Frayser Community Schools
February 2023 Frayser Community Schools Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday February 21, 2023 at 5:30 PM
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 990 2081 9458
Passcode: xHj49e
Directors Present
A. Cathey (remote), C. Jackson (remote), C. Reddick (remote), S. Gibson (remote)
Directors Absent
A. Jacobo, K. Adams, K. Armstrong, K. Tucker, R. Robinson Jr
Ex Officio Members Present
B. White (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
B. White (remote)
Guests Present
B. Lawson (remote), Felicia Bearden (remote), L. Clark (remote), L. Warren (remote), T. Hervey (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
II. CEO Updates
Remember the Vision
III. Finance
Finance Committee Updates
Greg Thompson:
Financial Update 2-21-2023
FY2023 Cash Flow Projections
Cash Balance:
At 1-31-2023: ~$1.56M (~ 34 days of cash)
Cash at 2-19-2023: ~ $2.07M (~ 45 days of cash)
FCS is still waiting on ASD for the budgeting process and approval for ESSER 2.0 and 3.0 spending for FY23.
Cash will most likely be significantly lower at this point (~$1-2M) due to delays with Federal Grant Reimbursements.
BEP Funding:
- Currently calculated at $10,366.43 (less 2.5% fee from ASD). This is slightly lower than what was projected in the budget ($10,587) but the number is likely to change during the year
- True-up calculations happen throughout the year (based on actual enrollment).
- Enrollment is approximately 44 students below Board Budget.
School MLK Westside Humes Total
Enrollment under Board Approved Budget 550 335 205 1,090
Enrollment on which FCS is currently 508 301 185.5 994.5
being funded
Current enrollment projections for 525 330 191 1,046
per-pupil funding
IV. Academic Excellence
Academic Excellence Committee Updates
Mr. Brett Lawson:
- We have Dr. Clark and Dr. Harvey, and they might have some information they would like to share. I want to share specific things we're doing to prepare for this year's TNReady test. And I'll tackle that in broad strokes. Our goal for the past couple of years is to hit 18% on the EOC. And that would take us completely off of the priority list. And that's our big goal to move us off of that list. We are getting ready for our final case assessment. That's an assessment that we do three times a year. And this last one will be the most comprehensive and closely resemble the TNReady test, everything we have done all year. So it's the last chance to see how the students are doing and whether they will reach 18% this year. So Mr. Thomas did something extraordinary last week and had a great event for kids on Friday. He is doing a great job of celebrating kids and tracking their data. And that's happening at the other schools, so we want to ensure everything is intense. And I sat in on most of the check-ins today, and that was a recurring thing. How are you preparing for getting ready for the test? How are you celebrating kids are making growth right now? How are you building that emotional fortitude in the kids to prepare for doing their best on these tests? And that level of rigor kind of gets married in ACT and graduation rate but not to the same extent, because we know TNReady right now for us is one of those things as an organization that everybody looks to determine whether or not we're an organization that needs to continue to operate. And we have to provide those results. That's like our bread and butter right now. As more students are on track and mastering those TNReady and EOC standards, the ACT scores rise; the graduation rate is a slightly different beast to tackle. They're two prongs that you have to hit with; the first one is a completion on time. And we know that we have some students who are overage for grade, who failed a grade.
We are an organization that is for the good or ill. We keep those kids in school and marching towards graduation, even when they count as a dropout for us and against our graduation rate. We try to get them across the stage and help them to graduate. So that's one issue to deal with.
The other issue is another records cleanup issue. It's ensuring that students in your cohort who don't belong there are removed appropriately. And so, students who were projected to us or somehow enrolled with us at the beginning of their ninth-grade year, but we never saw again, or they withdrew and went to another school out of state. We must have the documentation to prove they did so to improve that graduation rate. And so we have Mrs. Douglas at the high school, who is working very hard on that. She submitted a lot of paperwork last year. It didn't remove much from our cohort, but she is working on that again this year. Let me stop and allow Dr. Clark and Dr. Harvey to step in and say a few words. Let me start with Dr. Harvey first.
Dr. Tonya Hervey:
- As Mr. Lawson mentioned, we did speak about the upcoming TNReady, in all of our principal check-ins today. This year we have focused more intensely on data-driven instruction and the interventions we provide for students. And when we compared last year's case two results to this use case two results. We have seen that there has been some significant increase, particularly at Humes, as they're guiding their students to set their own goals to monitor their self-goals and try to stretch to exceed their stretch goals with iReady and with the case data as well. At every school, we also looked at what they were doing to ensure we got favorable results. And so, at the high school, we looked at EOC results from last year, discussed where we are this year, and what the plans are to ensure we exceed last year's results in all three schools. The principals reported that they expect a good result concerning T das growth. We know that we're looking at our middle school data in particular, that at the sixth-grade level, like 85% of our kids come to us three or more grade levels below the sixth-grade level in reading and math. And so we're constantly trying to make up for students' learning gap; we've ordered reading materials, which are phonics-based instruction materials to utilize during the RTI block. So we're meeting students where they are doing RTI, but also continuing to utilize all grade level content that we have during the regular classrooms. We have gotten grants, and both middle school principals have already planned and are conducting Saturday tutoring. From now until t-cap for ELA and math. We're utilizing the iReady resource as long as the azurerm flat platform. And because of those funds, we're able to provide tutoring services for more students than we were able to provide last year. So we're looking forward to some success during this year's testing season because we're being more intentional. I want to give Dr. Clark a shout-out for being a partner with us and for coming in and helping us focus on instruction, instruction, and instruction to the grade level of the classroom. Our recurring theme has been needing a licensed, qualified teacher, particularly at Westside and in some of the EOC classrooms. We know that the teacher determines 80% of how much a kid achieves in the classroom, and that's our white elephant, right? But we've been coming up with strategies to support to continue to support teachers and substitutes, and students to make sure that students get the academic growth and that we can have the academic achievement improvement that we desire.
Dr. Lawanda Clark:
- Dr. Harvey did an extraordinary job. I want to highlight the work the MCLs are doing to create and support the action plans that drive the workforce to have a successful t-cap testing season and end-of-year testing season. They have intentionally worked with teachers to identify those power standards, aligning them with strategies and tracking the data that the students are doing daily. They understand a sense of urgency about ensuring success to the point that we're trying multiple formulas. We're going to try a plus b try x plus y l plus O, just all kinds of ways to ensure we can get some guaranteed success. So they're being very creative. Teachers are a little; I don't know, not resistance, but just, you know, not wanting to realize they can be as accessible and creative as they want to at this point. Right. Let's drive and push those students into it. It's a different look at how they're conducting their IPS meetings. It's another way they're leading their PLC meetings and another way we're approaching the PD that we're giving them now for the next few weeks. Because we want everybody to truly focus on academics and setting the students and teachers up for success during the testing season, so that's all I have. And Dr. Harvey, thank you again for those kind words.
V. Governance
Governance Committee Updates
Mrs. Arlinda Cathey:
- There are a few things that we want to share out with governance. If you don't mind, Dr. White and Mr. Lawson will provide a quick update regarding our charter applications for MLK prep and this for Humes and then briefly give feedback on how we're thinking through our renewal process for MLK and Humes.
Dr. Bobby White:
- Yes, briefly, because much of this work will be done by our committee, but we submitted our charter application on February 1st. And was accepted that we have our capacity interview on March 6th, which is right around the corner; they're turning this around much quicker than last time. But our capacity view interview is on March 6th, and Mrs. Cathey, I'm hopeful that you or another board member will be able to join us. It will be in person at the Shelby County School building on March 6th for both of them. MLK is first from 8:30 am to 10 am. And then Humes is next from 10:30 am to 12 noon. And so you may have someone who can attend MLK, and another person attend the other Humes.
- In the next few days, Mr. Lawson and I will divvy responsibilities about who we'd like to pay attention to which sections of the application. Of course, board members, we want you to pay attention to the governance section for the most part. And so that's where we are in the process. Once that occurs, if you are familiar with what happened last year, the Cabinet will recommend it to the board sometime in May. And then, of course, more than likely, that recommendation will be a denial, and then we'll come back. And when it comes back, then that's when the board will vote. And again, it's what you all are paying me for the most right now the insurance that we get all of those votes, that we get the five votes that we need to continue operating both schools. And right now, I'm confident that we can do that. As we've met in the committee meeting, I brought up the question of, at some point, to the board us having levers around what makes us decide whether or not we should ask for renewal for school or whether or not we should grow and what those things will be based upon, which are just data points, the quantitative data points. EOC, TNReady, and all those things are also based on data about what that school means to the community. What does Frayser Community Schools mean to the community? If not us, then who? If we're not there? What is it? What does that community look like? And what value have we added to the community since we've been there? And so those are things that will define it more in the committee meeting and bring it to the board for discussion. Once we begin to determine what those things are in the committee meetings. That's where we are right now with the charter application process.
Mrs. Arlinda Cathey:
- And this is the charter application process for MLK prep and Humes for Memphis Shelby County Schools. So that way, we make sure that everyone understands that we are completing the same process for Westside Middle School last year in terms of applying to Shelby County Schools to have Westside then come back under Shelby County Schools as our LEA. We are moving forward with the same process for MLK and Humes. But we want to start being intentional and planning around what our existence looks like at MLK prep—given, you know, conversation about potential new high schools that may be built within the Frayser area in the coming years and even with Humes, just for context. I think we're always thinking through what our existence in that specific community looks like. What we need in terms of enrollment to continue to ensure that we are operating the school at the level we intend to operate at. So, these are some of the conversations that are taking place within the Governance Committee. So then as we are pursuing this renewal, we also are being critical of not only the data points and the benchmarks that we wanted to make sure that we're hitting at the schools but also what are the other moving parts off of these scenarios for both schools.
- So, if you want to be a part of those conversations, this is your open invitation to join us for our governance committee meetings. Dr. White, I'll be there on March 6. So if any other board members are interested in attending a capacity interview, please let us know. It does involve you being able to look at the charter application and become extremely familiar with certain portions of it just in the likely case that a question may be posed to you. Still, the reality is that there does need to be a board chair there as well as potentially other board members present. But last year, we did it with key members from the network team and with me, so I'm prepared to do that either way.
Dr. Bobby White:
- The Governance Committee is discussing some heavy stuff. So we have the members on there. Please, everyone else is welcome. Because this Governance Committee is shaping our future and who we will be. And the more, the merrier. Of course, we'll bring these things for discussion in our monthly board meetings. But having more voices to talk through these things would be great. For the final point about the capacity interview, seven people they want us to have at most seven people. That doesn't mean that we already have seven to place up there. I'm giving you all the numbers that we're to have. So up to two board members; I know what we'll need from the network team.
Mrs. Arlinda Cathey:
- In terms of at least the other goals, the Governance Committee is working through supporting, in whatever capacity, the strategic planning process; this will be picking back up regarding a vision retreat that will take place sometime this spring. So, I want all the board members to know that date will be coming to you. We would love participation from the board in the strategic planning vision retreat that will take place, hopefully sometime next month. And that will be a more inclusive gathering of board members, network staff, and other important personnel as we continue to move forward and the strategic planning process. So that information is forthcoming, so please be on the lookout for it. And then succession planning is something that the Governance Committee is regularly engaged in, and looking to provide feedback to the rest of the board regarding what this organization's leadership looks like. What is that natural succession? That would be in play at any moment, anytime. We have a shift in the leadership structure of our organization. It's a critical process to move through, and we want to ensure that we have an entire agreement from the board as we potentially adopt a succession plan for our CEO. That'll be something that we'll be reporting on in the coming months before the end of the school year. And then, I want to mention a few key things. Something that's going to be coming out to you all very soon is our annual process. So for some board members, this is your first time, but for others, it is not. As well as for the network team that's on the call. We will be moving through our annual CEO evaluation, which includes everybody that's a part of our network staff and our board completing an evaluation directly in response to Dr. White's performance. So we move through that inwardly towards the second part of the spring. And it is also very much tied towards us all being able to throw an anonymous survey, so you're not in any way, shape, or form need to feel like you're being held to the fire in regards to your perspective, but sharing out your feedback with regards to Dr. White's performance in academic achievement in fiscal management also in regards to engaging the community. There's a whole set of criteria that we move through. So that'll be coming to you next month. And it is time oriented. So we want to make sure that everyone takes about 25 to 30 minutes to move through that evaluation and thinks through it to ensure we have some meaningful feedback. So that's something that's coming your way. Next, I want to briefly talk about our March board meeting because the second Tuesday falls on spring break week, and we want to ensure that we are providing all of our network staff with some relief from having to meet during that week. So I propose that instead of meeting on the second week of May, the second Tuesday of March, which is once again the 14th, we propose moving the board meeting to the third Tuesday of that month, March 21st. So I'm hoping that we're all in alignment on that.
VI. Development
Development Committee Updates
Mrs. Arlinda Carhey:
- I'm so excited, and this is our last report. I'll give a brief response because we are not newly formed but have been able to fill our Development Committee. And this is with some remarkable individuals who are all new board members serving on our development committee now. Our development committee has been different for a while, but that's alright because we are back ready and in action. And we met last month regarding goals for development. We are purchasing Westside Middle School. I will ask Dr. White to give a brief report regarding at least some of the conversations that have taken place, and I would say if, by chance, any of the committee members want to chime in, please feel free to do so. But I'll briefly also highlight the other things that are being talked about. The development committee meetings are our annual board-giving commitment to identifying what that commitment should be, being creative, and finding ways to help the board reach those goals. As well as other funding streams to prioritize, which that goal is, of course, identifying some of those additional streams, whether they be, you know, through grants, fundraisers, philanthropy streams, things of that nature. So, Dr. White, we're at seven o'clock. Please give us a brief synopsis of the purchase of the Westside building.
Dr. Bobby White:
- Sure. The building was appraised at 1.5 million. Mr. Lawson and I met with the superintendent. She told us to give her rationale and a counteroffer within a week. Between Mr. Lawson, Mrs. Pearson, and I met. We came up with all our talking points, some of which Mr. Lawson and I had already shared with the superintendent this past Friday. I did not copy you on that, Mrs. Cathey. I will forward you the email that I sent to the superintendent. I gave her our offer as a counteroffer, meaning anything less than $500,000 is a fair price. We feel like a reasonable price is $0. But we know that that's not going to happen. But that's where we are. I feel confident about our meeting with her. She is a very straightforward person, very frank. And they will let us buy the building just how much it will cost. It's what's up in the air right now. And so, I sent her the email this past Friday, and I hope to get an answer back this week. And when we meet with the development committee, we need $400,000 to buy Westside, and how do we raise this money? That's where we are right now regarding the purchase of Westside.
Dr. Bobby White: