Redesign Schools Louisiana
ReDesign Schools Louisiana Regular Virtual Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday April 28, 2020 at 5:30 PM
Directors Present
A. McGaha (remote), G. Pope (remote), N. Gillam (remote), P. Baldwin (remote), R. Orso (remote)
Directors Absent
Guests Present
A. Beck (remote), Andrea Johnson, Ashley Eason, C. Knotts (remote), Christina Faulk, Ivionne Divinity, Juaquita Sims, Kathryn Rice, M. McNamara (remote), Paul Andoh, T. Rivera (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
G. Pope called a meeting of the board of directors of Redesign Schools Louisiana to order on Tuesday Apr 28, 2020 at 5:49 PM.
Public comment on agenda items
No public comment on agenda items
Public comment on non-agenda items
No public comment on non-agenda items
Motion to approve the minutes from the 11/09/2019 Board Meeting
A. McGaha made a motion to approve the minutes from ReDesign Schools Louisiana Regular Board Meeting on 11-09-19.
R. Orso seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
A. McGaha |
R. Orso |
N. Gillam |
G. Pope |
P. Baldwin |
Principals' report on education: instructional, operational, and updates on current events
At this time, Juaquita Sims, Principal at Glen Oaks reviewed the following:
1. Enrollment at Glen Oaks
2. Facilities were officially closed as of 3/14/2020
3. Planning ahead for the 2020-2021
4. Virtual Instruction
5. Attendance is coming around for virtual attendance
6. Virtual parent 9th May 7th, 2020
7. Chrome book return from students May 24th
8. Drive-up enrollment for 2020-2021 school year
At this time, Andrea Johnson, Principal at Lanier briefed the board on the following:
1. Enrollment
2. Parent Meeting on May 6th
3. Virtual Instruction
Christina Faulk, Principal at Dalton briefed the Board on the following:
1. Enrollment
2. Virtual Parent night May 4th
3. Students without internet are receiving daily calls from teachers
A. McGaha asked about attendance:
1. Enrollment at Glen Oaks
2. Facilities were officially closed as of 3/14/2020
3. Planning ahead for the 2020-2021
4. Virtual Instruction
5. Attendance is coming around for virtual attendance
6. Virtual parent 9th May 7th, 2020
7. Chrome book return from students May 24th
8. Drive-up enrollment for 2020-2021 school year
At this time, Andrea Johnson, Principal at Lanier briefed the board on the following:
1. Enrollment
2. Parent Meeting on May 6th
3. Virtual Instruction
Christina Faulk, Principal at Dalton briefed the Board on the following:
1. Enrollment
2. Virtual Parent night May 4th
3. Students without internet are receiving daily calls from teachers
A. McGaha asked about attendance:
- Lanier, prior to spring break was at about 87%, Dalton 80% and Glen Oaks being a middle school has the lowest ADA
Superintendent's report on district wide operations
At this time, Angela Beck briefed the Board on the following:
1. Based on State Department of Education and the current information we've been given, we feel the need to begin preparing for the 2020-2021 school year. We have 3 preliminary plans, at this time it is looking like the scheduling will be blended ie: math & science or ELA & Social Studies etc
P. Baldwin asked about student internet access:
3. 1 week worth of meals delivered to homes twice a week
4. Glen Oaks is moving to North Banks, building must be turned over by July 1st
1. Based on State Department of Education and the current information we've been given, we feel the need to begin preparing for the 2020-2021 school year. We have 3 preliminary plans, at this time it is looking like the scheduling will be blended ie: math & science or ELA & Social Studies etc
P. Baldwin asked about student internet access:
- We currently have a form that will serve as a lottery form for 100 families to apply for free internet for 1 year
3. 1 week worth of meals delivered to homes twice a week
4. Glen Oaks is moving to North Banks, building must be turned over by July 1st
Board Report on Financial Committee
A. McGaha briefed the Board on the Finance Committee meeting:
At this time, Ivionne Divinity with CSMCI briefed the Board on the unaudited financials through March 31st, 2020.
A.McGaha advised on reviewing numbers when putting the budget together for next year.
and requested a list of current contracts for the Board
Additionally, the Board received the June 30, 2019 audit executive summary from Bruno & Tervalon and Paul Andoh reviewed it with the Board.
A. McGaha Board is requesting a review of internal controls and a meeting to further review the audit
At this time, Ivionne Divinity with CSMCI briefed the Board on the unaudited financials through March 31st, 2020.
A.McGaha advised on reviewing numbers when putting the budget together for next year.
and requested a list of current contracts for the Board
Additionally, the Board received the June 30, 2019 audit executive summary from Bruno & Tervalon and Paul Andoh reviewed it with the Board.
A. McGaha Board is requesting a review of internal controls and a meeting to further review the audit
IV. Items Scheduled for Action
Motion to Approve Unaudited Financials through January 31, 2020 and March 31st 2020
A. McGaha made a motion to to accept the unaudited financials through March 31st, 2020.
P. Baldwin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
A. McGaha |
P. Baldwin |
G. Pope |
R. Orso |
N. Gillam |
Motion to approve RSL's updated fiscal policies
Add this time Angela Beck and Craig Knotts briefed on the updated fiscal policies due to the FEMA's reimbursement for Lanier for the 2016 flood losses
R. Orso made a motion to Approve RSL's fiscal policies.
P. Baldwin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
G. Pope |
P. Baldwin |
R. Orso |
N. Gillam |
A. McGaha |
Motion to approve the non-material/material amendment to change the address of Glen Oaks Middle from 5300 Monarch Ave, Baton Rouge, LA 70811 to 5959 Cadillac Street, Baton Rouge, LA 70811
P. Baldwin made a motion to the non-material/material change for Glen Oak's address change.
A. McGaha seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
G. Pope |
P. Baldwin |
R. Orso |
A. McGaha |
N. Gillam |
Motion to accept the resignation of Jenee Slocum effective 12/17/2019
R. Orso made a motion to Accept Jenee Slocum's resignation.
P. Baldwin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
R. Orso |
N. Gillam |
P. Baldwin |
A. McGaha |
G. Pope |
Motion to accept the resignation of Brook Viguerie effective 01/17/2020
R. Orso made a motion to Accept Brook Viguerie's resignation.
P. Baldwin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
N. Gillam |
R. Orso |
A. McGaha |
P. Baldwin |
G. Pope |
Motion to approve the payroll increase salary scale
N. Gillam made a motion to approve the payroll increase salary scale.
P. Baldwin seconded the motion.
Ashley needed clarification on the increase to ensure that the budget could support the increases. A. Beck clarified that this was part of a legislation that was passed and voted and that the funds would be covered by MFP
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
R. Orso |
A. McGaha |
N. Gillam |
G. Pope |
P. Baldwin |
Motion to accept the financial audit through June 30th, 2019
N. Gillam made a motion to accept the financial audit through June 30th 2019.
A. McGaha seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
A. McGaha |
G. Pope |
R. Orso |
N. Gillam |
P. Baldwin |
V. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
G. Pope made a motion to to adjourn the meeting.
R. Orso seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
A. McGaha |
R. Orso |
P. Baldwin |
G. Pope |
N. Gillam |
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:49 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
T. Rivera
Documents used during the meeting
- Unaudited Financial Statements for the month ended January 31 2020.pdf
- Unaudited Financial Statements for the month ended March 31 2020.pdf
- Fiscal Policy Updates.pdf
- Material Amendment Form NEW at 1.27PM.pdf
- Louisiana Salary Schedules - Updated with Increase New.pdf
- RSL Audit AUP & Data EOY 2019.pdf
- EXEC Auditor Summary.pdf
- RSL Audit Financial and Compliance EOY 2019.pdf
- RSL Audit - Internal Controls EOY 2019.pdf