Frayser Community Schools
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday April 10, 2018 at 5:30 PM
1530 Dellwood Ave
Meeting will be held at the MLK campus.
1530 Dellwood
Memphis, TN 38127
1530 Dellwood
Memphis, TN 38127
Directors Present
C. Thompson, D. Cole-Sulimani, D. Manning, E. Henneghan, E. Reed, E. Williams, H. Medling, T. Hartwell
Directors Absent
A. Nix, C. Elliott, M. Rude
Guests Present
L. Warren
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
C. Thompson called a meeting of the board of directors of Frayser Community Schools to order on Tuesday Apr 10, 2018 at 5:40 PM.
Approve Minutes
Remember the vision
II. CEO Support And Eval
Eval report
It was purposed that Mrs. Del Sulimani, take on the CEO Evals.
III. Development
Ms. Erica Williams, talked about the fundraising goals. Ms. Williams passed out paperwork about the annual fundraising, speaking on what the goals are for the fiscal year for fundraising. Each year, we ask the board members to devote some serious time to the exercise of planning how s/he will reach the fundraising commitment that comes with board service to our organization. Most importantly, it it a discussion guide for a conversation with the chair of your development director.
Grants: Mr. White recently submitted a proposal grant and is awaiting a response.
Ms. Williams also spoke on an upcoming event on May 17th. Students are putting a documentary together, we qualified for the MLK 50 grant. We are having the students to speak up about the things going on in the community. If you know any students from the community, which would like to speak (voice the opinion) about the community please let Ms. Williams know.
Grants: Mr. White recently submitted a proposal grant and is awaiting a response.
Ms. Williams also spoke on an upcoming event on May 17th. Students are putting a documentary together, we qualified for the MLK 50 grant. We are having the students to speak up about the things going on in the community. If you know any students from the community, which would like to speak (voice the opinion) about the community please let Ms. Williams know.
IV. Finance
New item
Mr. Hartwell spoke on our February 2018 financial updates. Mr. Hartwell also gave information about the budgets revenues and expenses, shared our previous vs current forecast for the fiscal year of 2018 as well as monthly cash balance with the monthly financial summary.
V. Governance
Board recruitment
H. Medling made a motion to To vote Mrs. Thompson as a new board member.
D. Manning seconded the motion.
The motion did not carry.
D. Manning made a motion to Dr. Manning voted that Mrs Del Sulimani as our new board chair.
H. Medling seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Mrs. Del Sulimani has agreed to take on the responsiblity of being the new board chair. "I would give me great pleasure to support the students and the community here in the Frayser Community area".
VI. Closing Items
Establish important dates
Upcoming dates:
May 17th: MLK Student Documentary
May 18th: Senior Baccalaureate Program
May 20th: Senior Graduation
May 17th: MLK Student Documentary
May 18th: Senior Baccalaureate Program
May 20th: Senior Graduation
Adjourn Meeting
T. Hartwell made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
D. Manning seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
D. Manning
Mr. Henneghan spoke about attending the MLK Black History Program and how he really enjoyed the program, seeing the students involved and engaged to learning about their history. He was glad to see our students and happy to meet them in a hands on personal way as well as to meeting our Visual Arts teacher