Frayser Community Schools

FCS Board Meeting (Web Meeting)

Date and Time

Tuesday August 11, 2020 at 5:30 PM CDT


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I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
    Approve minutes for FCS Board Meeting (Web Meeting) on July 14, 2020
II. CEO Updates
  A. Remembering the Vision
III. Academic Excellence
  A. Academic Excellence Committee Updates
  • COVID-19 Distance Learning Progress Report and Updates
    • FCS Network Team
IV. Finance
  A. Finance Committee Updates
  • Monthly financial review
V. Governance
  A. Governance Committee Updates
  • Governance Working Session Updates & AY 20-21 Goals
    • 2020-2021 Amendments to FCS Bylaws
      • Review of recommended amendments
      • Exploration of developing board policies and procedures manual 
        • Inclusion of CEO succession plan, annual processes (annual CEO evaluation and bonus) and governing board recruitment plan
    • Development of FCS Advisory Council
  • Annual Executive Committee Elections
    • Nominations received for:  
      • Board Chair - Arlinda Fair 
      • Vice Chair - Erik Henneghan
      • Secretary - Cedrick Houston
  • Board Membership for Michael Shepherd
    • Feedback from various board members 
    • Board vote
VI. Development
  A. Development Committee Updates
  • Development Working Session Updates and AY 20-21 Goals: 
    • Develop a top 10 list of past donors
    • Request each board member to submit a top 10 list of donors
    • Outreach to all past donors - thanking them for their consistent support, providing them with timely updates and notable accomplishments (donation link included)
    • Identify targeted programming fundraising efforts will be supporting (new FCS advocacy programs or teacher needs)
    • Board fundraising goal is $10,000, but the committee would like to implement an additional $1,000 personal board member fundraising goal.
    • As of now, we will plan to have 1 fundraiser per semester
VII. Network Updates from the CEO
  • FCS - SCS Charter Application Updates 
  • Caldwell-Guthrie Elementary School Opportunities
VIII. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting