Redesign Schools Louisiana


ReDesign Schools Louisiana Finance Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday September 22, 2020 at 5:30 PM


Please join the finance committee meeting via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 917 5872 1668
Passcode: 348132


Committee Members Present

A. McGaha (remote), G. Pope (remote), J. Miller (remote), M. Mullen (remote), P. Baldwin (remote)

Committee Members Absent

N. Gillam, R. Orso

Guests Present

A. Beck (remote), C. Knotts (remote), Ivionne Divinity (remote), T. Rivera (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

A. McGaha called a meeting of the Finance Committee of Redesign Schools Louisiana to order on Tuesday Sep 22, 2020 at 5:34 PM.

II. Finance


Review unaudited Financial Statements for the Month End June 30, 2020

At this time, Ivionne Divinity briefed the board on the financial statements through June 30th, 2020.



Review Unaudited Financial Statements for the Month End August 31, 2020

At this time, Ivionne Divinity briefed the board on the financial statements through August 31,2020.  P.Baldwin asked with regards to the janitorial expenses, and the extra expenses were mainly due to COVID-19.
At this time, Ivionne Divinity briefed the board on the financial statements through August 31,2020.  P.Baldwin asked with regards to the janitorial expenses, and the extra expenses were mainly due to COVID-19.


Discuss Amended Budget Recommendations for October 1 Counts- 2020-2021

At this time, Ivionne Divinity briefed on the updated budget and recommendation for October 1st counts.  Based on the originally approved budget, below are the updated student counts to date:

Lanier: +9 students 
Dalton: less 23 students
GOMS: less 13 students

M.Mullen asked about in enrollment and what the trend is. A.Beck answered that the trend is a decreased enrollment by the end of the year for all 3 schools.

A discussion over the budget ensued.

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:14 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
T. Rivera