Compass Charter Schools


Parent Advisory Council Meeting

Date and Time

Friday May 21, 2021 at 3:00 PM

CCS Central Office: 850 Hampshire Road, Suite R, Thousand Oaks, CA 91361
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

For questions or requests regarding accessibility, please call Miguel Aguilar at (805) 807-8199.

Directors Present

B. Manning (remote), G. Gordon (remote), J. Sterling Effie (remote), L. Scott, L. Smith (remote), M. Agravante (remote), R. Pugh (remote), R. Vanderwath (remote), S. Herrod (remote), T. Christopher (remote)

Directors Absent


Ex Officio Members Present

J. Lewis (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

J. Lewis (remote)

Guests Present

J. Garcia (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

R. Pugh called a meeting to order on Friday May 21, 2021 at 3:01 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests

II. Consent Items


Consent Items


Approval of the March 19, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes

G. Gordon made a motion to approve the minutes from Parent Advisory Council Meeting on 03-19-21.
S. Herrod seconded the motion.
The team VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Herrod
L. Scott
T. Christopher
J. Sterling Effie
L. Smith
M. Agravante
R. Vanderwath
B. Manning
G. Gordon
R. Pugh

III. Public Comment


Public Comment

There was no public comment.

IV. Reports


Staff Report

Mr. Lewis started the staff report by mentioning the updates for May's celebrations starting with Principle's Day on May 1st, following week was National Teacher's Appreciation week, followed up by Nation Charter School Week including California Day of the Teacher, and ending with Classified School Employee Week.
Mr. Lewis then mentioned Scholar's Choice Award nominations are now open for decision in early June.
Mr. Lewis began going over enrollment for the Fall by mentioning that 94% of current scholars have re-enrolled for the upcoming school year. 
He then mentioned Loteresse was conducted on Tuesday, April 27th with a cap of 3,130 enrolled scholars for the upcoming school (571 new seats were opened up to new scholars) year this Fall with plans to hire 16 more supervising teachers.
Mr. Lewis also mentioned we conducted our first online fundraiser on Wednesday, May 12th raising $300 (28% of net receipts).
Mr. Lewis began to give the legislative update by sharing AB13/16 Accountability Bill will be set to be voted on June 4th to pass and approved by June 15th.
Mr. Lewis then mentioned the Budget Trailer Bill and SB98. He shared that there is an automatic two years renewal for Compass.


El Dorado Charter SELPA Community Advisory Committee Report

Ms. Pugh shared that SELPA's website has resources and the Slide Deck meeting minutes are also available to be viewed on it after the next meeting.

V. Unfinished Business


2020-21 PAC Survey

Ms. Pugh shared concern regarding how many electives there currently are and would like to make it possible to allow middle and high school scholars to take more than (2)two electives a semester.
Mr. Lewis said that he will share a legislative update regarding the electives and is open to the idea. 
Ms. Pugh also asked if we can open early registration for a faster order lead time in the Fall due to scholars receiving their tools late into the school year.
Mr. Lewis mentioned we'll be training for the All Staff Retreat the first week of August, and the second week is going to be used for connection meetings, building out the PLP, and making sure the master agreements are populated and signed. Monday, August 16th is when the ordering window for services and materials will open. Wednesday, September 1st will be the first day of school. We have a hopeful 2-2.5 week gap for early processing starting August 2021 (before summer begins) and Wednesday.
Mr. Lewis then mentioned CCS is currently planning for upcoming school years with a goal to do Family Order Agreements in June as part of the final connection meeting of the year and also by having the FAO signed and ready for the upcoming school year. Mr. Lewis also mentioned that we plan to start issuing Nestor Agreements before summer.
Mr. Lewis then mentioned that we would have more time to do more work if we start doing MAs before summer.
Ms. Manning suggested breaking up scholars by last name sections for smoother order process control. Mr. Lewis said he is open to creating more ways to streamline processing. Mr. Lewis then said if we start to have in-connection meetings in June to plan for the upcoming school year. We could use the PLP to help make the ordering process smoother for Agust time.
Mr. Lewis verbalized a comment in streamlining communication regarding vendors with all staff, not just ordering requirements for all teams to be on the same page.
Leah Smith commented that subjects are broad as far as art; art could be translated in multiple liberties. She said Language does not feel the same. 
Mr. Christopher shared the idea to create pre-order tickets. Mr. Lewis said it could be possible if it is pre-approved.
Ms. Pugh asked if we can give STs a template with a list of contacts and directions to find centralized information and bring awareness to Learning Coach Academy as a recourse for families to move forward with their role.
Mr. Lewis then discussed how he thinks about the growth of Compass and asks if we can do a week of welcome at Compass before school starts, asides from Back To School Night where counseling services are open and hosting an Open House for a (1)hour. Mr. Lewis mentioned Back to School Night can happen and believes the concept of orientation should happen at Compass and also mentioned we could give the orientation to the roaster to conduct a high-level overview of ParentPortal and SIS etc.
Mr. Lewis then discussed that not all Learning Coach Academy members have access to the recourses because they are only available to those who participate. 
Mr. Lewis then gave the proposal to allow certification if Learning Coaches have the resources and complete modules X, Y, Z, but not limit access.

VI. New Business


Review and Approval of the Loud & Proud Scholarship Recipients

Mr. Lewis began discussing the Loud and Proud scholarship for 2021. Our first scholarship is going to Eric Vivian from San Diego Charter for $250.00


Review and Approval of the Rising Firebird Scholarship Recipients

Mr. Lewis also mentioned we got (2)two scholarship submissions for Rising Firebird in San Diego Charter- Michael Effie and Eric Vivian.
The Board voted on awarding both Michael Effie and Eric Vivian the scholarship. 
Mr. Lewis then mentioned they will be processed on Sunday, May 23 at the Board of Director's meeting and will be awarded in graduation on June 2021.
G. Gordon made a motion to Approve Rising Firebird and Loud and Proud Scholarship Recipients.
M. Agravante seconded the motion.
The team VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
G. Gordon
R. Pugh
B. Manning
M. Agravante
L. Scott
L. Smith
R. Vanderwath
S. Herrod
J. Sterling Effie
T. Christopher


Review and Approval on the 2021-24 Local Control & Accountability Plan

Mr. Lewis began by reviewing our LCAP goals and actions. 
He said goal one is to increase academic achievement and the action plan is ensuring we have teachers who are employed at CCS and properly credentialed, appropriate curriculum, access to courses over Summer if needed, onboarding of staff, having an orientation at the beginning of the year.
Goal two is to increase scholar and parent engagement and involvement and the action plan is by having scholar celebrations, and scholar recognitions, and parent recognitions such as; The Learning Coach Certificates and Learning Coach of the Year, extracurricular opportunities, and adding an action to professional development such as staff having access to professional development and classes to increase scholar and parent engagement and involvement.
Goal three is to increase college readiness for scholars and the action plan is to have access to Summer School, A-G course work, Dual Enrollment, Service Learning, and for CCS to become a RAMP school.
Goal four is to assure at promised scholars are making progress towards earning a high school diploma and the action plan is by evaluating the population so we can research pilot systems of support for our scholars, and by looking at the social and emotional well-being basic needs to allow learning to happen.
Mrs. Smith asked if there is a way to track the number of scholars who are eligible to graduate.
Mr. Lewis said we are tracking the number of scholars who can graduate and explain how the state tracks by charter and this current year the graduating scholar percentage has increased by having a WIG (Wildly Important Goal).
T. Christopher made a motion to Approve LACP.
L. Smith seconded the motion.
The team VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
L. Smith
M. Agravante
G. Gordon
R. Vanderwath
L. Scott
S. Herrod
T. Christopher
J. Sterling Effie
R. Pugh
B. Manning


Review and Discussion on the Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan

Mr. Lewis started the Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan review by sharing that the state has a 6.6 billion budget to use for public schools in California. 4.6 billion is dedicated to ELO. 
Compass Charter Schools are eligible for 2 million in funding for the ELO, however, 85% of the funds are only available for in-person events leaving only 15% of the budget ($300,000). 10% also must be spent on para pros. 
Mr. Lewis mentioned for Yolo $40,000 has to be spent on para pros such as accelerated progress to close learning gaps which includes tutoring and (grant-funded 1-year tutors) aside from our own self tutor services such as Thinking Storm and Yup for 24/7 service(tutors are 8:00 am-5:00 pm), mental health services, support credit deficient scholars, benchmark monitoring, and more staff training opportunities. 
Mr. Lewis opened the topic for discussion with the board:
Leah Smith asked if there is a way to open up 85% of the extra funds.
Mr. Lewis discussed restrictions and balances to the Covid funds ending on June 30th, 2022. 
Ms. Pugh asked if there is a limited time to spend the funds.
Ms. Pugh shared she would like to allocate some covid relief funds ending on June 30, 2021, for the upcoming school year geared towards the counseling department, social-emotional support, extra learning lab time ect.
Mr. Lewis agreed he thinks we can try to make it work within our budget keeping in mind the funds are for (1)one year.
Mr. Lewis shared we could allocate funds for workshops for scholars and parents, invite speakers for speaker series, and opened up ideation to use funds to the board. 


Council Member Feedback

Ms. Pugh invited the Board to send in any other ideas, comments, or concerns before our next meeting for the upcoming school year via e-mail.
Ms. Pugh also thanked Mr. and Mrs. Christopher for serving on our Board and shared she is thankful for all their hard work. 
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher said thank you and we will be missed.

VII. Closing Items


Upcoming Meetings

The next Board of Directors meeting will be held on Sunday, May 23rd, and the Annual Meeting will be on Sunday, June 27th.


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 4:18 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
J. Garcia