Compass Charter Schools
Scholar Leadership Council
Date and Time
Tuesday September 12, 2023 at 2:00 PM
Meeting ID: 817 6981 0449
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Meeting ID: 817 6981 0449
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CCS Central Office: 850 Hampshire Road, Suite R, Thousand Oaks, CA 91361.
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Directors Present
A. Ruediger (remote), A. Stansbury (remote), B. Bereki (remote), C. Ruediger (remote), J. Vreeman (remote), T. Saurer (remote)
Directors Absent
Ex Officio Members Present
E. Brenner
Non Voting Members Present
E. Brenner
Guests Present (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance and Guests
II. Consent Items
Approval of the March 14, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes
III. Public Comment
Public Comment
IV. Welcome and SLC Member Introductions
- Elizabeth discusses upcoming meetings, thanks Taia for promoting the Scholar Leadership Council, and introduces members. - WATCH (30 secs)
SLC Member introductions
- The members of the SLC introduced themselves, including Taia, Avery, Zahra, Caitlin, Joseph, Aurie, and Chrict. Miss Brenner, the superintendent and CEO of Compass, discussed the roles and responsibilities of the advisors and emphasized the importance of the council's input in shaping the school. - PLAY @7:26
V. Reports
Staff Report
- Elizabeth discussed the roles and responsibilities of the scholar leadership council (SLC) positions, including the chair, vice chair, and secretary. She emphasized the importance of active participation and attendance for SLC members, as well as the opportunity to contribute to the school community and gain valuable experience for college applications. - PLAY @12:58
- Taia mentioned that everyone was given the option to unmute or use the chat during the discussion. Elizabeth then announced that the elections would take place during the next meeting on October 10th. - PLAY @16:32
- The call discussed the importance of participation and announced an upcoming election. - WATCH (30 secs)
VI. New Business
SLC Elections
- Elizabeth discussed the process for campaigning for office in the SLC, including the requirement to complete slides with name and office, presenting reasons for running, and voting. She also mentioned that if someone doesn't get elected for a specific office, they remain a member but may have the opportunity to campaign for a different position if there are vacancies. - PLAY @17:32
Election Process
- Elizabeth provided links to various websites and presentations for the meeting. Aurie asked about technical difficulties, and Elizabeth assured her that they would accommodate any issues. Taia thanked everyone for attending and adjourned the meeting. - PLAY @22:40
Links: September 12, 2023 Presentation, Election Campaign Presentation
VII. Closing Items
Upcoming Meetings
Compass Board of Directors Meeting- Saturday, September 30, 2023 10:00 am-2:00 pm
SL Elections and meeting- Tuesday, October 10, 2023-2:00-3:00 pm
No public comment