Frayser Community Schools
FCS Board Meeting (Web Meeting)
Date and Time
Tuesday November 10, 2020 at 5:30 PM
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Directors Present
A. Cathey (remote), C. Houston (remote), E. Henneghan (remote), J. Thornton (remote), K. Adams (remote), M. Matthews (remote), M. Shepherd (remote), R. Dowell (remote)
Directors Absent
R. Floyd, S. Lockwood, T. Hartwell
Ex Officio Members Present
B. White (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
B. White (remote)
Guests Present
B. Lawson (remote), G. Thompson (remote), Katie Wise (remote), L. Warren (remote), T. Hervey (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
A. Cathey called a meeting of the board of directors of Frayser Community Schools to order on Tuesday Nov 10, 2020 at 5:42 PM.
Approve Minutes
E. Henneghan made a motion to approve the minutes from FCS Board Meeting (Web Meeting) on 10-13-20.
M. Matthews seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
II. CEO Updates
Remembering the Vision
Dr. Bobby White:
- A former Frayser High School graduate posted a book of poems released when we were in the 9th grade. I wrote a poem called "The Legend" which I wrote about Dr. Martin Luther King.
- I want to talk about Dr. Robinson being a legend in her own time with how she is handling the tragedy in her community. Dr. Robinson's ongoing engagement with the families and parents throughout the year allows her to have a close connection to the community Humes serves. Everyone in that community trusts Dr. Robinson and the staff; thus during this tragedy she is holding the community together.
- I've always said that being a principal is the most incredible job you can ever have as an educator. You are the mayor of a small city. And I think Dr. Robinson has shown some legendary leadership in that space.
- I also want to highlight one of our board members who recently was featured in an article, Dr. Matthews. He discussed his newest book "Urban Aces."
- I was recently featured in Highground News, a Memphis based publication that covers community news. The article was about my book "Urban Aces" which discusses how to reach and teach students traumatized by adverse childhood experiences.
- I believe that Dr. Matthews was very vigilant, speaking at the Pervis Payne rally. As of Friday, Governor Bill Lee granted a reprieve to our client Pervis Payne. We know that all of the organizing efforts locally, statewide, and nationally contributed to whatever, has caused the Governor to delay execution in December. So keep us in your prayers and thoughts.
III. Academic Excellence
Academic Excellence Committee Updates
Dr. Lakishia Robinson:
7th-grade Social Studies 34.8%
Humes 2018 Data 6% Proficient (on track/mastered)
AMO goal 11.9% Double AMO goal - 17.8%
Current Case Data per content area
ELA 8.9%
Math 15.4%
Science 16.0%
Social Studies 26.6%
Proficiency Average = 16.7%
They are on track to achieve their double AMO goal.
Dr. Marcus Matthews:
- Just a few updates this evening about the things that have been going on at Humes. First I want to share that a lot of the work we've been able to do during these challenging times is due to everyone's collaborative efforts. The FCS principals have never been stronger. We speak every week outside of meetings. We're lean, depending on each other's leadership skills and tapping into each other's toolkits, borrowing each other's screwdrivers and hammers. So I want to thank the principals for providing ideas and helping FCS become a more robust network.
- I want to spend a few minutes and share some information about Humes. Lets begin with our case data; we're focused on data-driven instruction this school year. Attendance is still an ongoing issue. I know that's not specific to our network, but its prevalent across the city and the country. We're working to make improvements with attendance and we're also making improvements with student engagement.
- We want to increase our goal by a measurable, attainable number. We have some students on track to mastery. For example,
7th-grade Social Studies 34.8%
Humes 2018 Data 6% Proficient (on track/mastered)
AMO goal 11.9% Double AMO goal - 17.8%
Current Case Data per content area
ELA 8.9%
Math 15.4%
Science 16.0%
Social Studies 26.6%
Proficiency Average = 16.7%
They are on track to achieve their double AMO goal.
- We have been in the virtual cafe' for a couple of weeks now and it is still growing.
- November events that have happened in Humes community:
- Smokie City Neighborhood Association and gave out cleaning supplies of all types.
- Our partnership with Memphis Food Bank and Black Lives Matter gave out food baskets, diapers, pull-ups, and baby wipes. In addition to that, backpacks filled with school supplies and PPE.
- And if you are aware, you know we did lose one of our scholars, TayShon. We had a candlelight visual in front of his mother's house. Humes has been there every step of the way from going to the hospital when they found out about the incident and just checking in every single day, even helping with some final arrangements for the funeral. We're a part of this student's family and we're going to continue to show up the best way we know how.
Dr. Marcus Matthews:
- I am working with Mr. Brett Lawson on an academic dashboard for the network. You will learn more about this in the next meeting.
IV. Finance
Finance Committee Updates
Greg Thompson"
• PPP loan of $1.525M – anticipating forgiveness and recognition as income in 2020-2021.
- We're a quarter into the year, so this represents 25% of the fiscal year's financials. We've received two of our ten BEP payments that make up the bulk of the revenue.
- $63,000, that's small grants with Pyramid Peak, Whole Child Strategies, and then we'll have another grant coming in for $80,000.
- Based on enrollment, the grant revenue, salary expenses, contracted services and instructional materials - I'm forecasting FCS should be able to break even this year.
• PPP loan of $1.525M – anticipating forgiveness and recognition as income in 2020-2021.
V. Development
Development Committee Updates
Erik Henneghan:
- I met with Erica Williams last week and received some great news that I would love to share with the board. I know we previously spoke about doing a virtual fundraiser this semester. So we brainstormed and thought it would be an excellent idea for us to participate in Giving Tuesday, which is December 1st. If you're not familiar with Giving Tuesday, each year, non-profits, small businesses, schools, churches, organizations all over the world participate in this global day of giving. FCS has participated in Giving Tuesday before and we thought it would be an excellent idea for the board to collaborate and support the effort this year.
- So we're going to lay out a marketing plan around Giving Tuesday with flyers and a one-pager you can share with your network. We should be receiving this collateral in the next couple of days.
- Regarding the board's fundraising efforts, all funds we be donated to the MLK Prep Social Justice Initiative.
VI. Governance
Governance Committee Updates
Arlinda Fair:
- I want to remind everyone about the Tennessee charter board training requirements we all must complete by this upcoming Sunday, November 15
- I've emailed all of the necessary instructions, but in general all new board members must complete 6 hours of training and current board members must complete 4 hours of training to receive certification through the Tennessee Charter School Center. If you have any questions or run into any issues - please let know.
- The governance committee has also been working to develop a framework for the FCS advisory council
- The advisory council will be group of individuals who can advise and provide support to the committee work of the FCS board of directors. As we continue to flesh out the framework, the Governance committee is of course looking to solicit feedback from committee chairs and will seek full implementation in Spring 2021
- Lastly, please be prepared for board approval amendments of FCS bylaws during December board meeting
VII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:16 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
A. Cathey
Documents used during the meeting
- FCS Finance Report 11-10-2020.pdf
- 2020-2021 FCS Consolidated Workbook (11.10.20).xlsx