Compass Charter Schools


Meeting of the Compass Board of Directors

Date and Time

Saturday September 30, 2023 at 10:00 AM


This meeting will be in person with at the Carson Doubletree.

This meeting will be held in person at the Carson Doubletree at 2 Civic Plaza Dr., Carson, CA 90745.


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Directors Present

I. Olvera (remote), L. Rowell, S. Herrod, T. Arnett, W. Stinde

Directors Absent

T. Christopher

Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

I. Olvera

Ex Officio Members Present

E. Brenner

Non Voting Members Present

E. Brenner

Guests Present

M. Aguilar

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

T. Arnett called a meeting of the board of directors of Compass Charter Schools to order on Saturday Sep 30, 2023 at 10:19 AM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Vote to allow remote participation for Dr. Olvera

T. Arnett made a motion to approve remote participation for Dr. Olvera.
L. Rowell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Herrod
I. Olvera
T. Christopher
W. Stinde
T. Arnett
L. Rowell
I. Olvera arrived.


Welcoming Inclusion Activity

Mrs. Rowell led the Board of Directors and attendees in a Welcoming Inclusion Activity.

II. Consent Items


Consent Items

L. Rowell made a motion to approve the consent items with the amendments to the September 30, 2023 Agenda.
S. Herrod seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
I. Olvera
T. Christopher
L. Rowell
W. Stinde
S. Herrod
T. Arnett


Approval of July 7, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes

L. Rowell made a motion to approve the minutes from Annual Meeting on 07-07-23.
S. Herrod seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

III. Public Comment


Public Comment

No public comment.

IV. Communications


Board Member Communication

  • Mr. Arnett shared the case study in which he took part over the summer. The study focused on why students and parents leave school. More information will be provided in a report expected to be released in January 2024. This study made him wonder why scholars came to Compass.
  • Mrs. Rowell expressed that she would like to hear more, as she had heard from many parents that they didn’t want their children to be labeled and targeted for special services.
  • Dr. Stinde also mentioned that he was interested in hearing more on this subject.


Parent Advisory Council Update

Mrs. Herrod shared the Parent Advisory Council Report.


Scholar Advisory Council Report

Ms. Brenner shared the Scholar Advisory Council Report.

V. Superintendent's Report


Superintendent's Report

Ms. Brenner provided an overview of the Superintendent’s Report. It included an update on the All-Staff Retreat, covering the framework, activities, and sessions. The focus was on the connections surrounding trust. All exercises and activities were based on staff feedback. Compass measured school culture based on how staff felt trusted. The goal is for 100% of staff to feel trusted at least a level of 7 out of 10. This survey will be shared throughout the school year.


Initiated a new all-staff report-out process in order to improve communication and consistency. All staff are also invited to a 30-minute follow-up session every Wednesday to ask any questions they may have.

W. Stinde made a motion to recess for a break at 10:56 a.m.

T. Arnett seconded the motion.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.

The board reconvened from break at 11:00 a.m.

VI. Academic Services


Staff Report on the impact of the WGU program

Ms. Lee shared the impact of the WGU program and thanked the board for the opportunity to pursue higher education.


Summer School Intervention

Mrs. Smith provided insights into the Summer School Intervention, including its process, sessions, goals, and expectations. Mr. Arnett asked if there were any areas for improvement for the next school year. She emphasized the need for reevaluating the criteria used to identify scholars, particularly by examining academic performance data.


Street Data

Mr. Cohen discussed the impact of delving into this data and the challenge of finding the best way to implement the findings. Ms. Lee, who served on the team, provided an overview of the steps required to complete the study.


Mr. Arnett asked if this study would continue this school year. Ms. Brenner shared that it's an ongoing project.


Scholar Highlights

The first day of the school presentation was shared with the board members.

VII. Operations


Operations Update

Ms. Lisa Fishman, Chief Operations Officer, shared the Operations Division Update.


Review and Approval of the June, July & August 2023 Financial Statements

T. Arnett made a motion to approve the June, July & August 2023 Financial Statements.
W. Stinde seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Herrod
W. Stinde
T. Arnett
T. Christopher
L. Rowell
I. Olvera


Review and Approval of the 22-23 UAR's

T. Arnett made a motion to approve the 22-23 UAR's.
W. Stinde seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
I. Olvera
S. Herrod
L. Rowell
T. Arnett
T. Christopher
W. Stinde

VIII. FY24 EPA Resolution


CCS FY24 EPA Resolution

Ms. Kristin Nowak, from CSMC, provided the board with an overview of the FYP EPA Resolution. 

T. Arnett made a motion to approve the CCS FY24 EPA Resolution.
S. Herrod seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
L. Rowell
T. Christopher
W. Stinde
S. Herrod
I. Olvera
T. Arnett

IX. 23-24 Tiltle Funding Application Approvals


Title Funding Applications

Ms. Nowak shared an overview of the applications. She noted that this was the first year that Compass qualified to apply for Title III in San Diego. Ms. Brenner stated that plans were already in place to utilize these funds for parent engagement and professional development. More information will be shared in the December regular board meeting.

L. Rowell made a motion to approve the Title Funding Applications.
S. Herrod seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Herrod
T. Arnett
W. Stinde
T. Christopher
L. Rowell
I. Olvera

X. People Division


People Division Update

Ms. Sophia Trivino, Chief People Officer, provided the board with a People Division Update, as well as an Additions and Terminations Report.


She also presented an overview of the new growth plan and the development process updates made this year. Custom pathways were created this year to address the specific needs of the staff.


Ms. Brenner informed the board that professional development was open to all staff, and they were encouraged to provide suggestions and feedback on potential opportunities. Additionally, she mentioned that the Operations Division expanded the certification options to fields outside of traditional educator programs.


Ms. Trivino discussed the integration of the 'Trust and Inspire' book study, SDI efforts, and restorative justice initiatives.

XI. Executive


Policy Approval

L. Rowell made a motion to approve the scholar handbook updates.
S. Herrod seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
I. Olvera
W. Stinde
T. Christopher
S. Herrod
L. Rowell
T. Arnett


Committee Overview

Ms. Brenner shared the updates on the committee overview changes this year. The Options Advisory Committee will be presenting at the December meeting.

T. Arnett made a motion to recess for a break at 12:05 p.m.

W. Stinde seconded the motion.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.

The board reconvened from break at 12:17 p.m.

XII. Superintendent Goal Setting


Goal setting discussion

Dr. Steven Lowder from McPherson and Jacobson facilitated the discussion on goal-setting.


Ms. Brenner presented an overview of her goals and invited discussion on the development of a five-year strategic plan for sustainable growth.


Dr. Lowder expressed his reservations about adopting too many goals in the initial year. He suggested that the conversation be ongoing throughout the school year, noting that the strategic plan would take time to develop and finalize. Mr. Arnett conveyed his appreciation for the spirit and intent behind establishing the strategic plan as goal #2.


Mrs. Rowell concurred with the approach of prioritizing the school's culture and then focusing on the strategic plan.


Dr. Olvera echoed the agreement and proposed the addition of a task related to Gold Standard Instruction, emphasizing both content and methods.


Mr. Arnett inquired about the expected trajectory following this meeting. Dr. Lowder suggested making this an ongoing conversation before finalizing the strategic plan. He emphasized the need to focus on the board's vision for directing the organization.


The board provided direction on the goal-setting plan. They also asked Ms. Brenner to focus on data gathering and draft plans by the next meeting in order to continue this conversation.

XIII. Closing Items


Upcoming Meetings

The next regularly scheduled Board of Directors meeting will be on Saturday, December 2nd, 2023.


Optimistic Closure Activity

Mrs. Rowell led the Board of Directors and attendees in an Optimistic Closure Activity.


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 1:26 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Aguilar