Crossroads Charter Schools
Crossroads Charter Schools Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday June 26, 2023 at 5:00 PM
Virtual Meeting:
This Agenda has been posted on Friday, June 23rd, 2023
Trustees Present
B. Riley (remote), G. Valdovino (remote), J. Schwartz (remote), J. Williams (remote), L. Weekly (remote), S. Bookhart (remote)
Trustees Absent
D. Charity, P. Hardwick, R. Moore
Guests Present
D. Yoder (remote), Gail Taylor (remote), T. McDowell (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance
Approve Meeting Agenda
Approve May Meeting Minutes
II. Public Forum
Public Comment
No public comments
III. Finance
May Check Register
Beth was not able to complete the check register. Requests we move to next meeting
May Financials
D Yoder presented the May financials.
FY24 Budget Presentation
Dan presents overview
- S. Bookhart had questions re: are we anticipating any large positive or negative impact
- Dan will review in detailed budget
- L. Collins asked if private funds/donations were multiyear gifts or one-time gifts.
- Depends, we have both
- G. Valdovino asked where we rank among other districts in terms of being competitive with salaries.
- We're most competitive with first year teachers
- We were the first to bump salaries up then other districts followed
- J. Williams suggested including 2 year projections in certain areas of the budget (e.g., Esser) beyond our WADA
- J. Schwartz asked if it was intentional to be competitive w/ first year teachers over others?
- Gail explained yes, it was intentional as that was the majority of the hires
- S. Bookhart asked if we're able to glean what other enticements are valuable to teachers other than just salaries.
- Gail outlined multiple steps taken to listen to existing staff and implement programs, new staff positions, etc.
- Dan reviewed fund balance
- J. Schwartz asked for clarification on Dan's comment re: the model's sustainability
- S. Bookhart suggested more participatory budget planning/knowledge
IV. Educational Excellence
Therapy Dog Program
Tysie reviewed, program is ready to be executed.
Quarterly Board Data Story
Tysie reviewed draft of board goals data story
- J. Williams suggested including timeline for each to set expectations
- J. Shwartz requested some historical data for a frame of reference
V. Board Governance
Operational Policy Vote
Dan provided overview and welcomed Don Maxwell to review.
Superintendent Compensation
Gail reviewed
New Board Terms voting in July
Dan informed board that officer positions would be voted on in July meeting in addition to renewing board seats.
RIchard Moore Resignation
Tysie announced the board resignation of R Moore.
J Williams made a motion to approve meeting agenda.
B Riley seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.