Frayser Community Schools

FCS Board Meeting (Web Meeting)

Date and Time

Tuesday February 9, 2021 at 5:30 PM CST


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I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
    Approve minutes for FCS Board Meeting (Web Meeting) on December 8, 2020
II. CEO Updates
  A. Remembering the Vision
III. Academic Excellence
  A. Academic Excellence Committee Updates
  • COVID-19 Distance Learning Progress
  • FCS School Reopening Plans
IV. Governance
  A. Governance Committee Updates
  • Special Legislative Session Summary
  • Board Membership Updates
    • At the close of the fall 2020 semester, Steve Lockwood and Pastor Floyd rolled off the board; Theo Hartwell will roll off the board at the close of the fiscal year (June 2021)
    • Begin recruitment efforts to identify new board candidates and onboard new members by start of new fiscal year (July 2021) 
      • Review previous recruitment process
        • Step 1: Initial phone call with board candidate (Arlinda)
        • Step 2: Invitation to meet with select board members (2-3 board members)
        • Step 3: Meeting and tour of FCS facilities with Dr. White
        • Step 4: Extend invitation to join board
    •  Next steps include identifying expertise/profiles of prospective board members, asking current board members for leads and begin the outreach process
      • Individuals from Frayser community churches/organizations
      • Parent representative
  • CEO and Executive Director Evaluation
    • Prepare board and network staff for upcoming CEO and Executive Director evaluation process
  • FCS Advisory Council Framework 
    • Roll out details in the coming month for committees implementation this spring
V. Finance
  A. Finance Committee Updates
  • Monthly review of financials
VI. Development
  A. Development Committee Updates
  • Planning for Frayser Community Schools Day
    • Scheduled for Sunday, May 23, 2021
    • Given the uncertainty of COVID and the progress of vaccine distribution this spring, the committee would like to host another telethon event that will be livestreamed
    • Exploring opportunities to make May the designated giving month for the organization annually; developing giving campaign throughout May leading up to FCS Day
    • Seeking to pull together event committee to assist with planning over the next several months
VII. Network Updates from the CEO
  A. Pertinent Network Updates and Developments
  • FCS Charter Application Submission to SCS
VIII. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting