Frayser Community Schools
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday February 12, 2019 at 5:30 PM
1530 Dellwood Ave.
Directors Present
A. Cathey, E. Henneghan, K. Adams, T. Hartwell (remote), V. Thompson
Directors Absent
D. Cole-Sulimani, K. Potts, L. Robinson, R. Peterson
Guests Present
L. Warren
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
E. Henneghan called a meeting of the board of directors of Frayser Community Schools to order on Tuesday Feb 12, 2019 at 5:41 PM.
Approve Minutes
II. New section
Highlights from the month
III. Development
Winter Fundraiser
Mr. Erik Henneghan recapped the winter fundraiser. All but two of the pieces of artwork were auctioned off. Our guest seemed to enjoy everything. The artwork from the students and donors were beautiful. Mrs. Vicki Thompson stated she and her husband really enjoyed being the host, "everything was nice and they had a lot of fun!" Mr. Henneghan would asked that we reach out to the guests, who were not able to attend the event. Mrs. Thompson will be sending out thank you cards out to our special guest, who attended our event. The fundraiser had a great turn out and was a great success! We are excited about the next fundraiser!
IV. Finance
Monthly Financials
Theodore Hartwell shared information on the approval for the budget and the new grant. He will give more information at our March meeting.
V. Governance
Recruitment plan/process
A. Cathey made a motion to Vote on Raquel Capocaccia and Andrea Jacobo as members of the Board.
K. Adams seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Ms. Arlinda Fair shared information on the Board Candidate Evaluation Form. Ms. Fair would like to go over the new bylaws. The team needs to do this before the board members start. Ms. Fair will be sending out a doodle poll for the date to meet, to go over the new bylaws. Ms. Fair also shared information on both candidates; each member shared their thoughts about each candidate. Some board members have already met with each candidate. Our new candidates are Ms. Raquel Capocaccia and Ms. Andrea Jacobo.
Raquel Capocaccia:
Dr. Bobby White stated that Ms. Raquel Capocaccia speaks multiple languages. She is a parent and was very excited to see what she saw at Westside. Ms. Capocaccia was so surprised to see students totally engaged in classes and no students walking the halls. She was very positive and shared that she would feel comfortable allowing her child to attend Westside.
Mr. Erik Henneghan stated that he feels that Ms. Raquel Capocaccia is a great candidate. Mr. Henneghan worked with Ms. Capocaccia in marketing. Mr. Henneghan feels Ms. Capocaccia is a great person and would be a great asset to our board. Mr. Henneghan also feels that Ms. Erica Williams and Ms. Raquel Capocaccia should meet.
Mrs. Vicki Thompson stated that she had worked with Ms. Raquel Capocaccia before; they had only worked together a few months. Mrs. Thompson thinks Ms. Capocaccia is wonderful and would be a great addition to the team.
Andrea Jacobo:
Dr. Bobby White stated that Ms. Andrea Jacobo was a joy to speak with and mentioned that she also speaks multiple languages. She has great energy and also speaks multiple languages. During her visit she met some of our students. She was able to interact with one of our students and was able to speak with him in his native tongue, he was shcoked and thrilled.
Both candidates were unanimously voted to the board.
Raquel Capocaccia:
Dr. Bobby White stated that Ms. Raquel Capocaccia speaks multiple languages. She is a parent and was very excited to see what she saw at Westside. Ms. Capocaccia was so surprised to see students totally engaged in classes and no students walking the halls. She was very positive and shared that she would feel comfortable allowing her child to attend Westside.
Mr. Erik Henneghan stated that he feels that Ms. Raquel Capocaccia is a great candidate. Mr. Henneghan worked with Ms. Capocaccia in marketing. Mr. Henneghan feels Ms. Capocaccia is a great person and would be a great asset to our board. Mr. Henneghan also feels that Ms. Erica Williams and Ms. Raquel Capocaccia should meet.
Mrs. Vicki Thompson stated that she had worked with Ms. Raquel Capocaccia before; they had only worked together a few months. Mrs. Thompson thinks Ms. Capocaccia is wonderful and would be a great addition to the team.
Andrea Jacobo:
Dr. Bobby White stated that Ms. Andrea Jacobo was a joy to speak with and mentioned that she also speaks multiple languages. She has great energy and also speaks multiple languages. During her visit she met some of our students. She was able to interact with one of our students and was able to speak with him in his native tongue, he was shcoked and thrilled.
Both candidates were unanimously voted to the board.
VI. Other Business
Dr. Bobby White mentioned the need to leverage the relationships that the team has.
Dr. White would like to reach out to our local representatives. Dr. White asks if anyone has influence with any of our representatives to invite them to visit our schools.
Shelby County Schools has a new Interim SCS Superintendent. Dr. White is asking that our Board members get to know him and try to build a relationship with our new Superintendent.
Dr. White has been selected to the prestigious Broad Superintendent Academy. The need for a succession plan was briefly discussed. Dr. White reiterated to the Board that “By no means am I thinking about leaving", but a succession plan needs to be in place.
Dr. White would like to reach out to our local representatives. Dr. White asks if anyone has influence with any of our representatives to invite them to visit our schools.
Shelby County Schools has a new Interim SCS Superintendent. Dr. White is asking that our Board members get to know him and try to build a relationship with our new Superintendent.
Dr. White has been selected to the prestigious Broad Superintendent Academy. The need for a succession plan was briefly discussed. Dr. White reiterated to the Board that “By no means am I thinking about leaving", but a succession plan needs to be in place.
VII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
V. Thompson made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
A. Cathey seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
L. Warren
Winter Fundraiser