Redesign Schools Louisiana
Redesign Schools Louisiana Regular Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday July 31, 2019 at 12:00 PM
4705 Lanier Dr Baton Rouge, LA 70812
Directors Present
A. McGaha, B. Vigueri, C. Vaultz, P. Baldwin
Directors Absent
G. Pope, J. Slocum, R. Orso
Guests Present
A. Beck, Christina Faulk, Ivionne Divinity, Juaquita Sims, Patty McMurray, Rayquel Nichols, T. Rivera
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
A. Beck called a meeting of the board of directors of Redesign Schools Louisiana to order on Wednesday Jul 31, 2019 at 12:15 PM.
Public comment on agenda items
No public comment on agenda items
Public comment on non-agenda items
No public comment on non-agenda items
Motion to approve the Board Meeting minutes from the June 2019 Meeting
C. Vaultz made a motion to approve minutes from the ReDesign Schools Louisiana Regular Board Meeting on 06-04-19 ReDesign Schools Louisiana Regular Board Meeting on 06-04-19.
B. Vigueri seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Principals' report on education: instructional, operational, and updates on current events
Ms. Faulk principal at Dalton Elementary
Ms. Sims principal at Glen Oaks reported on enrollment for Lanier and Glen Oaks
- Enrollment 270
- 20 Pre-K
- renovations happening at Dalton
Ms. Sims principal at Glen Oaks reported on enrollment for Lanier and Glen Oaks
- Enrollment at Lanier 266 students
- Enrollment at Glen Oaks 260 students
Superintendent's report on district wide operations
Angela Beck, Superintendent briefed the board on:
1. Media breaches and the solutions we are taking
a. shutting down internet for 48 hours as of 8/1/19 and we should be up and running by Friday 8/2/2019
b. purchasing email licenses and vamping up to secure our windows suite
2. Scores came out for ELA, Math and Social Studies but Science has not been released and BESE should review by August 13, 2019 and we should see the scores then. Lanier will most likely maintain their C, Crestworth will be a high D - low C, and Dalton is the only school that took a small dip, but we are doing everything to ensure that Dalton gets to where it need to be.
Ms. Faulk briefed the board with regards to teachers reviewing and breaking down the data to ensure teachers are aware of
where the need is. Ms. Sims briefed the board on the how we have revamped everything and taking re-design to the next level.f
Ms. McGaha Board Member, inquired as to what have we done to educate the community. Ms. Mac advised that the transition to
Redesign Schools has been flawless. High retention rate of teachers and staff.
1. Media breaches and the solutions we are taking
a. shutting down internet for 48 hours as of 8/1/19 and we should be up and running by Friday 8/2/2019
b. purchasing email licenses and vamping up to secure our windows suite
2. Scores came out for ELA, Math and Social Studies but Science has not been released and BESE should review by August 13, 2019 and we should see the scores then. Lanier will most likely maintain their C, Crestworth will be a high D - low C, and Dalton is the only school that took a small dip, but we are doing everything to ensure that Dalton gets to where it need to be.
Ms. Faulk briefed the board with regards to teachers reviewing and breaking down the data to ensure teachers are aware of
where the need is. Ms. Sims briefed the board on the how we have revamped everything and taking re-design to the next level.f
Ms. McGaha Board Member, inquired as to what have we done to educate the community. Ms. Mac advised that the transition to
Redesign Schools has been flawless. High retention rate of teachers and staff.
IV. Action Items
Motion to approve a loan of $50,000.00 from ReFonte to Crestworth to maintain the vacant facility
- RSD has asked us to maintain vacant Crestworth Building
- MOU is in writing
- the Term might have and end date of December 2019, however, we are planning to keep it through July 2020
- Patty McMurray has some revisions to make to the promissory note, so if the vote passes. it will be contingent to those revisions.
P. Baldwin made a motion to approve the loan from Refonte contingent to the lawyer's revision.
C. Vaultz seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Motion to approve the 2019-2020 Budgets for Dalton Elementary, Glen Oaks and Lanier Elementary
At this time Ivionne Divinity with CSMCI briefed the board on the budgets for Lanier, Dalton and Glen Oaks
C. Vaultz made a motion to Approve the 2019-2020 budgets for Lanier, Dalton and Glen Oaks.
A. McGaha seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Motion to approve the unaudited financials for RSL through June 30, 2019
At this time, Ivionne Divinity briefed the Board on the unaudited financials through June 2019
C. Vaultz made a motion to approve the unaudited financial through June 2019.
P. Baldwin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
V. Consent Agenda
Allocation Plan
Ivionne Divinity briefed the Board on the allocation plans
C. Vaultz made a motion to approve the consent agenda items.
A. McGaha seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Updated Millennium Construction Bid for Dalton Elementary
C. Vaultz made a motion to approve the millennium change orders. This RFP was previously approved by the board after a duly noted and newspaper ad in order to get competitive pricing.
A. McGaha seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Updated Transportation Agreement with First Student
C. Vaultz made a motion to approve the updated transportation agreement.
A. McGaha seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Robillard’s Lawn Maintenance Agreement
C. Vaultz made a motion to approve Robillard's lawn agreement.
A. McGaha seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Verapro Agreement for Technology and Maintenance Support
C. Vaultz made a motion to approve the VeraPro agreement for technology and maintenance support.
A. McGaha seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Updated Transition Agreement with BRCP
C. Vaultz made a motion to approve the updated transition agreement with BRCP.
A. McGaha seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Updated Management Agreement with Refonte
C. Vaultz made a motion to approve the updated management agreement with ReFonte.
A. McGaha seconded the motion.
The motion did not carry.
MOU between Celerity Crestworth and Recovery Schools District to maintain 10650 Avenue F Baton Rouge
C. Vaultz made a motion to approve the MOU to manage a vacant building: Crestworth at 10650 Ave F in Baton Rouge, LA 70807.
A. McGaha seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
VI. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
Angela Beck advised the board that we accomodate any persons that need modifications and accomodations that wish to attend our Board Meetings
In addition Patty McMurray advised the Board that we did not merge with Glen Oaks.
In addition Patty McMurray advised the Board that we did not merge with Glen Oaks.
P. Baldwin made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
C. Vaultz seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 1:28 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
T. Rivera