Frayser Community Schools
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday November 13, 2018 at 5:30 PM
1530 Dellwood Ave.
Directors Present
A. Cathey, D. Cole-Sulimani, E. Henneghan (remote), E. Reed, H. Medling, K. Adams, T. Hartwell (remote)
Directors Absent
K. Potts, V. Thompson
Guests Present
B. Lawson, L. Warren
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
D. Cole-Sulimani called a meeting of the board of directors of Frayser Community Schools to order on Tuesday Nov 13, 2018 at 5:43 PM.
Approve Minutes
H. Medling made a motion to approve minutes.
E. Reed seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
II. Academic Excellence
Update on academic progress
III. Development
Fundraiser execution
Mr. Erik Hennenghan, shared information about the upcoming fundraiser. The first fundraiser will be held at the home of Mrs. Vicki Thompson. We will be auctioning off art work from MLK. We will need about two to three art pieces. The fundraiser will take place on January 31st, 2018. We are asking all board members to invite some donors to our event. The fundraiser is a private event so Ms. Erica Williams will send out the invitations. The invitations will be digital so we need all names as soon as possible. We are asking if everyone could give $30.00, that will help with some of the costs.
IV. Finance
Updated Forecast and monthly financials
Mr. Theodore Hartwell shared with us a presentation on FCS budget updates. Mr. Hartwell, spoke on our October 2018 financial updates and spoke about the enrollment at all three schools. Mr. Hartwell also gave information about the budgets revenues and expenses, shared our projection vs current forecast for the fiscal year of 2018 and 2019. Mr. Hartwell shared our enrollment numbers for the fiscal year of 2019 at MLK, Humes and Westside.
Dr. Bobby White shared some information about all three schools. Dr. White stated that Humes is below their enrollment mark, Westside is over their enrollment mark and MLK is well under their enrollment mark. Dr. White will be visiting MLK after the Thanksgiving break. He will meet with the 9th and 10th graders, then meet with the parents.
Dr. Bobby White shared some information about all three schools. Dr. White stated that Humes is below their enrollment mark, Westside is over their enrollment mark and MLK is well under their enrollment mark. Dr. White will be visiting MLK after the Thanksgiving break. He will meet with the 9th and 10th graders, then meet with the parents.
V. Governance
Process and Procedures
Board Recruitment Updates
* As discussed in the October Governance Committee meeting, we have moved forward with rolling out a new board recruitment process, as summarized below:
o Step 1: Initial phone call with board candidate (Arlinda)
o Step 2: Invitation to meet with select board members (2-3 board members)
o Step 3: Meeting and tour of FCS facilities with Dr. White
o Step 4: Extend invitation to join board
* During October, I connected with several new board candidates New Memphis referred to us. Below are notes from each of those conversations:
o Andrea Jacobo
* Works with UT Health Sciences Center as a Community Health Extensions Agent
* Significant experience managing projects, volunteers and forming coalitions and committees for educational programs focused on health equity
* Helped to develop a student led farmers market at Kingsbury High School, taught students entrepreneurial skills
* Funded this specific project through a grant she applied for
* Serves on the Latino Caucus for Public Health
o Raquel Hinson
* Works with the Streets Ministries as the Director of Auxiliary Services and works with the Academic Support Center
* Previously worked with organizations that support charters (Green Dot, Boys and Girls Club, other CMOs)
* Has a significant skill set in sales (served as the Advertising Director at Memphis Magazine), communications and development
* She is rolling off another board, but is interested in serving an organization where the board is committed to showing measurable results.
* She has found through her previous board appointments that there is a lot of great ideas – but no real implementation.
o Claire Rossie
* Native Memphian
* Currently serves as a Community Relations Consultant with Service Masters
* Began her career in the nonprofit sector and has extensive experience in communications, development and grant writing. She now works on the corporate giving side and has strong insights into cultivating partnerships that meet the real needs of organizations.
* Served as a board member for the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Memphis
o Collin Fountain
* Missed phone call, never followed-up
* Internal Auditor at Helena Chemical
* As discussed in the October Governance Committee meeting, we have moved forward with rolling out a new board recruitment process, as summarized below:
o Step 1: Initial phone call with board candidate (Arlinda)
o Step 2: Invitation to meet with select board members (2-3 board members)
o Step 3: Meeting and tour of FCS facilities with Dr. White
o Step 4: Extend invitation to join board
* During October, I connected with several new board candidates New Memphis referred to us. Below are notes from each of those conversations:
o Andrea Jacobo
* Works with UT Health Sciences Center as a Community Health Extensions Agent
* Significant experience managing projects, volunteers and forming coalitions and committees for educational programs focused on health equity
* Helped to develop a student led farmers market at Kingsbury High School, taught students entrepreneurial skills
* Funded this specific project through a grant she applied for
* Serves on the Latino Caucus for Public Health
o Raquel Hinson
* Works with the Streets Ministries as the Director of Auxiliary Services and works with the Academic Support Center
* Previously worked with organizations that support charters (Green Dot, Boys and Girls Club, other CMOs)
* Has a significant skill set in sales (served as the Advertising Director at Memphis Magazine), communications and development
* She is rolling off another board, but is interested in serving an organization where the board is committed to showing measurable results.
* She has found through her previous board appointments that there is a lot of great ideas – but no real implementation.
o Claire Rossie
* Native Memphian
* Currently serves as a Community Relations Consultant with Service Masters
* Began her career in the nonprofit sector and has extensive experience in communications, development and grant writing. She now works on the corporate giving side and has strong insights into cultivating partnerships that meet the real needs of organizations.
* Served as a board member for the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Memphis
o Collin Fountain
* Missed phone call, never followed-up
* Internal Auditor at Helena Chemical
VI. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
H. Medling made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
E. Reed seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
L. Warren
Dr. White commented, "We know this is a challenge, but want you to know we do have a plan". We are doing all we can to help our students to bring up their scores.