Frayser Community Schools

August 2021 FCS Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday August 10, 2021 at 5:30 PM CDT


Westside Middle School
3389 Dawn Drive
Memphis, TN


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
    Approve minutes for FCS Board Meeting on June 8, 2021
II. CEO Updates
  A. Remembering the Vision
III. Finance
  A. Finance Committee Updates
  • Monthly review of financials
IV. Academic Excellence
  A. Academic Excellence Committee Updates
  • Academic Updates from Mr. Lawson
    • AY 2021-2022 Updates
      • Registration Progress
      • COVID-19 Plan
      • Student Transportation Updates
V. Governance
  A. Governance Committee Updates
  • Board Retreat Recap 
  • Annual BoardSmart Training 
    • This year Board Smart will assist us in ensuring that all charter schools in Tennessee meet training and certification requirements, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated 49-13-111(q), which requires that all board members participate in 4 or 6 hours of training and receive certification through the Tennessee Charter School Center annually. You can find more detailed information about our training offerings and the certification process here.
  • Annual Board Elections:
    • Vote required for Arlinda Fair Cathey as Board Chair and Michael Shepherd as Board Treasurer
    • Board Vice Chair and Board Secretary positions are vacant. Positions needs to be filled by September
VI. Development
  A. Development Committee Updates
  • Decision to move away from board led fundraising events
  • Transition to 100% board giving for AY 2021-2022 
  • Revised Development Committee structure moving forward
VII. Network Updates from the CEO
  A. Pertinent Network Updates and Developments
VIII. Public Comments
IX. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting