Frayser Community Schools

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday October 8, 2019 at 5:30 PM CDT


3389 Dawn Dr.


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
II. CEO Updates
  A. Remember the Vision
  • New Board Members Welcome
    • Regenia Dowell
    •  Marcus Matthews
  • Enrollment Report Updates
    • MLK
    • Westside
    • Humes
  • FCS October School Activities  
  • TN Charter School Conference (November 14th-16th Nashville, TN)
III. Academic Excellence
Academic Excellence
  A. Graduation Data
Update on recent high school graduation rates data
IV. Finance
  A. Update
  • Review monthly financials
V. Governance
  A. Governance
  • Board Recruitment Updates:
    • Candidate ready for board membership vote: Pastor Ricky Floyd
  • 2019 Year-end committee goals:
    • Seek board approval of CEO success plan
    • Seek board approval of amendments to bylaws
    • Assess board training needs
VI. Development
  A. Review of 2018-2019 Development Committee Activities
  • Art Fundraiser: January 31, 2019
    • More importantly, we made strides in our main objective for this fundraising year, which is to increase our donor list
    • Two guests donated a combined amount of $175 combined, making the total amount raised, $1800
    • Eleven pieces were sold resulting in $1625
  • 5-Year Anniversary: May 23, 2019
    • 81 guests attended the celebration (this included some complimentary ticketed guests)
    • Sponsorships covered the costs of the event (food, venue, music, decorations, printing, etc.), allowing us to make the following from ticket sales
    • Ticket sales: $3285.00
    • Donations: $1420
    • Received a proclamation from the City of Memphis (FCS Day May 23)
  • Goals for 2019-2020
    • Invite new board members to join the Development Committee
    • Align fundraising goals with the key financial needs of FCS
    • MAM Partnership
VII. Other Business
VIII. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting