Frayser Community Schools


FCS Board Meeting (Web Meeting)

Date and Time

Tuesday June 9, 2020 at 5:30 PM


Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 983 3415 2690
Password: 8AEM9r

Directors Present

A. Cathey (remote), A. Elliott (remote), C. Houston (remote), E. Henneghan (remote), K. Adams (remote), M. Matthews (remote), R. Dowell (remote), R. Floyd (remote), S. Lockwood (remote), T. Hartwell (remote)

Directors Absent


Ex Officio Members Present

B. White (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

B. White (remote)

Guests Present

B. Lawson (remote), Greg Thompson, Jalesa Parks, K. Potts (remote), L. Robinson (remote), L. Warren (remote), T. Hervey (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

A. Cathey called a meeting of the board of directors of Frayser Community Schools to order on Tuesday Jun 9, 2020 at 5:35 PM.


Approve Minutes

E. Henneghan made a motion to approve the minutes from FCS Board Meeting (Web Meeting) on 05-12-20.
K. Adams seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. CEO Updates


Remembering the Vision

Brett Lawson:
  • Disbursement of laptops for Summer school for all three schools went well.
  • State department discussed virtual learning. If the virus spread decreases then FCS may consider opening schools for the fall. If not, we definitely have the ability to maintain a distance learning model. 
  • Must consider the teachers perspective on re-entering schools.
  • Our Network team meets weekly to go over the "What If's".
  • We have three different way to approach. We have a plan and ready for it.
  • What would social distancing look like, classrooms, bathrooms and halls.  
  • We are still doing wellness check calls to our parents.
  • We have no clarity if the parents do not want their child to return in the traditional school setting. It is too early to know.

III. Academic Excellence


Academic Excellence Committee Updates

Brett Lawson:
  • Disbursement of laptops for Summer school for all three schools went well.
  • State Representative spoke on virtual learning. If the virus is low then we may be ready to open the schools. If the virus is high then we are not ready to reopen the schools.
  • We (FCS) are prepared if we are not able to reopen
  • Taking in to consideration if the teachers are afraid to return in the building.
  • Our Network team meets weekly to go over the "What If's".
  • We have three different way to approach. We have a plan and ready for it.
  • What would social distancing look like, classrooms, bathrooms and halls.  
  • We are still doing wellness check calls to our parents.
  • We have no clarity if the parents do not want their child to return in the traditional school setting. It is to early to know.

IV. Finance


Finance Committee Updates

Greg Thompson and Theodore Hartwell:

Cash Balance:
$3,277,966.75 in cash in the bank as of 6/9/2020.
• $1,525,000 from SBA PPP Loan
• $1,752,966.75 in operating funds (~53 days of cash on hand)
• Expected to end the year with $3.5M - $4M in cash on the balance sheet at the end of the fiscal year (including PPP funds).
FCS is expecting to breakeven for the year from a net income standpoint.
FCS PPP loan of $1,525,000:
• New legislation passed by House and Senate allows PPP funding to be spent over 24 weeks (from previous 8 week requirement). FCS is planning to spend funding on payroll over a 12-16 week period – thereby freeing up BEP funds for reserve.
Enrollment: FCS is estimating that its weighted-average enrollment for the year (the number of students for which it will be funded) will be 1,166
• MLK – 575
• Westside – 325
• Humes - 266
It is our understanding that remaining BEP payments will be based on enrollment from March (when school closed). There is one additional payment for the year coming mid-June.

V. Governance


Governance Committee Updates

Arlinda Fair:
  • MLK Prep Grievance Review
    • An employee may initiate the grievance procedure to appeal personnel decisions rendered by school administrators
      • Step 1: Appeal to Principal
      • Step 2: Appeal to senior leadership team, particularly Human Resources
      • Step 3: Appeal to FCS board
        • Employee should submit grievance to FCS board in writing before next regularly scheduled board meeting
        • The FCS board will investigate documentation and all parties involved
        • Decide to support previous or render new decision on behalf of employee
  • Jalesa Parks Grievance
    • Dispute a disciplinary referral she received on May 22, 2020 for refusing to complete ‘directives’ while concluding her employment with FCS
    • Requesting the disciplinary referral (refusal to work violation) that was rendered on May 22, 2020 be expunged
    • Does not understand why she is expected to complete the first three weeks of instruction for your content area courses in Canvas for the upcoming 2020-2021 academic
    • Governance meeting will reconnect on June 10 to review final details of grievance and a recommendation and final decision will be rendered
  • CEO Evaluation has been completed by all necessary parties 
  • This summer we will hold a modified board retreat with separate committee working sessions for assessment and goal setting for each respective committees 
  • Executive committee nominations/elections in July (Board Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary etc.)

VI. Development


Development Committee Updates

Erik Hennegan:
Virtual Fundraiser Recap
  • 91 Donors
  • $6,150 dollars raised
  • Thank you emails sent to all donors on 6/1.
  • Thanks to all volunteers and elected officials who joined us.
  • The host and DJ were sent thank you letters as well.
  • Next steps include scheduling development call to determine next fundraiser

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:23 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Cathey