Redesign Schools Louisiana


Regular Board Meeting Agenda

Date and Time

Tuesday January 26, 2021 at 5:30 PM


Directors Present

A. McGaha (remote), G. Pope (remote), J. Miller (remote), N. Gillam (remote), P. Baldwin (remote)

Directors Absent

M. Mullen, R. Orso

Guests Present

A. Beck (remote), Andrea Johnson (remote), Ashley Eason (remote), C. Knotts (remote), Christina Faulk (remote), I. Divinity (remote), Juaquita Sims (remote), Kathryn RIce (remote), M. McNamara (remote), T. Rivera (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

G. Pope called a meeting of the board of directors of Redesign Schools Louisiana to order on Tuesday Jan 26, 2021 at 5:32 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Motion to approve the minutes from the December 10th, 2020 regular board meeting

N. Gillam made a motion to approve the minutes from the December 10th, 2020 board meeting Redesign Schools Louisiana Regular Board Meeting on 12-10-20.
P. Baldwin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
G. Pope
N. Gillam
M. Mullen
A. McGaha
P. Baldwin
J. Miller
R. Orso


Motion to approve the minutes from the January 12th, 2021 special board meeting

P. Baldwin made a motion to approve the minutes from the January 12th, 2021 special board meeting Redesign Schools Louisiana Special Board Meeting on 01-12-21.
N. Gillam seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
G. Pope
N. Gillam
P. Baldwin
M. Mullen
J. Miller
A. McGaha
R. Orso

II. Communication


Public comment on agenda items

At this time, there was no public comment on agenda items.


Public comment on non-agenda items

At this time, there was no public on non-agenda items.

III. Items scheduled for receipt/information


Principals' report on education: instructional, operational, and updates on current events

At this time, J. Sims Principal at Glen Oaks briefed the board about the following:
  1. COVID updates 7th-grade group quarantined  due to an exposure 02/10/2021; the 6-8th grade will remain on campus
  2. Academics are going fairly well.  Preparing for the practice tests.  We are trying to keep the environment as normal as possible.
  3. Enrollment currently is 239
A. Johnson Principal at Lanier briefed the board on the following:
  1. COVID updates are similar to Glen Oaks however, the students are not quarantined at this time.
  2. Constant communication with parents regarding illnesses
  3. Preparing for the practice test and starting a LEAP bootcamp
  4. Enrollment currently 268
C. Faulk Principal at Dalton 
  1. Virtual for the next 2 weeks after several students were in contact with families that tested positive for COVID- classes to resume on Monday February 8, 2021
  2. Parents appreciate the constant communication
  3. Enrollment currently 246


Superintendent's report on district wide operations

At this time A. Beck briefed the Board on the following:
  1. EBR meetings, things are still moving in the direction of a soft transition to EBR will probably take place this summer, although nothing is final yet. 
  2. G. Pope agreed about the meetings and how it was more of an informational meeting
  3. A. Beck advised that they made a formal request with regards to financials and compliance.  
  4. Waiting on more financial details as to these transitions would impact the schools
  5. COVID
  6. Testing season and preparing for that and hoping to stay healthy
  7. In conversations with state superintendent C.Brumley regarding a balance - calendar  which means school will start in August - June with frequent breaks being spread out as opposed to the 2 months in the summer as it is currently, however, this is just a conversation.


CMO's Report

At this time, C. Knotts briefed the Board on the CMO report provided via Zoom.


LDOE evaluations for the past 3 years:  financial performance, academic performance, and organizational performance.  All 3 schools met all financial performance ratings.  Organizational performance is where we didn't get all of our points and that is mainly due to the re-enrollment rate for the schools.  Areas of growth will be the retention of students and academic performance.
  1. Continued enrollment in 2020-2021 after the October 1st, 2021 school counts, allowed us to project almost the same amount of students that were reported in October for the February 1st count.
  2. Strategic suggestions:  Increase the academic performance of students and communicate the success with families
  3. Establish an RSL Board Academic committee to ensure all students get what they need.
At this time, A.Beck advised she had comments.
  1. With regards to scores even though it appears that the schools dipped, they didn't because they were lacking other points within the SPS value system.  
  2. Crestworth should have been a C and LDOE didn't allow an appeal because the school was closing.
C.Knotts clarified a question from P.Baldwin as to the academic committee establishment and advised that this would be a higher level aspect of advising and that this was a general suggestion on education.


A.McGaha advised that she would have liked to see the data sooner.  She advised that the financial piece is an easy target to hit, but the academic target is harder to hit.  I.Divinity advised that actually the financial piece is a very exhaustive process and includes deadlines and quarterly financials that the board approves.


K.Rice asked a question about the re-enrollment rates compare to the market.  C.Knotts advised he looked at charter schools in the area because those schools are choice schools as well and we are on the low end for re-enrollment for charter schools.


J.Miller asked about the re-enrollment rates and what the number one reason is for students not returning, and C.Knotts advised that it is due to students moving to local EBR schools.


Update from the January 19th, 2021 finance committee meeting

At this time, A. McGaha briefed the board on the following:
  1. Finance committee meeting that took place on January 19, 2021 and the number of items that the committee talked through. 
a)upcoming deadline for an external audit due on March 31, 2021
b)expecting between now and mid-march there will be another meeting to review the financial statement from the external auditor- A.McGaha asked I.Divinity if there were any concerns from the auditor or updates.  I.Divinity advised the board that she was able to talk to the auditor and he didn't have any major concerns of where we are now and he didn't think anything was rendering for an opposing opinion and would be willing to give that statement at the next finance committee meeting. 


c) Questions as to the unaudited financial statements through December 31, 2020
d) Also discussed the attestation from A. Beck and C. Knotts - A.Beck is reviewing November and December


Enrollment Presentation and Discussion

At this time, A. Beck briefed the board on enrollment presentation and discussion


1.  RSL has zero dollars in the budget for recruitment only exposure is boots on the ground and thus far ReFonte has expressed that the only conversations that can be had were with people outside within 6 feet due to COVID.  Only 1 parent has been obtained from the canvassing and Ms. Ricard at Lanier has reached out to the family.
2.  There were some students from Enroll BR that we have not heard back from and has deep concerns regarding enrollment.  In the past incentives have been provided to staff, but that won't be possible without students.  


A.Beck requested any advice from the board.  J.Miller asked about the schools reaching out to the students that have left and getting feedback.  A.Beck advised that C.Knotts advised that office managers were tracking that and requested a report with this information.  A.Beck, advised that they have tried to reach out to our current headstart program without a reply, so feels that the partnership is not good.  A.Beck inquired as to step 2 after calls are made and J.Miller advised that the virtual townhalls have worked out really well and word of mouth is the best tool.

G. Pope made a motion to establish a temporary working recruitment committee through the end of the summer composed of the members below and J.Miller seconded
G.Pope- committee member
J.Miller- Chair
N.Gillam- committee member
A.McGaha would like to join as an attendee and not a committee member
G.Pope moved and N. Miller 2nd
All in favor

IV. Items scheduled for action


Motion to approve the unaudited financial statements through December 31, 2020

At this time I.Divinity briefed the board on the unaudited financial statements for the 6 months ended through December 31, 2020.  A very detailed conversation took place during the finance committee meeting.


At this time, A.McGaha advised the board that there is an item that needed to be pointed out on the balance sheet listed as other receivables of $390,000; A.McGaha advised that this was the item that would have to write off.  I.Divinity advised she would discuss this matter after reviewing the statements with the board.  I.Divinity proceeded to do such.


At this time, I.Divinity briefed the board on the other receivables that were discussed at the previous finance committee, which is for the Crestworth deficit in the amount of 289,000 of the 390,000.  Crestworth in previous years got to a point where we couldn't fund it anymore; the operational cost exceeded beyond what was being received for students at that school even with the 300,000 donation from the management company, the school remained in a deficit at the end of the year.


The question that was posed to the finance committee if we are willing to write this income off as a bad debt.  A.Beck asked if that income is an outstanding payment and I.Divinity advised that Crestworth overspent beyond what they had and its money owed from the 2018-2019 school year.  I.Divinity isn't asking for anything in particular regarding this deficit.




A. McGaha made a motion to approve the unaudited financial statements with the notion that some questions in salaries will be addressed at the next presentation.
N. Gillam seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
R. Orso
N. Gillam
P. Baldwin
J. Miller
M. Mullen
A. McGaha
G. Pope


Motion to nominate and approve potential board member

At this time, A. Beck briefed the board on the recommendation to nominate Justin Chatelain as a potential board member.  A. Beck advised that he comes highly recommended.
P. Baldwin made a motion to approve the nomination.
A. McGaha seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
N. Gillam
J. Miller
M. Mullen
P. Baldwin
G. Pope
R. Orso
A. McGaha

V. Executive Session


Executive Session

G. Pope made a motion to move into executive session.
P. Baldwin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
A. McGaha
P. Baldwin
J. Miller
N. Gillam
M. Mullen
G. Pope
R. Orso


Potential Litigation

The board reconvened out of executive session at 8:07pm with nothing to report.

VI. Closing Items


Next Regular Board Meeting: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 at 5:30 pm Location: TBD


Next Finance Committee Meeting: Date and Location: TBD


Adjourn Meeting

P. Baldwin made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
N. Gillam seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
R. Orso
P. Baldwin
G. Pope
M. Mullen
J. Miller
N. Gillam
A. McGaha
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
T. Rivera
Documents used during the meeting
  • Unaudited Financial Statements for the Period Ended December 31, 2020.pdf
  • Chatelain Justin_Resume 2020.pdf