optimistic while also being pessimistic in setting those five long-term Northstar goals. And from that retreat, I loved that everyone was engaged. It was very engaging people had to get up. I am not a believer in sitting in a four-hour workshop. I like for everyone to have fun, collaborate, and be creative. And so, with that, we did get some great results. And I did send those over to Miss Williams. Dr. White, I must also send those to you and Mr. Lawson. But after that, we identified five critical areas of focus for the strategic plan: academic success, staffing, budget, and or funding. Also, the other two were recruitments and MCLs being their premier model organization. They could come out with those five-term goals as long as also with critical questions. And those can lead to questions to help them facilitate solutions to those particular candidate questions. So those solutions are excellent work items they need to work on to achieve those five Northstar goals that will be included in the three-year strategic plan. I had fun. I had a great time working with the group. I love how engaged everyone was, and everyone participated in learning. Love be radical candor. Thank you, Dr. White, and Mr. Lawson, for the radical candor in the conversation and the dialogue. It was all very healthy, and this is truly a talented and innovative group, and I hope to be able to do that. I'll do that with you all again.
Dr. Bobby White: