Crossroads Charter Schools
December Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday December 16, 2019 at 5:00 PM
Trustees Present
B. Sweetman (remote), C. Benner (remote), D. Charity (remote), D. Yoder, J. Williams, L. Weekly, P. Hardwick (remote), R. Cattelino (remote)
Trustees Absent
G. Valdovino
Guests Present
C. Hughley, D. Johnson, Linus Baker, R. Uptergrove, Zach Baker
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
B. Sweetman called a meeting of the board of trustees of Crossroads Charter Schools to order on Monday Dec 16, 2019 at 5:03 PM.
II. Closed Session
Pursuant to RSMo.610.021(1)
D. Charity made a motion to Enter Closed Session
DC - aye
RC - aye
PH - aye
CB - aye
BS - aye
JW - aye
LC - aye
DY - aye.
R. Cattelino seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
III. Finance
November Financials
November Check Register
D. Yoder made a motion to approve.
J. Williams seconded the motion.
Ron Cattelino did a random check on the register. All supporting documents and items were found well.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Update on Funding Equity
Dean Johnson discussed the MOU with KCPS that the Board approved at the November meeting. KCPS did approve the MOU and the fully executed document has been provided. This is great news for Crossroads and Charters in Kansas City.
Senate Bill 734 is the bill we hope passes, as this would fix the funding equity in state law. It would even out tax money. Lots of work ahead of us to ensure this passes.
Courtney - We asked to hire an Operations Administrative Assistant, we did post the position after learning the MOU with KCPS was approved. The goal is to have someone in place by January. The goal is to inform families this will help with parent communications, as parents have vocalized about.
Senate Bill 734 is the bill we hope passes, as this would fix the funding equity in state law. It would even out tax money. Lots of work ahead of us to ensure this passes.
Courtney - We asked to hire an Operations Administrative Assistant, we did post the position after learning the MOU with KCPS was approved. The goal is to have someone in place by January. The goal is to inform families this will help with parent communications, as parents have vocalized about.
IV. Goverance
Approve Minutes
D. Yoder made a motion to approve the minutes from November Board Meeting on 11-25-19.
J. Williams seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Board Committee Structure and Officers
R. Cattelino made a motion to approve.
C. Benner seconded the motion.
Beth Sweetman provided an update on Board members.
Dan Yoder - Treasurer
Latrina Collins - Secretary
Jeffrey Williams- Vice President
Dean - Very grateful that everyone has accepted new roles knowing this Board would be going through a lot of transition this year.
Revisit Board Committees at a later time.
Vote on DY
1 - RC
2 - DC
Vote on LC
1 - DC
2 - PH
Vote on JW
1 - DY
2 - DC
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Dan Yoder - Treasurer
Latrina Collins - Secretary
Jeffrey Williams- Vice President
Dean - Very grateful that everyone has accepted new roles knowing this Board would be going through a lot of transition this year.
Revisit Board Committees at a later time.
Vote on DY
1 - RC
2 - DC
Vote on LC
1 - DC
2 - PH
Vote on JW
1 - DY
2 - DC
V. Facilities
Central Street HVAC and CPA Lighting Updates
Dean Johnson
Lighting at Thayer - closed the book as Commerce would not have approved the financing for this project. Commerce will allow us to finance through them. This is needed as the Fire Marshall has required we make updates. After the break, we will engage with Commerce with our finances and the goal is for this to be a project over Summer 2020, prior to the next school year.
Lighting at Thayer - closed the book as Commerce would not have approved the financing for this project. Commerce will allow us to finance through them. This is needed as the Fire Marshall has required we make updates. After the break, we will engage with Commerce with our finances and the goal is for this to be a project over Summer 2020, prior to the next school year.
Updated Gym Cost Estimates and Drawings
Dean Johnson - Capital Campaign to build CPA, not just as the gym/community center. We secured roughly 10M, need an additional 8-9M to complete the capital campaign project.
Looking to create a package to launch in early 2020.
YMCA - Building a new facility next door to CS, and with the new gym at CPA there are discussions the Y could use the gym. Joint partnership with an equal exchange of goods.
Looking to create a package to launch in early 2020.
YMCA - Building a new facility next door to CS, and with the new gym at CPA there are discussions the Y could use the gym. Joint partnership with an equal exchange of goods.
VI. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
B. Sweetman
February Town Hall Meeting
Please consider moving the Town Hall to Tuesday, February 18th, 5:00 p.m.
Total Revenue 5,925,505
Total Expenses 6,407,806
Net Income (482,301)