Frayser Community Schools


March 2023 Frayser Community Schools Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday March 21, 2023 at 5:30 PM


The March 2023 board meeting will physically take place at Westside Middle School, but a zoom link will be provided for individuals unable to attend in person. 


Westside Middle School

3389 Dawn Dr.

Memphis, TN 38127


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 990 2081 9458
Passcode: xHj49e

Directors Present

A. Cathey, A. Jacobo, C. Reddick, K. Adams, S. Gibson

Directors Absent

C. Jackson, K. Armstrong, K. Tucker, R. Robinson Jr

Ex Officio Members Present

B. White

Non Voting Members Present

B. White

Guests Present

B. Lawson, G. Thompson, L. Clark, L. Warren, T. Hervey

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

A. Cathey called a meeting of the board of directors of Frayser Community Schools to order on Tuesday Mar 21, 2023 at 5:50 PM.


Approve Minutes

K. Adams made a motion to approve the minutes from February 2023 Frayser Community Schools Board Meeting on 02-21-23.
S. Gibson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Finance


Finance Committee Updates

Greg Thompson: 


Financial Update 2-21-2023 


FY2023 Cash Flow Projections 


Cash Balance: 

At 1-31-2023: ~$1.56M (~ 34 days of cash) 

Cash at 2-19-2023: ~ $2.07M (~ 45 days of cash)


FCS is still waiting on ASD for the budgeting process and approval for ESSER 2.0 and 3.0 spending for FY23. 


Cash will be significantly lower at this point (~$1-2M) due to delays with Federal Grant Reimbursements. 


BEP Funding:

  • Currently calculated at $10,366.43 (less 2.5% fee from ASD). This is slightly lower than what was projected in the budget ($10,587) but the number is likely to change during the year 
  • True-up calculations happen throughout the year (based on actual enrollment). 
  • Enrollment is approximately 44 students below Board Budget.


School                                                 MLK                Westside                Humes               Total

Enrollment under Board Approved      550                  335                       205                    1,090


Enrollment on which FCS is currently 508                   301                       185.5                  994.5

being funded

Current enrollment projections for     525                   330                       191                     1,046

per-pupil funding

III. Academic Excellence


Academic Excellence Committee Updates

Mr. Brett Lawson:


  • I want to share some specific things we're doing to prepare for this year's TNReady test. Our goal for the past few years is to hit 18% on the EOC. And that would take us completely off of the priority list. And that's our big goal to move us off of that list. 
  • We are getting ready for our final case assessment. As I stated in the February meeting, we do this assessment three times a year. And this last one will be the most comprehensive and closely resemble the TNReady test, everything we have done all year. Again it's the last chance to see how the students are doing and whether they will reach 18% this year. All three of our schools are doing a great job of celebrating kids and tracking their data. During our check-ins with the principals, they let us know how they prepare for the test. How are you building that emotional fortitude in the kids to prepare for doing their best on these tests? We know TNReady right now is one of those things as an organization that everybody looks to determine whether or not we're an organization that needs to continue to operate. And we have to provide those results. As our students are on track and mastering those TNReady and EOC standards, the ACT scores rise; the graduation rate is a slightly different beast to tackle. 
  • Over at the high school, Ms. Douglas is still working on our cohort. As I explained in our last meeting, we must have the documentation to prove they did so to improve that graduation rate. Ms. Douglas has to locate the students who started in the ninth grade and send that documentation in.

Dr. Lawanda Clark:


  • FCS just completed the Case 3 assessment. The data from Case 3 is a strong predictor of growth and achievement on the upcoming TNReady and EOC assessments.
    Schools are now doing TNReady Blitz as a plan to narrow the instructional focus on what students need to be thriving on the TNReady on EOC.
  • The MCLs are supporting our teachers by modeling and guiding instructions in the classroom based on the needs of both the teachers and students. FCS will conduct a PAN Pearson access next stress test led by the BTC (building test coordinators) to ensure we are technology ready for the assessment.
  • The MCLs and summer PD: MCLs are reading and learning about IMPACT Cycle. Their PD for the summer will focus on content and support guidance of teaching and learning. MCLs will participate in a virtual IMPACT Cycle PD session on April 13th & 14th. Summer PD will focus on content and instructional practice for teachers and MCLs. School leaders are encouraged to attend.

Dr. Tonya Hervey:


  • In our principal check-in today, we spoke with the principals about the upcoming TNReady. We are still intensely focused on data-driven instruction and our interventions for students. And when we compared last year's case two results to this year's case two results, they're guiding their students to set their own goals to monitor their self-goals and try to stretch to exceed their goals with iReady and the case data. 
  • At all three schools, we have seen some significant increase. At every school, we also looked at what they were doing to ensure we got favorable results. We looked at EOC results from last year and discussed where we are this year and the plans to ensure we exceed last year's results at all three schools. We know that we're looking at our middle school data, that at the sixth-grade level, like 85% of our kids come to us three or more grade levels below the sixth-grade level in reading and math. And so we're constantly trying to make up for students' learning gap; we've ordered reading materials, which are phonics-based instruction materials to utilize during the RTI block. So we're meeting students where they are doing RTI, but also continuing to use all grade level content that we have during the regular classrooms. Students have started Saturday school. We're utilizing the iReady resource as long as the Azurerm flat platform. So we're looking forward to some success during this year's testing season because we're being more intentional. 

IV. Governance


Governance Committee Updates

Mrs. Arlinda Cathey:


  • Let me introduce our parent to the board, Ms. Carla Tobert. Ms. Tolbert is also a part of the PAC (Parent Advisory Committee) meetings. I want to encourage you all to attend one of the PAC meetings, which take place every third Wednesday at Westside. The meeting starts at 5 pm. Join Ms. Tolbert and some other parents if you have time. We will do our official vote next month for Ms. Tolbert. 

We have our committee meetings listed on our agenda for next month.

  • Development Committee: April 4th at 7 pm
  • Academic Excellence: April 17th at 6 pm
  • Governance: April 24th at 6 pm 
  • Our annual CEO evaluation is coming up. I will send emails to the board and network staff regarding the evaluation. For our new board members, this is your first time doing an evaluation; this is where you take some time to evaluate Dr. White's performance. It's not only for board members, it's for the FCS network staff as well. It's a process that we have to complete, so please take your time and consider your responses. We want to provide Dr. White with some strong feedback.

Dr. Bobby White:

  • Thank you to the board members who could attend the capacity interview. To catch some of the members up on how we got here. We submitted our charter application on February 1st and were accepted for our capacity interview on March 6th. The capacity interview was held at the Shelby County School building this month on the 6th for both schools. MLK was first from 8:30 am to 10 am and  then Humes was next from 10:30 am to 12 noon. Our network team was there for both interviews. Ms. Perry, the principal of MLK, and Mr. Thomas, the principal of Humes, were there and they were on fire! Mr. Thomas answered all the questions. Shelby County wasn't ready for us. 

V. Development


Development Committee Updates

Ms. Candice Reddick: 


  • During our last development committee meeting, we discussed the appraisal process of Westside Middle School facilities with MSCS, which is about 1.5 million. Dr. White and Mr. Lawson are working with MSCS and the interim superintendent to discuss various options and plans to purchase this property.
  • Various ideas were discussed for the board to support FCS fundraising efforts, specifically the board hosting an art auction in Frayser (possibly Ed Rice Community Center) to spotlight student artwork as well as art from local artists as well. 
  • Frasyer Community Schools day (May 23) is our next natural opportunity to engage in some targeted fundraising efforts. Given that this is more of a community celebration, full board involvement and participation is recommended. 

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:09 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Cathey
Documents used during the meeting
  • FCS Financial Update 3-21-2023.pdf